Visordad's picture
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Winny or Anavar


Planning a summer cut cycle, was gonna go with winny but after doing a little more reading I’m thinking Anavar may work better. Gonna be running test along with and was also thinking mast. What do you all think?

SnackyT's picture

Both. Run anavar first then winny the last half or continue anavar/winny

If do 5 or 10 weeks of anavar
Last 5 weeks add winny and final week double the winny dose.

I was shredded and dry asf.

BackdoorEnforcer's picture

For cut you need a caloric deficit. Thats it. Drugs dont do much for actual fatloss. What they do, is kinda add that cosmetic benefit. For example, if you are very lean, you might be a bit flat, but anavar would make you pumped 24/7... and if you are super lean, masteron would make you shredded and skin looking paper thin, with all the tiny capillaries pushing through. Now if you are 10%+ bodyfat and you are in a process of losing bodyfat, these would do fuck all. I mean, if you have good genetics, maybe they would give you a fake feeling that you are leaner than you are, but as soon as you drop em, the reality will set in.

Get lean first. Enhance the look after. You can take 100mgs of var a day and 1000mgs of mast a week, if you are 12% bodyfat, nothing will change. You will still be 12% bodyfat.

KonstantViktory's picture

I've had better consistency with Anavar, paying the extra money for the garunteed effect. I've had stringer Winstrol, though. Only had 2 "misses" where the Winstrol ended up being lackluster.

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Musclemem's picture

Personally I feel Winny is stronger than var. In the past I was on Primo, Parabolan, Car & Winny and loved it.

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wanted's picture

Its been along while since ive had real anavar. Alot of fakes and under dosed
And ive been hurt by winny in the joints / tendons
So this summer i may try 50mg/50mg each

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Musclemem's picture

I recently used a very reputable brand of var and Winny 25mg pills and they were definitely real. I have had some fakes in the past. They will give you dbol or something else.

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JFit253's picture

Imo var is better in almost every way. Ive only used winny to contest prep before and even then I switched it out for var. They seem to have the exact same effect however winny put more hurt on the joints which were already hurting from the prep. Winny has a good strength increase but fast strength + shitty joints = injury.

- K A P S I Z E -'s picture

Winstrol is a garbage hormone imo. Anavar has its uses but much better than winstrol. Winstrol is only good for drying out and hardening pre-contest (even then other drugs are better for this) , but the dry joints and brittle feeling that comes with its use doesn’t make it worth while to use for everyday gym rats. Other drugs are much better at doing what winstrol can do without the downsides. Anavar > winstrol.

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EnhancedLabs's picture

i will go with var low dose year around 5-10 mg u look lean and full all the time with no too much harm to your body

JEX30Sex's picture

Dude I did both. Winny caused toothache like pain in my shoulders and wrist after 2 weeks. Additionally I had an alarming amount of hair coming off my head. From a guy with zero alopecia in my family and a thick ass head of hair. So if you're concerned about that sort of thing I would say don't. I did however see far more strength gains from just those two weeks of winny. I also got significnatly more acne on my shoulders, neck and back from winny. I stopped and let things chill out for two weeks then finished my cycle on a reputable src of Anavar. I much prefer the results of Anavar. Hope this helps!

Diesel77's picture

Anavar for the win. Winny is cheap for a reason and will make lifting not fun at all. We are each affected differently, but most winny users report creaky achy joints, even with Deca/NPP in the mix. Outdated compound IMO, but it does have its use pre contest for that thin "dick skin" appearance and some swear by it, to each his own, but much better compounds available that achieve similar results. Good luck

JakeKO's picture

Ya see, my old ass is already creaky and achy without gear. Guess that’s why the Winstrol doesn’t have that effect on me, LOL

JEX30Sex's picture

Don't forget to mention you look like a dick!

JakeKO's picture

I’ve never been fortunate enough to to achieve that dick skin look, LOL.

Makwa's picture

When using for a contest prep both of these drugs are pretty much copy cats. Winnni is the more harsh of the two though. Will kill your joints and trash your lipids to a much greater extent than var and it will also wreak havoc with your cholesterol just like var. Looking at the sides vs benefits ratio. Var comes out as the winner for me.

thahulk2014's picture


Mac12769's picture

Just my two cents bro, I'd go with the Anavar if your lipids/blood are in good shape. If your in 40's and a runner/cardio guy, that Winny will be hell on the joints/tendons. My shoulders felt it for sure. And for me, wasn't worth the cut it gave me/vs the sides. I can do about the same with some hardcore diet/fasting.
The wife liked the Anavar 5-10mg, gave her nice tone improvement. She definitely gained some muscle mass, and dropped some BF--after I warned her about the appetite boost lol. She didn't listen the first couple weeks...or didn't believe me.

Add : And being runner, that takes INJ Winny out of the equation for sure lol.

Makwa's picture

Winni is var's dirty little sister Lol

JakeKO's picture

That’s a great comparison. I love that dirty little bitch. She puts out right away. She doesn’t make you wait six weeks to find out she don’t swallow. LOL

DeeMan's picture

@JakeKO that dirty lil bitch got ya hooked. You sure take whatever she puts out too lol. Old post someone commented on and I laughed. I'll never go close to her. Got a free pack from a src for a big order. It'll just be collecting dust.

JakeKO's picture

I think you would love it

DeeMan's picture

Hell nah know I hate being dry, especially my damn joints. I love being hydrated and full. But glad you enjoy it.

JakeKO's picture

For some reason I never really get the dry look. My profile pic is me after a 3.5 week Winstrol oil run. Would you say I look dry??

DeeMan's picture

You look pretty full in your profile pic with some vascularity. Maybe I'm thinking it gives that shredded look. I know with my body it would dry me the hell up big time. Anytime my muscles start to get somewhat dehydrated I start to pull and strain muscles. I don't want to be too watery but I like a certain level of it in muscle

JakeKO's picture

Yeah, I think my body fat was still too high for me to get the dry look from it. Although, at week two I usually throw in 50 mg of NPP, to prevent any joint pain, so maybe that’s why.

DeeMan's picture

Yeah I need to holla at you about some things. With my family history of high cholesterol I have to be careful. I remember even in my mid 20's when I was hardly using anything my Doc told me by the time I hit 40 I'd have a massive heart attack. Mind you I always did the conservative 70s dosage shit now. Scared the hell out of me. He prescribed some meds which I didn't take for the longest time. @JakeKO

JakeKO's picture

Yeah, definitely better safe than sorry. You look good enough anyway, LOL

DeeMan's picture

We all can always improve but I appreciate that

press1's picture

You won't be saying that when she detaches your Pec off the bone and you are layed up with your arm in a sling for 3 months afterwards Lmao

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JakeKO's picture

Oh, man, I hope not. I always switch to the “light weight, lots of reps” concept when running Winstrol. There is no room for me to fuck up, or I can actually feel that I’m going to hurt something. I’m finishing up my second week, and loving it. Not planning to go longer that six weeks. Switching to Tren Hex at that time for 6-8 weeks. Well, that depends if it agrees with me. I’ve never run it before, so I’ll keep you posted.

Mac12769's picture

Very dirty....and I thought I like 'em nasty and dirty ;)
Yeah even worse on bloods, and a day or two of limping around will teach ya for sure.

...before I forget, easier to play with the Var dosages too...

JakeKO's picture

What I do is one day inject 50mg with 20mg oral, and evy other day 40mg oral. Every day injections are too much when you’re throwing in Mast and test. Not to mention the .25mg of Tren I’m slipping into every injection, lol. Almost two weeks so far and no pip, thank god

press1's picture

Its funny as Winny is actually a really effective drug for strength and power but the huge drying effects of it at the same time make it downright dangerous unless you are training light. Look at all the sprinters who have used it and set world records - & then got caught Lol

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Mac12769's picture

Oh for sure, definitely felt the strength increase with it, which definitely reminded me of the age of my joints lol. Which got us to the NPP conversation….

JakeKO's picture

Yup, I slip that shit in as soon as I feel the slightest joint pain, although if I do it two to three times in a six week cycle, that’s a lot . I think a lot of people who develop joint pains are either going to heavy, or running it fo more than six weeks. I cam off after five weeks once because I wasn’t feeling right. Ya gotta know when to say when with Winstrol. You can’t push past the warning signs. My last run of Winstrol was only fifteen days because I left for vacation on day fifteen. Every day injections at 50mg, absolutely nothing else. I loved what it did and felt great on the beach. No matter what anyone says, my body responds well to Winstrol. I prefer the dirty little sister over Anavar, the stuck up “have to be under 10% body fat” Bitch any day. LMAO

JEX30Sex's picture

I wish I responded this well to winstrol. I'm not under the 10% threshold so maybe that is why. It's "evil" to my joints and hair. I still have a lot of boxes of it from a BOGO but I'm super hesitant to try and pawn it off on anyone.

JakeKO's picture

I’m at 18% body fat, and that’s why I prefer it to Anavar. I’m too chubby to see any definition from Anavar, but Winstrol seems to work a lot better for me. I’m trying my hardest to get this body fat down, but that shit owns real estate on my body and just doesn’t want to leave

JEX30Sex's picture

Yeah I read your previous post wrong. I'm always between 14-18% myself. I don't get the "dry" look. I do get the vascularity and strength increase I like. It seams to be on par (almost) with the strength increases I get from Dbol but without that damn moon face. Albeit without the aggression of Dbol. It's a lil close though.

Mac12769's picture

I think you’re one of the rare few I read about that experiences no PIP with Inj Win 50. Lucky ass you lol. Literally.

JakeKO's picture

Oh, trust me, as soon as I’m about to pin, I think of all you guys and ask myself if today is going to be the day. I have to pin again in about an hour, ugh

Visordad's picture

Thanks! Yeah I am over forty and having been a runner/biker for so long I already feel it in my joints!

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JakeKO's picture

Winstrol works better for me. I see more happening quickly, unlike Anavar where I’m always hoping that this will be the week that I see some drastic results, meanwhile, the last day of my cycle comes a lot quicker than any major results do. Everyone is different though, so don’t go by my experience. At the end of the day, my two favorite compounds are Testosterone and Winstrol

Visordad's picture

Awesome thank you, kinda what I was looking for. Like does one work better than the other for some?? Are there different benefits/drawbacks that people have noticed??

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simonmagus84's picture

It all depends on goals and where your current physique is.

Visordad's picture

Goals are really just to look shredded. Currently 5’9 197ish 11/12%. I’m hoping to bring the BF down to at least ten if not just under with diet. Looking to start this cycle mid may and run it through mid July. Lifting heavy 5x a week. Was thinking of dropping that to four and adding two cardio days. Former long distance triathlete.

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