TheFunOne's picture
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More cardio or less food??


Hi all - what approach do people like to take when setting up a diet in terms of calories and cardio? say you start out at 12xbw in lbs as your starting calories and that stalls after a few weeks do you keep with just dropping the food each time until you hit a lower calorie threshold like 10xbw and then begin adding in the cardio, or do you reduce the food a little then add cardio for a while then reduce food then cardio and alternate like that so you're keeping the food up higher for longer?

Condor's picture

Having been a natty bodybuilder until recently I'll tell you what works for me. If you want to maintain muscle mass but reduce body fat, reduce carbs and fats. Recently I went from 20% body fat to 12% without any noticeable muscle or strength loss. I did Keto for a month until I felt that I wasn't maintaining strength, then I upped the carbs a little for those glycogen stores to keep my workouts at max potential and I did that for a month, then felt ready to start my first cycle. Now I'm on cycle I've upped my carbs considerably to get the most out of the test and maximize gains. I've only just started so it's early days but if I feel that my waistline or body fat is getting too much I will introduce more cardio rather than cut foods. I'm no expert and any input will be helpful to me but the way I see it, whilst trying to build muscle, you don't really want to be reducing calories. I'm now tracking macros at 40/30/30.

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BF40boi's picture

Less food. Its just easier to eat less food than do cardio unless you know exactly what your VO2 max is.

Doing both is the best if you can handle it though for losing weight oNLY

mcateer's picture

I tend to start off with 3x20min sessions of cardio at baseline calories. I continue to decrease my calories until I find a spot that's maintainable at which point I start to increase cardio afterwards.
Usually 2100 on training days and 1800 on rest days is the lowest I can tolerate.

CarlSmits's picture

Hello , here is less food is a mistake ! It is better to eat more food but the right food (diet). It is better to do cardio before and after the workout + abs. Many people make the mistake of eating less food, it is not right as our body needs protein. You can eat less carbohydrates.

Greg's picture

Not that simple. Our bodies are incredibly adaptable to our environment.

It is better to eat more food but the right food

Not entirely true.
Sometimes the "right food" will allow you to eat less food.
Sometimes the "right food" requires you to eat frequently and often

That said, his question is, what the proper diet is to reach a goal, then maintain it. Which can be addressed by increasing demand or reducing supply. IMO, there is no wrong answer. Most people will find a balance they are comfortable with. When the goal is reached, tweak the diet to maintain it.

Greg's picture

Last year was pretty rough. The distractions caused me to break away from my normal workout routine. Needless to say, I put on some unwanted weight. The issues have been resolved and now it's time to get back at it.

I'm on day 16 of a planned 30 day fast. after about a week, energy levels are up, there's a strong sense of well-being, I have no food cravings, I stay in zone 3 for 20 minutes of cardio, lift weights for 20 minutes and spend some time in the sauna post workout. later I take the dogs on a 2-mile walk.

I drink some broth, herbal teas, mineral water, and make sure to get my electrolytes via supplemental drinks and water additives.
I have pre and probiotics on hand to help jumpstart my intestinal tract when I start to reintroduce food. (the supplements et al combined total less than 100 calories per day.)

I monitor my blood pressure daily, it is low normal, on average I am dropping one pound per day.

...So, I guess I'm advocating for less food and more cardio.

Shitforbrains's picture

I recently started fasting and it’s a total fuckin game changer. On the days I fast, my muscles are full as a house and my stomach is flat as a board. It’s wild how slow we can digest food at times. Fasting catches everything back up IMO.

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mcateer's picture

My coach gave me the option of adding a small amount of cardio ontop of the usual or dropping cals. I chose the cardio tbh, I prefer to be on the bike for an another half hour than loose a portion of carbs. I feel healthier doing more cardio also

Danlaroy's picture

I like cardio because there are health benefits other than weight loss. If you take ped's especially cardio improves heart health which is being attacked by many ped substances. However, eat healthy too. You can't out train a bad diet.

Makwa's picture
Makwa's picture

High carb day keeps your metabolism fired up. It is weird but sometimes we have to eat more to lose weight.

anton_dev's picture

There are studies that show for resistance trained men, diet breaks (or a week at maintenance) led to greater fat loss through muscle sparing. Less muscle loss, higher metabolism, more fat loss, etc. I believe that's the mechanism for why eating more when you're stuck works.