simonmagus84's picture
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+ 16 A technique I use to identify SCAMMER SOURCES


Have you been scammed by a source ? Has a source been termed G2G and suddenly the gear is underdosed or bunk? Have you been lured into a promo with prices too good to be true while the source would show recent inconsistencies and members would try to warn you only to be attacked by others ? I have…

I’m simply posting a technique I use when deciding if I should use a new domestic source or stick to the old ones because although this might be considered a conspiracy theory, history doesn’t repeat but it surely rhymes.

I’ve noticed a pattern with these pop up sources which might just be a conspiracy theory but hear me out.

1. A source pops up out of nowhere using similar format as all the previous versions.

2. The first members who post in the discussion page are long standing members with higher karma claiming (best I’ve used) (Good to Go) or (Fiiiiyahh).

3. The first few months, gear is as good as could be, overdosed and excellent lab scores just to bait everyone in.

4. Then gradually the quality declines while people were holding on to hopium from previous experiences or the reviews of others.

5. One final promo to coast into the sunset robbing hundreds of people thousands of dollars.

If anyone has the time, go back to the very beginning of when these sources popup, I guarantee you’ll see, as WANTED has termed "cronies” although I call them the shills. I also wouldn’t be surprised if these members actually are part of the same network also profiting.



Ccacc's picture

This makes allot of sense, thanks for posting

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hogwild's picture

Hopium.... well said

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godzillabooty94's picture

One final promo to coast into the sunset. Man that gives me vibes of a certain company at the moment.
Might start with a D and end in pharma but I can’t discuss source talk so use your imagination on that

KMC's picture

A scam system that is older than Eroids,.............. everything old is new again.

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UncleYoked's picture

Damm, I did my exit scam wrong

Jrihard89's picture

Yeah.. wtf no stripper, blow, or anything. Just one big middle finger..

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simonmagus84's picture

You left people in a state of mourning lol

Glitch's picture
Im just now seeing this. Although, anonymous to an extent. Those of us who have been in this UG game for many years can know each other without knowing private info or pictures. Our personalities are reflected by our text, style of our text, and context of our text. You can pretend to be someone else for a while. But the false sense of comfort we feel from being on an anonymous board tends to make us drop our guard and allow our true personality to come out. And VERY good point by Simon ...when a "new" source pops up and immediately has all this momentum. High karma members posting right away on the SI. You better believe this is a prior source under a new identity. Now, I'm all for building a business and If it fails...rebuilding it. Once you get a bad rep on here it's extremely hard to bounce back. Janos, promos, and apologies mean SHIT once you've fucked up on shady terms.
Jrihard89's picture

Last two sentences speak volumes. The ones who go back to sources after being burned, lord and scammed. Those are the people you want to NOT find in sources you wanna try. They’re paid or whored out to come back.

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Bill1976's picture

Good post.

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kth3446's picture

When I first opened up my eroids acct I only used domestics because of speed and price point. Older members never seemed to take them very serious and they all seemed to use international sources, it took a while but I get why now. I made the mistake of trying a domestic recently but I deserved what I got cause I knew better.

FJB's picture

I see one of eroids cancers was recently banned. Sometimes it wouldn't hurt to self-reflect and take a long look in the mirror because the problem is probably not everyone else. Just my 2 cents.

GrowMore's picture

Great post, seems to be common place in the US domestic but happens regularly enough in the international game.

There are a handful of members on here who that if I see them converse regularly in a sources page I will automatically not order from said source.

It’s clearly a huge racket where a scam artist is making a considerable amount of money and high karma members involved are earning themselves free gear brewed in a dirty bedroom thinking they’re winning being at 30%bf repping 100kg bench press.

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boldozer_250mg's picture

No I think that not true

DeeMan's picture

Thanks Simon for even bringing this upfront once more. It's needed. So as much emphasis as we are all putting on these scamming srcs lets also put as much emphasis on these " fanboys" because in my opinion they are just as worst as the actual src scammer. Folks don't realize how easy these "fan boys" make a scamming src's work, which you mentioned above

scoobydoo's picture

There are definitely cronies. They keep these scam sources going just so they can get free gear. I'm not sure who the cronies are now, but I remember one member that would subit a source and within a year, the source would scam. They would submit another source shortly after the scam. The new source would scam within a year. I saw it happen 4 or 5 times from this one member. I knew when he submitted a source, to stay away. And unfortunately, you are correct. It's high ranking members that are doing this.

manwhore's picture

I heard if the sources name has D or a C in it it's like a curse that keeps coming back to eroids and you should stear clear

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RMDL's picture

LMFAO!!!!!! Fiiiiyahh

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Makwa's picture

My first clue to bail on a new source is when I start seeing drama in the SI. A quiet SI with no drama means no problems and things are sailing along smoothly. The drama starts when the source has built up his fanboy base to defend his shitty gear and selective scamming. The source can sit back and relax and let his fanboys do all his defending. Underdosed gear, mislabled gear, outrageous TA, not getting gear are all legit complaints but as soon as someone has one of those legit complaints they get piled on and the source can just continue to perpetuate the fraud.

The worst cancer on eroids are the fanboys. This latest scammer source was exposed long ago. The writing was on the wall at least 6 months ago. Look when the drama started. As soon as someone complained, they were jumped on and made to look like a fool so that everything was ok with the source, it was just some idiot that didn't know what they were doing so just ignore him. I, just like you, have been here long enough to recognize the pattern but there are many unfortunate souls who get taken by a source because of the fanboys.

simonmagus84's picture

Makwa, I want to publicly state that you are one of the most Honest and trustworthy members. You genuinely seek the well being of others. I’m honored this board has someone such as yourself.

AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Good post Simon!

Agreed. Makwa has always steered me straight. Asset to eroids for sure.

And Dwayne is the comic relief. Two good dudes right there.

Rusty is the resident whore and shit talker. We all need this kinda guy to stir the pot when no one else will. My man.

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simonmagus84's picture

Yep, you’re another quality member and I’m sure I’m forgetting many others. I’ve had more assistance with life’s obstacles through the guidance of the old Eroidians than one the outside world or heathen social media.

DeeMan's picture

Appreciate it brother. You're a cool kat yourself and we all enjoy you. But out of all those names you mentioned, there's only ONE LEGEND...and that's Rusty Hooker! Every generation will know that name

simonmagus84's picture

Indeed my friend

DeeMan's picture
scoobydoo's picture

Yup. When someone complains and the fanboys attack, and the source just lets it happen. That's a pretty good sign to stay away.