Foreal4's picture
  • 43

G2 Gatorade


What are your thoughts on drinking G2 Gatorade sometimes (let's say 1-2 a day) when cutting/dieting. There are mixed reviews on the internet and amongst medical professionals about artificial sweeteners in drinks and foods. Some say they still illicit insulin response which is basically the same thing sugar does. Others swear they can drink sugar free sodas,even sugar free candies with little to no problem

Makwa's picture

Everything I drink while cutting is diet. I can't stand just plain water.

Foreal4's picture

Yeah I feel that

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HanginLow's picture

I think diet sodas are essential for curbing your sweet tooth when dieting. Limit two to three per day though for the impact on gut health and teeth.

0 calories is 0 calories.

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iFit's picture

I love Diet Coke. If you have tried Crystal Light Green Tea Peach Mango don’t. It’s addictive

iFit's picture

Gotta live a little. Water gets old fast. Sometimes I just need something different and sweet.