Musclemem's picture
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+ 2 Protein Is it Overrated or Not?


I know I’m going to get shit on for this but here it goes. I know 2 guys that are vegetarian and gear free snd these guys are stacked. I’ve always been told protein to grow PERIOD! Well some of the largest and most powerful mammals in the would are Omnivores. How can one explain this without consuming meat? For example a gorilla, elephant or a rhino. I know that sounds extreme but I truly feel it’s a valid discussion.

Danlaroy's picture

Probably underrated tbh. You need protein to build muscle. I don't see too many buff vegans. Animals are different but I think grass actually has a lot of protein on it. Unfortunately we don't have a digestive system equipped to eat it.

press1's picture

Problem with being able to eat grass though is you will inevitably end up eating some covered in dog piss.

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Musclemem's picture

Press that’s the best part. I just shot a nice deer in Kentucky on the 13th. Just waiting for the butcher to finish so I can get it shipped to me, then I will have great protein hormone and drug free. I usually marinate meat in urine. It has a nice tang especially that first piss in the morning.

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press1's picture

You shot Bambi you mean cunt!!!! Lmao

I bet if that little girl of yours saw you do that she'd never speak to you again ROFL

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Musclemem's picture

Actually is was a Rudolph and my daughter loves deer meat. She knows hunting for meat is much more humane than how cows, pigs, and chickens are treated. Yummy. 10 lbs of jerky and the rest steaks, roasts, stew chunks, back straps, and sausage.

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press1's picture

HAHAHA You have a point - fair cop Lol Sometimes when I see hunting pictures of animals that have been shot I feel sorry for them and think its cruel - but then I think to myself is that any different to me going to the butchers or McDonalds really?? Its far fairer for the animal to be killed in its natural habitat by a bullet in the head than bread in a livestock warehouse from feeders and then disposed of through a meat manufacturing facility. For some reason a video came up in my youtube suggestions showing a state of the art pig slaughter house, showing the pigs being kicked out of the lorry through to being steamed and gutted to being packaged, I wish I never watched it now LMAO Haunting visions ....

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Musclemem's picture

You want some ?

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press1's picture

Yeah I like a good Bacon sarney! Lol

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Musclemem's picture

I would kill my dog if it had bacon

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Musclemem's picture

Watch sicko on Netflix and see how the animals we eat are treated drugged and killed. It’s so sad

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sawyteee's picture

This is purely anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt but I know an influencer who claims he's vegan and natty, but really his diet isn't purely vegan and not even vegetarian. I believe there's people who can do it, but whenever someone claims something online I always have strong doubt.

Musclemem's picture

I see your point. I think it’s just an interesting topic that would get many different responses. That’s how we learn. I know protein is our building blocks. I know guys who just eat shit and drink and smoke but look unbelievable. Lucky bastards !

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Ostarine's picture

Definitely depends. Look at prisoners, they're strong as fuck and some are shredded, by eating carbs all day and minimal protein. Yes some are able to get more protein but I dont think they're getting more then 100g of protein per day in prison. Carbs and fats are protein sparing. As long as youre not cutting and eating enough calories, I don't see why a person would need to go past .8g per pound of protein. Theres actually some studies that say Men only need 50-100 grams of protein per day. If this wasn't enough everyone would be dropping dead or suffering health complications from protein deficiency. Not only this but using steroids makes the body more efficient at what it does. I personally grow more when I eat more calories, not by upping my protein.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Completely different body processing between those animals. I agree protein is overstated to an extent- hit your macros on protein, and fill the rest in to meet your cals. Have done every eating schedule from intermittent fasting to meals every 2-3 hrs. More energetic the more often I eat. I agree everyone has a subjective opinion on diet. End of the day I believe it is all calories in-calories out. Have to eat more to grow and less to shrink. Muscle or fat.

Nattyboomba's picture

I agree completely. Anecdotally, I have been able to achieve more physically by cutting out meat and with overall less daily protien intake than in the past when I consumed massive quantities of protien. I believe every person's body is wholly unique and we each have individual needs. It has been my experience that simply smashing your body with enormous amounts of protien isn't optimal. Also, it is true that in nature most of the largest animals are herbivores, and we are not separate from nature, of course. To be clear, I'm not advocating that people stop eating meat or even take advice from me in any way, but to truly get to know how your own body responds to stimulus & nutrition. Also, reducing my eating window has helped drop fat with no muscle loss, which is in direct opposition to the prevailing idea of consuming calories/protien every 4 hours. I eat in an 8 to 12 hour window and it also helps keep my energy up throughout the day.

TABMEISTER's picture

Gorillas have gut bacteria that's better at both converting cellulose into energy and synthesizing amino acids. There's really no comparing animals to humans. Just because something happens to a rat in a study under certain circumstances doesn't mean it'll be the same with humans.

I do believe that protein is overrated, or at least the amount needed is overstated. While carbohydrates are underrated for muscle growth. They allow you to workout way harder, for longer and recover faster.

Musclemem's picture

Interesting! Thanks Tab. Good food for thought.

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Musclemem's picture

Tri you know I found that out of ALL mammals humans milk has the least amount of protein. Very interesting fact. Dairy period is not meant to be consumed by humans. I guess that’s why it’s so inflammatory.

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Greg's picture

Gaining an unnatural amount of mass requires an unnatural diet. [drops mic]

We survive where Neanderthal's and other hominoids did not, is because the strongest muscle we have is our brain. We are light of foot, require little food to survive, can manipulate the environment to secure food sources, and control fire to cook and molecularly change foods to be digestible with bioavailable nutrients.

Musclemem's picture

Greg which do you think is more important? Quantity of protein or quality of that protein.

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Greg's picture

To do what we're doing, both.

Quality is very important; the quantity is to insure you always have protein when your body needs it to grow. Much of it is converted to energy and not used for building muscle. But to build maximum mass you need to be primed for the maximum potential.

Kind of like your vitamin supplements containing 1000% daily recommended dose because much of that won't be bio available as it is digested, what's left will be used, what's surplus will be pissed away.

Protein from organ meat give you your best bang for the buck, surplus plant-based protein, such as soy, gets converted to estrogen. Processed protein such as whey moves through your system so fast your body doesn't have enough time to digest all of it... hence the need to consume more of it.

Musclemem's picture

Thanks Greg that’s very helpful. So I may start trying to consume liver (yuk) and other parts. My brother is a big hunter. I’m going to get some venison. It’s extremely lean. Much healthier than store bought beef.

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Greg's picture

True. Not all multi vitamins contain just vitamins either, iron for example can be dangerous for men. The analogy isn't meant to get into the topic of vitamin supplements...