HeyYoeIte's picture
  • 30

Plant based food and supplements are more expensive but are good for you and taste good


You may know this already, the impossible burger, sausage, nuggets, and beyond burger sausage nuggets and meatballs taste just like the real thing but they are all plant based. Some studies i also read show a estimate of a few years of longer life but they mention other health variables could change them. If you have issues with your stomach or meat is to filling for you, the protein powder plant based are actually full of fiber and really good ingredients if you look just a little bit. The amino acid profile is the same as whey protein so your getting all your good stuff. My opinion is to at least try it and do what feels right for you. i do 4 days plant 3 days lean chicken and fish, sometimes a craving for real well done burger. Once you forget that plant based taste just like meat and can get over that IMO it is smooth and very fiberous, Has anyone tried these or any suggestions

Greg's picture

Soy + Men = estrogen

Nattyboomba's picture

I eat meat very rarely, and those impossible burgers are quite delicious, but they use lab grown myoglobin (the component in blood/muscle fluid that tints meat and impossible Burgers red). Also the processed soy & such don’t readily digest, they pass through the body, as our digestive system doesn’t really recognize it as food. I stay with non-meat protein powder, though.

YouputyourDecainmyTest's picture


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ONESICK's picture

If you need it to taste like meat, just eat meat lol. Carbs and sugar are more of an issue than anything. To each their own.

Caeser's picture

This fake meat stuff is processed garbage and will reveal to be problematic years down the road. Stick with real animal protein & fat.

iFit's picture

I will never give up my McDonalds burgers. Butter no margarine no butter; low fat no wait high fat/protein, carbs are good no wait carbs are bad. The list of the latest and greatest expert, scientific, Harvard grads, triple phds selling us the latest health kick is endless. I eat what I want in moderation and exercise 90 min every day including 30 min or cardio for 37 years. Must be doing something right.

simonmagus84's picture

I agree, though I still believe refined sugars and beer are the absolute worst things you can consume in this game.

iFit's picture

Dammit, what do you think I wash the burger down with? A beer and then a small brownie after each meal. Smile

simonmagus84's picture

Lmfao, beer was originally invented for women to produce breast milk, just make sure you have an AI incase of a flare up ;-)

iFit's picture

According to the Beer Bible it only happens after 10 beers. I play it safe and have no more than 8 before I switch to vodka.

76's picture

Anyone who eats a burger “well done” is a girl to me.

Zee's picture

I do like my Quorn burgers not because they taste like meat but actually just taste good,
Do you have any sources on Plant protein powders having the same Amino profile as whey.
If that is the case then I will be switching to veg protein powders.

simonmagus84's picture

I still believe we aren’t meant to consume meat at the rate we do. Hunter gatherers didn’t consume at our rate and went several days if not weeks without eating. Modern day civilizations are agrarian, not Hunters. We have to keep that in mind.

simonmagus84's picture

Back in 2015, I had to stop red meat all together because of intestinal blockage and a torn rectum which almost required surgery. I avoided this with a strictly plant based diet for 6 months then gradually started incorporating fish which made me stick to a primarily Mediterranean diet. 2018, I was diagnosed with mercury poisoning from eating too much tile fish. My levels were at 36 which normal levels should be at 5, Over 50 is considered fatal. It was either dialysis or raw vegan diet. I managed to get my levels under 10 within 4 months from raw vegan. I have genetic illnesses which promotes connective tissue disorders making it possible to be the culprit but over the years I realized, I’m just not meant to carry too much weight on my frame, It would be at the cost of my health. Now, the goal is to recover what was lost in terms of LBM and finally finding the balance that works for me which still staying away from red meat (since 2015) but slowly introducing white meat only a few times a week. Legumes, healthy fats and meat substitutes will only take you so far if your body building because the amount of calories from vegetables is a difficult compensation for meat.

eighty7's picture

You can get chelation therapy through an IV bag and it'll remove the mercury from your body and even your brain which is usually difficult. They give you a bag to piss in afterwards and they can measure the amount of mercury they removed from the bag of urine.

simonmagus84's picture

That was an option as well but I wasn’t sure why they were mentioning dialysis. Maybe to encourage me to stick by the anti inflammatory diet? Who knows. Luckily it didn’t get that point although every once in a while, the metallic taste emerges.

eighty7's picture

It's not dialysis it is an IV full of pesticides that bind themselves to heavy metals and then you're able to pee them out.

simonmagus84's picture

I got you, it’s chemical leeching otherwise. I’m only speaking in general as to why they would try and push dialysis as opposed to chelation. Doctors have a tendency to use fear mongering tactics but I would’ve opted for chelation over dialysis anyway.

Jaws's picture

In reality everything you buy from a grocery store is packed full of chemicals. The only real healthy option is to hunt, raise and process your own meat and grow your own vegetables. This way you know exactly what you are putting in your body. I know this isn’t really an option for everyone depending on where you live but it is the healthiest choice of all.

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eighty7's picture

All those plant based meat alternatives are full of pesticides and glyphosates. So not only are they not nutritious but they destroy your gut bacteria. Being vegan for life is impossible and vegetarian bodybuilders always rely on eggs and dairy.

People who eat meat do not get a lot of benefits from taking creatine because they already get a lot of it from meat. But vegetarians do get a huge benefit from creatine because they don't get any from vegetables.

Plants are not healthier than meat, cook your food with vegetable oils instead of butter or grease and you'll clog your arteries fast.

Makwa's picture

very true. My steak has one ingredient. BEEF. Lol The meat substitutes have a list that takes up half the box.

Nattyboomba's picture

That really at the heart of this, I think. Steak, chicken breasts, eggs - all contain a single natural (hopefully) ingredient. Nothing from a lab.

Bill1976's picture

I can’t eat it. I feel like crap with that vegetarian stuff. Mentally and physically. Something isn’t right with it.

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Makwa's picture

The texture isn't there, the taste isn't there, it just isn't for me. They keep trying to make this stuff like the real thing. Just eat the real thing. Lol

smurfdude1234567's picture

I’ve tried all the variations as the ex was a vegetarian, and I could never find one that is genuinely better than the meat alternative. Steak, chicken, and burgers are the biggest ones for me that I still incorporate regularly. If anyone has suggestions I’m always open to trying stuff!

eighty7's picture

Mine was trying to be vegetarian but because of me we always ate meat.