raising hell's picture
raising hell
  • 28

+ 2 Pharmaqo


Testoviron E - 12
Nandrodec - 2
Primobolan Depot - 6
Trenbolone-E - 1
Trenbolone-A - 2
Masteron-E - 2
Winstrol 10mg - 1
Anavar 10mg - 2

Ordered from: 
wanted's picture

Shred they have your address. They do have some power

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wanted's picture

Hey shred. Thanks for the negative karma. I still think your a dick even tho you have a good picture

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wanted's picture

I dont know how honest a man you are , stealing someones — karma but do you

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lundgren's picture

Hey :-) i bought for TRT the test Enanthate and i plan a blood work.
What do you plan with it ?
Good luck (/^-^(^ ^*)/

raising hell's picture

I was using another brand running 500mg a week. I have a bad feeling with their Test E. Just finish my second week. PIP is awful, ill feeling throughout body, zero libido, recovery sucks. Its probably too soon to get labs. But I bet my levels are low due to how I feel.

lundgren's picture
lundgren's picture

OMG, i have exactly the same effect like my old order (Aaster) i feel like shit too (like if i had missed one or two injection) i feel like anxious and depressive, my BP up a lot, and other things like libido, memory concentration cognitive activity etc ...
With pharma grade i don't have this effects ;-)

My advice are : take a real test and use like 125mg, trust me your feel alive with the first shot !
Before give a blood work and contact the seller ;-)

I just realized, i lost again time, money and health with this seller.....

raising hell's picture

This was the first time I had anything bad from RB, Their Tren A worked well. My left lat is twice the size of my right its so swollen.Unfortunately finding a good lab with consistent products is hard to find. I need to find a doctor willing to write me a script, without having to come off of everything. The last thing a want to try is PCT I know I won't recover anytime soon.

lundgren's picture

I send to you a FR :-)

Jonwiggs8's picture

Just curious, if this site is here to help people not get bad gear and in essence to hold the labs accountable to make legit and proper dosed gear, why can we not mention the people who did the scamming? Obviously if documentation is shown? Or can we now bc I did that once and got NAILED!!! Just curious..thabksnfor all you do and say to make things better and progress forward.

raising hell's picture

I did the same thing in the past with a lab no longer around. I was taking 750mg a week and aromasin. Started feeling like shit thinking my aromasin was crap and I had high E. Labs done turns out aromasin was legit and test e was junk. It was probably just oil my levels were so low.

lundgren's picture

I reassure you, without having taken AI i also had the estrogen level very low on bunk test.

press1's picture

Interested to see how you get on with the Tren E bud - Its a steam train! I had to bow down from it as I was waking up in hypo's from it not knowing where I was for 5 minutes LOL

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raising hell's picture

The Tren E is for a friend..I only use Tren A, for me I feel like the sides are not as bad. Ill which to their Test E soon. After sometime I'll get labs, hopefully the numbers are good.

press1's picture

Same here, its their Tren Ace I always use too but tried my hand at the Enanth to lessen pinning and I just feel nowhere near as good on it and it feels extremely heavy going. Yes very interested to see your labs on it, I'm on an indefinite break from it atm as recent bloods showed liver enzymes had crept up despite taking liver supps but I was on it for a long stint so as the saying goes - You can't fight fate Lol

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Lowkii's picture

Brave man, there's post's all over the Internet how about sh*t there gear is.

lundgren's picture

Oh man ... I just received the order this morning with PharmaQo test Enanthate for TRT .... :-(

press1's picture

Have a look at Switch's physique shots Lundgren - Does that look like bad gear??! Lol

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lundgren's picture

Sorry but actually the cycle start very bad ... ;-/

Badgoat1's picture

I can only speak for the test c but It's legit. At 600 most a week I felt great and when it came off everything went south. Now their all in one pct pill didn't work for me they put proviron in it which I read in some people can be suppressive.

lundgren's picture

Hey .... I just received my order with test Enanthate 300, i know how my number with 125mg / week of pharma grade, i plan a blood work.

But my previous order from Roidbazzar, Aaster test Enanthate it was a real disaster :-(

GrowMore's picture

That’s not true fella, the brand you mentioned has nothing to do with pharmaQo.

PharmaQo could well be another well know company’s new brand as we all know they like to bring out alternative brands as competition of the original brand but ultimately it’s the same gear. But I haven’t seen or heard anything to make me believe this is the case with pharmaQo

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Gh0st's picture

Curious who you think they are? I haven’t had any issues with the brand personally

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GrowMore's picture

The same could be said for many other brands in regards to everything you mentioned. In reality we will never know but from talking to sources I’ve got to know well on here who have mentioned a lot of other crazy things to me about this murky underworld I have no reason to think they’re the same.

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GrowMore's picture

We can discuss things and not fall out like a couple children if we don’t agree.

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GrowMore's picture

Lowkii pops up every so often to drop some bombs.

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