Chappies's picture
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How long Post Nandrolone cycle before mental state recovers?


I have just run my second cycle this year which contained Nandrolone Decanoate and Boldenone Undecylenate. I did become more anxious on it and also some mild depression symptoms.

I stopped it 6 days ago, but still have the same mental symptoms which I have never had prior to this Nandrolone cycle.

Will it recover naturally and if so, how long will it take? (I have read some guys saying it can take a year for the depression to subside althouth I doubt it and hope not.

Or is there something I can take to speed up the process of removing it from my system and getting my positive mental state back, like may be Carbergoline now after the cycle?

Eagles 2013's picture

Did you include a testosterone base with this cycle? If you ran Deca and Bold with no test, a lot of what you are feeling may well be related to having zero test in your system, because Deca is a 19-Nor and will shut you down hard. It may also be that your natural test hasn't recovered post cycle. What does your PCT look like?

At the end of the day everyone is different and nobody on hete can tell you with any degree of certainty how long it will take your mental state to recover. 19-Nors like Deca and Tren are notorious for messing with the mind. Stay strong, and don't be afraid to seek professional help if you feel that you need it. Strong people are brave enough to admit when they need help and seek it out. There is absolutely no shame in that. All the best brother.

PumpedUpPro's picture

Nandrolone is a steroid hormone used to increase muscle mass and



OlympicLats's picture

Wow I can believe that these compounds really alter our minds. I mean is it a bad compound or just true personal challenges

K1ngB00g3r's picture

DECA always took me to a dark place, indeed. Hope you make it out of your mental state safely. It’s okay to go to a local mental health clinic & ask for help AKA psych meds. Stay sharp @Chappies. [PS: I do agree with 1 writer here though — your dead testicles + high estrogen is the #1 problem. It’s call ANDROPAUSE. You need to blast PCT for many, many months post-DECA] Good luck!

Gogeta2777's picture

Making sure your test levels are on point at the beginning of the cycle is important. First four weeks run test only then get bloods to make sure you’re at the correct level. Then throwing in the eq/deca at lower dose than your test should make for a better outcome. Gives you a chance at not crashing estrogen. Just my opinion off of my last cycle and what I’ll do moving forward, also get an arb if you’re going to run eq- bp was probably through the roof

giardap's picture

You crashed your estrogen

fusebox's picture

Nice to see you again

giardap's picture

Whats up man, how the hell are you?!

Bill1976's picture

Holy shot. How ya been?

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giardap's picture

Hey Bill, what's the story fella?!

All good, less liftin and more trying to get hormones sorted. Always logging in tho, keeping an eye. Seems fairly quiet round here lately, lots of new names?!

How are you brothaman?!

Bill1976's picture

Good I had a rough year. Broken ribs. Then a car accident. Then a steam explosion that landed me in the hospital for 5 days and had two surgeries from it. But I’m all healed up now. Hoping this year is better.

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giardap's picture

Fkn hell man.
PM en route

JakeKO's picture

Donate blood as soon as possible. Hopefully, they will let you. Last time I ran EQ for 16 weeks, and procrastinated on donating blood. When I finally tried, they wouldn’t let me because my blood iron levels were too high. I had to cut a lot of stuff out of my diet for two months and tried again. It was low enough to donate this time, but barely. Fuck EQ, I’ll never run that shit again. Didn’t do much for me anyway.

Question though. Who advised you to run Deca and EQ at the same time? I’ve never heard of anyone doing so. It’s usually one or the other is what I’ve always heard.

UncleYoked's picture

I usually just do it myself, in a sink. Only actually donated blood a few times, too much of a pain in the ass. Been denied quite a few times as well

Gabriel Willis's picture

BROOOO!!!! Hahahaha…that is some crazy shit right there! Props to you for that comment +1

Big Tone36's picture

Me to I buy a phlebotomy kit and do it myself. I can't donate I had hep c and was cured in 2016 but still do not allow to donate.

JakeKO's picture

Wow, I would love to do it myself like that, but if my wife caught me doing that, she’d probably have me committed, she already thinks I’m crazy, but that would confirm it in her mind, LOL.

alekaras's picture

That's from eq buddy not deca..

steroidmen's picture

I feel how the deca works for another month after the end of the cycle! 6 days is crazy! Get a blood test! Hematocrit obtained from EQ may be in poor condition.

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Chappies's picture

If my Hematocrit is elevated due to the EQ, what do I do to get it back to normal?

UncleYoked's picture

I would say do Hijama, it's wet cupping. Proven to reduce toxins from the blood by removing "stale" blood at the surface, the blood that's not in circulation. It's very good to do, especially on cycle. Donating blood is also good to do on EQ but I would wait at least a week between the two. If I was going to do them in order, I'd do wet cupping followed by donation. If you have any pressure headaches that's a sure sign you need to donate, instant relief.

JakeKO's picture

Dumb question, but how long does it take for those cupping hickies to go away? I’ve been hesitant to try it because of that.

simonmagus84's picture

Usually a month

Gabriel Willis's picture

No I disagree. It usually takes 5-7 days…if it’s a dark purple bruise, then 10 days is more accurate like Unc said

UncleYoked's picture

depends on the person, for me a bout 10 days but after the first day they start to reduce. by the end of 1 week they're barely noticeable

press1's picture

Become friends with a Vampire!! Lol Give a blood donation mate.

Or get a Wife - they are pretty good at sucking the life out of you Lmao

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simonmagus84's picture

Amen although blood is not enough, they want your soul too, the God damn descendants of Eve.

UncleYoked's picture

UncleYoked's picture

I've only had one panic attack in my life and it was from EQ, was a very crazy experience, didn't know what was happening and realized it was fairly illogical but couldn't stop the feeling of impending doom. Check your progesterone just for good measure.

Chappies's picture

How do I check progesterone, blood test? And if it is out of normal range, what can I do to get it back to normal?

Jrblh2's picture

Did you end up getting over the depression/anxiety and if so how?

UncleYoked's picture

Blood test, usually for females so you have to request it directly. Caber would be my drug of choice, just be careful when coming from being anxious when taking caber as it can send you in to a bit of an impulsive manic state. If you have a S/O, be ready for some bedroom times, if you don't, line them up so you're not dogging out the local Rottweiler. Caber is a fascinating drug

Chappies's picture

Already dropped it. Wondering how long it will take until I feel better.

Chappies's picture

Yes, my cycle was 4 weeks of the one combo then 4 weeks of the other combo so my receptors do not adjust and start absorbing less.

Makwa's picture

SMH. Receptors don't adjust to a steroid and absorb less. Exactly the opposite. AAS upregulate receptors.

Bill1976's picture

Dude the EQ is probably what did it. Sometimes it won’t happen with EQ til a few cycles in. I was three weeks Into a cycle and I had anxiety. Took about three weeks to start feeling normal again. Half life is 14 days so half the drug is out of your system in 14 days. So three weeks you should notice a difference and from There on it will go fast. I been there with EQ and it aucked.

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simonmagus84's picture

I’ve been there with Deca, I guess it’s all how certain compounds effect each individual but this is what I’ve always have been against running bold and Deca together

Bill1976's picture

That’s would suck because I absolutely love deca

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Chappies's picture

What do ask ask for to check in the bloodwork? Prolactin?

Makwa's picture

Deca and EQ are both really long esters. Give them at least a month to clear. I'd chalk your issues up more to the EQ than Deca. Would help to get some bloodwork done. What are you doing for PCT?

Chappies's picture

Just cruising back on my TRT dose. Also taking some nolvadex to battle some slight gyno.