Or000427's picture
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Ever injected into your abs ? I’ve been doing sub Q But I’ve lost a lot of fat and I think I got some into the ab


I’ve been doing TRT for a few months now and I’ve said I’ve probably lost 20lbs of fat and put on 5-10 lbs of Muscle I have my diet dialed to the T right now.
I’ve even given up my cheat days for a couple months anyways.

I’ve always injected sub queue and kind of the same spots from the side working my way halfway to the front of the midsection and I’ve been using the same size needles since I started yesterday after I injected everything felt normal woke up this morning. It feels like the ab where closest to where I injected is sore not very painful. Just sore which is weird as it’s the first time I’ve ever felt something like this.

General thought?

Put the needle in at a much greater angle so it goes under the length of the skin more and not as deep as well I’ll be doing for now then I’ll get shorter Needles?

People with very low body fat can they not do sub queue

killroy's picture

I’ve pinned subq for long stretches of cruises … if you stick with .2ml> for each injection and 5/16” pin it shouldn’t be that much of an issue.

The compound matters too. Anything high in concentration or irritating will cause a lump and sometimes redness/discoloration for a few days.

For a time I actually followed the outline of my abs pinning subq pretty much at center of each defined muscle section, I also experimented with upper abdominal areas and obliques. I found the upper quadrants were less prone to irritation.

A good quality lab was also key and utilizing only Test Enth/Cyp. I’ve actually had more pip from Pharma USP/Compounded than some of the bigger international UGLs.

Another thing worth noting, After a lengthy period of time of sub q administration (year+) my body started to react more and more … as if it was a more pronounced histamine reaction each time regardless of lab/dose/compound.

I’ve gone back to IM now and utilize more of my pec area through site rotation. It’s become one of my favorite spots. The key there is proper depth, I’m pretty lean so 3/4” is plenty for me to be IM, depending on the section of pec I’m pinning.

With all that said I recommend sticking to the medically advised sites for IM administration. (Glutes, Delts, etc)

Just my .02 cents with personal experience.

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simmydog's picture

I have never heard of losing fat specifically in the abs while injecting AAS into the abs. Maybe you changed your gear, used to much and or the oil had a bad reaction. I never heard of losing fat in the place you inject AAS. If that was the case my ass would be tiny.

Makwa's picture

Just pinch and pull your skin out and inject at an angle there. Done it sub 5% BF without any issues. Don't need a very long pin. 5/16" is plenty long with low BF.

Steeltoad777's picture

How much are you injecting? Sub q people are generally dosing smaller amounts every day? I can’t imagine putting an ML under my skin on top of the muscle

Makwa's picture

50iu is the most I would ever pin subQ in 1 spot. I only pin peps/HGH subq. I wouldn't do oils or any AAS.