Dobby2105's picture
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R.e dianabol and gynecomastia



So I'm fairly new to the space (1st post) but I was looking for a bit of advice please.

About 6 weeks ago I started taking dianabol 10mg tablets about 3-4 per day. My last dose was yesterday.

Over the last few week I've noticed a change in my appearance of my "breasts" at first I put it down to gaining muscle, yesterday I noticed that my nipples were really tender and sore.

I've then become fixated and been searching up about it and have come across the possibility that It could be dianabol causing gynecomastia.

Is this likely? Or very common?

Bit worried as I've read it can't be reversed and surgery is the only way to remove it or change the appearance.

I've also read that it can go away on its own after stopping use. So some conflicting information.

I was planning on starting deca and test next but I'm now thinking this would aggrevate a potential issue if it is gynecomastia

Thanks in advance and I hope I don't come across completely stupid.

giardap's picture

Is this likely/common? Yes.
If you overfill a cup with water, it spills over. The spillage is redundant and it gets messy.

If you overfill on many anabolic hormones, the spillage roams the body, meets aromatase, gets converted to estrogen and turns you into a breast making machine.

Prevent that cascade by lowering doses thereby; not having the excess, or else control the estrogen after the fact. Pick your poison, but know your doses as they are relevant to your body, always.

Bill1976's picture

There are sources here that can get you pharma grade nolvadex in two days. Be quick don’t wait. I keep it on hand and a few times a friend would call me and tell me he needs emergency nolvadex and exemastane. I’d hook him right up. That’s why I keep extra on hand.

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HanginLow's picture


especially running dbol

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HanginLow's picture

I think Dbol has the highest propensity to cause gynecomastia of any common oral anabolic based on the metabolite of methyl estradiol.

You need to look into a aromatase inhibitor I would recommend aromasin.

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HanginLow's picture

This is a very complicated topic but yes you can shrink and remove gyno chemically if it has not gotten past a certain point. I would have to see the gyno to tell you.

Gyno shrinking protocol
drop dbol, testosterone cyp at 150mg AW
Aromasin - 12.5mg EOD (reduces serum estradiol)
Nolvadex - 20mg ED (blocks estrogen at receptor)

run this for 4 weeks, if it does not work we use raloxifene, much stronger SERM

if you have gyno any AAS that converts to estrogen will flare it so you will need to run this before starting another cycle

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HanginLow's picture

I would get it here ASAP, look for a good domestic source. You are on the best review website on the web for gear, so there are lot of options here.

Ideally we would get you off all gear but I know how guys are with their muscles and they do not want to waste away. So we use the minimum amount, a TRT dose if you will, 150mg of cyp or enanthate is a good amount. This is so your estrogen is not crashed too low as well while using an AI and SERM.

I do want to advise that if you gyno is past a certain point it can only be removed by surgery, this is usually when the a hard lump has formed under or around the nipple. If the nipples are puffy and sensitive we can fix them.

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press1's picture

Be careful talking like this to him Bro - it'll get him all excited LMAO

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HanginLow's picture

LOL Maybe if a little milk came out but hes not running any 19n LOL

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press1's picture

I think if my chest ever started leaking fluid I would freak out - and I've seen it happen to many guys on the forums too.

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press1's picture

Dbol is definitely the worst for causing bitch tits - but the massive rise in estrogen is one of the reasons it produces such good strength gains too. If you end up running too much a.i with it then it kills what makes it so good. I guess its just not a good idea to run it if you are prone to those sides in any way.

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HanginLow's picture

LOL I have seen the milk my friend, not personally though

Yes and the mass mineral and water retention associated. I am surprised more did not comment on my cycle utilizing it, tren/dbol/taboo lol and I leaned out, some details of that a lot of people could of gleaned some info on how to use it. I do not believe adrol or dbol should rarely be used ED.

primo + dbol is a example where it works

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HanginLow's picture

make sure to come back and report if it worked or not

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