Gabriel Willis's picture
Gabriel Willis
  • 126

AOD 9604 crystalizing


I ordered AOD9604 from a very well known and trusted lab. After reconstituting with Bac water, it was fine for several days, but then towards the end of the bottle, it began to form crystals on the sides of the bottle. It was kept in the fridge at the same temp my HGH and other peptides are kept at. Is this normal? Did I do something incorrectly? Thanks in advance to everyone who offers any advice.

Gabriel Willis's picture

Thank you guys for replying. It was definitely not cloudy, but you can see that the crystals are adhered to the side of the bottle. My next thought is to contact the company directly. Rest assured, this is a very reputable source. So maybe it was a strong dosed bottle that needs more water in it? I will try that on the third bottle to see if it makes any difference.

kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

Clouds are usually associated with the quality of your bacteriostatic h2o, no?

That and/or overdosing the medicine (that is — too much powder/not enough water)

Nattyboomba's picture

I don’t think so. It is common for poor quality, poorly produced or poorly purified peptides to cloud up or not reconstitute completely, even with high quality bac water. I think what he is saying, is that after it was reconstituted for a few days, it began to crystallize. Maybe there was a residue that crystallized, but I’ve never experienced this.

Nattyboomba's picture

I know this isn’t any help, but I’ve never experienced anything like that. I’ve never used AOD 9604 but I’ve used many peptides, including frag which is very similar, and frag does seem to be the only thing that reconstitutes cloudy, but I’ve never had anything crystallize. I’m really interested in why this happened after it sat for a bit. Bizarre.

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