Brozowski265's picture
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+ 2 H.A.L.T

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......Hungry, angry, lonely, tired.....
Sometimes you gotta...hault ...
And really think about what's going on before you make irrational impulse choices based on emotions and fear.... not everything is how it seems...
Hope everyone is staying strong. And taking time to all aspects..
Make today your BITCH...
Or take a nap.
Stay focused my bros!

PropheticWookie's picture

Yes, I had such a state, straight sadness and sadness.
I wanted to get drunk, I restrained myself. It seems that he began to follow the diet, as a result, he broke. and ate some sweets.

mason548's picture

Thats right boys make today your bitch I love it.

Brozowski265's picture

Drops tha mic

Diesel22's picture

What’s up guys! I’m new to this group but like what I see. Just reading smurfdude and Brozowski comments let’s me know I’m in the right spot.
Started my day with a sub and then pinned. Already banged out the gym this morning at 5am. Had my doctors appointment, which went ok. Now taking my mom out for lunch ( she has Parkinson’s/ dementia). Thank lord I’m sober and able to be here to take care of her.
Thanks and Enjoy today brothers.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Diesel!! I have a super similar situation- still on subs right now too. I’ve seen ya everywhere we use lots of the same resources. Crazy how many guys I found that are like-minded or went through similar life experiences. We’re happy to have you here! This group has helped me immensely since I’ve been here at eroids! If you’re open to it- a introductory post would be amazing brother! You can even keep it private to the group- feels like a bit more of a brotherhood than the whole site being able to see & input on personal stuff. I’ll have to pick your brain about GH sometime. I’m about to start my first run in hopes of preventing surgery on a 10yr+ old injury. Hope you’re having a good one, and again- super sick to see ya here!!

PropheticWookie's picture

Good luck and good health to you, Bro.

Brozowski265's picture

I fucking love hearing that bro!!!. That's a blessing. Hope yall many blessings today

Diesel22's picture

Thanks brother!

Brozowski265's picture


smurfdude1234567's picture

Off day- nap day. Slept in till 11 for the first time in a LONG time. Ready to get up, pin, take my sub, get some grub, and hit the fucking gym!!

Brozowski265's picture

Right on! Pin day for me 2, just stufed myself with so much food,, gotta Finnish welding all day then hit gym. Gotta love arm and abb day lol. I not doing a fuck thing Fri and sun. My rest days. Yes sir