ladykiller's picture
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-1 Steroids in the NFL


I recently spoke to a guy whose cousins played D1 College Football and are now in the NFL. He told me that the majority of college players and even more so the NFL players all take testosterone suspension or test no ester at around 40-50mg/ED. He says that the lower amount and fast acting test is nearly impossible to detect in drug tests because their test is always at a stable level above average but not high enough to fail that 4:1 ration on drug tests. I’m wondering what guys who have a lot more knowledge about this stuff think. Is this possible? Does it make sense? Would they be fine passing drug tests? Also he told me when I asked about coming off test and PCT and he said that these dudes just never come off the test and run the 40-50mg ED all year round. This would explain a guys physique like DK Metcalf, NO WAY that guy is not on gear. Will they have long term health issues, will they just have to TRT for the rest of their lives? Thoughts?

ladykiller's picture

Huh? Is he saying I copied aomeone elses text from the internet and pasted it here ahaha? wtf

willhuginfl's picture

MLB had it's big BioGenisis scandal

MangoPlatypus's picture

People should also realize that professional athletes are literally the cream of the crop in athletics. Guys who’ve dedicated all of their time, for a VERY long time to one goal.. their chosen sport. That mixed with natural ability/genetics can make a huge difference.

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press1's picture

It definitely is strongly tied to natural ability and genetics suited to whatever sport you play or practice that makes you the best in the world. I've spoken to many Elite level benchers for example in the world who can rep 500 plus for 10 or more reps to find out what their secret is - & the fact is there is no secret. They are naturally strong as Fuck already, all of them have at some point turned round to me and said 'Look bro even in High school at 16 / 17 having taken no steroids whatsoever I could already bench 405 naturally'. They already have supreme advantages over us mortals and its just the way it is Lol Also such as sprinters who already are extremely fast runners and powerful.

But this still doesn't mean that you can't try and be the BEST version of you!

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Saint gannett's picture

Tears stream as I realize I will never fly and my cape is decoration only.

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IrishMack's picture

The guy you spoke to is full of shit. I never heard of someone who just says they want to inject test every 2 hours for the rest of their life. There are plenty of guys out there who are huge naturally; its called discipline and diet. If your only job is to play sports and get paid a fortune for doing so, you have plenty of time and money to train hard and eat right. No one is more knowledgeable here about what NFL players do unless they are in the NFL. You can speculate and listen to hearsay all day. Factually speaking test suspension cycles is a terrible idea and using test suspension as trt is about as smart as tying a steak around your neck and jumping into a lions den. You do know that players random drug tests also happen right before they go out on the field right? You have to be smart enough and researched enough to know when someone is full of shit.

GrowMore's picture

I know a few semi professional rugby players who are on TRT and use anabolics, in the higher levels there’s a lot of taboo abuse which I know 100%. TRT is undetectable of course, there’s a joke around that say the drug test is a intelligence test rather than a drug test, I’m guessing they mean there are ways around it.

If my job depended on my fitness I would be willing to inject every couple of hours, fuck it for that money every 1/2 hour. I injected 3 times a day (4 if you include MT2) and that was for a silly internet competition called the EBC.

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IrishMack's picture

Thats rugby mate, here in the states the testing is different. There is always a way around anything if determined enough. I loved rugby in college, these clowns were taking orals only all the time. I just kept getting my ass thrown around like a rag doll.

GrowMore's picture

A read a little into the NFL testing protocol and they do random testing throughout the year so I’m unsure how they would by pass that but there is no way of testing for taboo used by diabetics which is one of the most anabolic hormones available to humans. Given a coach, dietitian, cook, genetics and everything else they have at their disposal, you get these monsters.

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PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Jordan used PEDs.. true story, same one tiger woods used.
Just need a Dr to sign off...

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Actovegan I believe is the name... Not a popular drug but it did help recovery. Not like they wasn't bad dudes without it but it makes me wanna try it!

ladykiller's picture

But what about getting tested after games? I know the whereabouts thing is how UFC fighters beat USADA but what about NFL players getting tested after games? Probs just test sus and HGH?

Janus's picture

Remember the MLB Biogenesis Scandel? This is when A Rod and multiple others got busted, but only becuase of a former employee got pissed and reported it. Then the guy running it rolled over on everyone to avoid legal/monetary issues. Those players passed the MLB PED test for years. Test Suspension and HGH

ladykiller's picture

Yeah I watched the documentary on netflix! Really interesting! So you think everyone is just taking test sus and HGH because its so hard to detect?

press1's picture

This is the way a lot of Powerlifters who are Drug tested do it also - 100mg Test suspension and 50mg Adrol per day. Then come off several days before competing and its enough to pass.

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ladykiller's picture

What about guys like NFL players that get random teats in-season? How would they pass?

Scottoaklawn's picture

Fuck yeah,they're,they are amazing athletes,with incredible genetics and talent..

ladykiller's picture

How do you think they pass random drug tests?

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

$? How much would you give up to keep a multi million dollar job? Let's not pretend that corruption doesn't exist.
Hell I believe the NFL is rigged anyhow, too much money involved. There's been players who have recently stated this as well.. It's entertainment! I know it hurts, I was sad aslo when I learned the truth about pro wrestling.

Saint gannett's picture

Brian Bosworth was one of the most honest NFL players to give a statement, can't find it, but can find his college days assassination from steroid positive test. 'The Boz' gave up 7.5 mil of a 10 mil USD contract because drug testing in the NFL was too tough and he stated that without them, he could not handle the hits in the NFL. He was really open about it and stated that given the 2.5 mil signing contract he had, he was going to pursue movies and give up football. He became one of Seattle's greatest screw ups, next only to passing on Tony Dorsett and Sherman Smith. Bosworth made it sound like testing was pretty tough, but he made it also pretty clear that taking those hits au natural was not cool by him.

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