theromanianbear8989's picture
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When to use eq


So I've just got some eq and I'm wondering when is the best situation to use the compound. Honestly the best way I've heard it described is its the icing on the cake in really any situation.

Dropset45's picture

I have had better luck with deca, and I believe there is less risk of blood thickening issues. EQ takes forever to kick in, so you have to run long cycles.

wanted's picture

Ive never heard of it as iceing on the cake. Heard that about masterone
Eq for me i would use it as anal lube cause i didnt like it

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JakeKO's picture

I’ve never had any luck with EQ. Tried different sources, high doses, low doses, etc. My body just doesn’t respond to it. It fucked up my blood levels one time to the point that they wouldn’t let me donate blood for awhile. Not a fan, but I’ve seen it work well for a few pals.

Makwa's picture

Can be used anyway you want to. Used it for both bulking and cutting.

JFit253's picture

Ive seen people use EQ on both bulks and cuts. Its great for endurance while cutting but also appetite while bulking. Each person is different so I recommend trying it yourself to know what to expect for your body.

EQ is said to shine at higher doses for longer periods of time. However, it may also cause some mental side effects at the high doses

MacJones's picture

I would use eq on a lean bulk when the cycle you are running is going to be on the lengthier side. Eq for me is hard on a cut because of the overwhelming hunger. The eq takes a bit longer to show your results hence the length of cycle.

Also if you are an endurance athlete looking for leaner mass. Eq fits that situation. Run for days on the stuff. I see why the horsies love it

Bulkdaddy's picture

Do more research buddy

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simonmagus84's picture

it really depends. I describe it as an enhancer that just amplifies the final outcome of what you attribute towards your goals. So for example, if you wanted to cut and followed the necessary protocol to achieve that goal, it will enhance the effects. Vice versa for a bulk.

JakeKO's picture

600test 350 npp Per week split up into eod pinning, or 600test 350 npp eod?

JakeKO's picture

Which Test do you use with this? E, C, P, or Sust?

JakeKO's picture

I was gonna say that was a lot, but then I thought of Primobolan, so I had to ask. Thanks for the reply

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