Or000427's picture
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+ 1 NNP / Deca for tendon and ligaments repair strengthing ?


I've been read and going though articles from back in 2010 . Some say it helps make them stronger some say it doesn't. While a few said it will make them weaker.

Ive read and most articles say a injury to muscle will be helped by Deca

I know in low doses it makes the joint hold more Is synonym fluid. Which doesn't fix the joints but masks the wear and pain a little.

Cause of the added fuild it might slow wear down if you don't then over stress or use them cause the joints no longer hurt.

Any thoughts on the tendons and ligaments only HGH will strenghten and repair ?

IrishMack's picture

TB500 has been proven to repair ligaments and tendons; deca and npp mask the pain. There are a shit ton of clinics opening up around the states offering TB500 because it works. Problem is they want 1-250.00 for one 5mg vial The problem is you have to take 5-7mg a week split into 3 doses and a vial is 5mg. On average you have to take it for 8 weeks. Also for better repairing you pair it with bpc-157 @ same price range. SO that's why you don't here much about it from anyone. It has been clinically proven to work but its expensive unless you source it properly. You also have to inject it very close to the ligament injury which could be a hassle depending where it is.

press1's picture

Great advice.

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IrishMack's picture

Lol I meant to replyy to you but it looks like it went to Gannett haha

Saint gannett's picture

Nandrolone makes no repair... this via MRI... 30-years. I hace a 'osteo \mitochondrial tear' forgive the spelling On MRI.. is is as small as the head of a sewing pin, but it feels horrible. On Deca,,, I can bench 405-lbs and make all the little girls wet... without, I shudder at 315. I'm never worse, never better, it is just there. Surgery has been offered,,, keyhole, but a catch.. if they mess up, the entire shoulder comes off and they rebuild from there.... plus guys I know who did it.. new, worse pain..different location.

I am running HGH... first time ever.. age 54... keeping benches below 300 and military under 225 (pounds....lol)... will let you know.

Naondraone (Deca or NPP) makes massive relief... I can hit some pretty heavy weights...but it comes back.

Funny trick... a foam pillow under the neck... keeps weight off the shoulder..... you will figure it out... but end resul..

...masks the pain.

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IrishMack's picture

I've been researching it like crazy due to my old injury, the doc showed me a picture of my elbow tendons and it looked like overcooked spaghetti. Told me to lift very light weights for the next 3-6 months, Fuck that shit lol. The reason tendon injuries take an amazingly long time to heal is because they do not get a good supply of blood so it takes months sometimes longer. Everything I'm reading about tb500 and bpc has been pretty solid. Some companies are now offering oral versions but because of not being able to pass the digestive system fully you have to take triple doses. I am more than likely going to test out a clinic the next time I'm in Florida and see if it stands up.

press1's picture

I think defo the way to go with either compounds is to get it from a proper clinic then that way you know you are getting the proper stuff and you know exactly what it is - Ages back I went the whole hog and ordered various versions from UK peptide companies that others told me were good and trusted. Particularly with the few BPC-157's when I pinned it - it burned like a M'Fer around the shoulder and really hurt for 5 minutes afterwards. I'm not convinced it was even the proper stuff, that combined with having to pin it several times daily soon put me off after a few days. Over in the states with the extra health insurances you guys get is there not a way you can get it for free or much cheaper? The oral versions would be interesting too even if you have to take a few doses - as long as they aren't harsh when you take them I'd be more inclined to go that route than the injectables.

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IrishMack's picture

Good question about the health insurance, I'm going to look into it.

press1's picture

Have you got any further forward with finding out if you can get assistance with the Peptides Mack?

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IrishMack's picture

Ironically my work is sending me to Florida so I'm setting up a consultation in Miami next week.

TheFlash85's picture

Nandrolone increases certain anti inflammatory cells, when we injure or harm ourselves our body starts immune defence responses and certain cells and proteins are signalled, they gather to areas in the body that are under trauma, so for example if your shoulder is in pain/ injured pro inflammatory cytokines are in that area causing pain, your body sends anti inflammatory cytokines to battle the pro ones the same way red and white blood cells battle in sickness etc.
Nandrolone increases the anti inflammatory cytokines to the area therefore alleviating the injury.
After cessation of nandrolones that process stops and pain is often worse due to the masking affect and added strain whilst experiencing temporary pain relief.

press1's picture

Tbh bud - NPP & Deca are really a temporary mask for injured tendons & ligaments - they do take away the pain and increase fluid within the joint but when you stop using them it will be sore again and feel like you are running something like winstrol!! Dbol also has the same effect as NPP by increasing joint fluid and estrogen. I have experience in tendon repairing from a grade 1.5 torn rotator cuff earlier in the year. I feel rather than investing in HGH each month, you are best going back to the basics and rebuilding them from the ground upwards with Collagen powder (from protein stores), Big Vitamin C doses - get the 1 gram tabs as this increases the body's own collagen production, Glucosamine/Chondroitin tabs & also Cod liver oil supplements. These will all help to repair the tendon. I also bought a massage spikey ball which is great for rolling against when you put it on the wall to increase blood flow to the affected area by massaging over it. Hope this helps Smile

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AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

Currently dealing with tendonitis in my arms. Wrist to my shoulder. Likely from arimidex. Its getting slightly better, I can go slightly heavier on weights now (biceps training like curls are where the pain shows up), up from super light and resistance training...but I've done all the things you've mentioned (still using all of those products), but its super slow recovery because of how little blood gets to these parts. I'm starting some deca today with my test to help with relief. Such a pain in the ass and frustrating injury.

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Or000427's picture

Thank you. I will look into the Cod liver oil and vitamin C. I've been taking the Glucosamine/Chondroitin for years now and just started adding collagen powder to my protein shake maybe 2 months ago.

How hard do you have to press with the massage spikey ball to increase blood flow. I think your on to some thing here. I want all joints to get better but there's a few which need more work. Thank you very much for the help

press1's picture

Of all the things I mentioned I feel the Collagen Powder gave the biggest benefit - when I was hammering it on an evening the morning after it would be less sore than when I didn't. Always remember too that when training pretty much every exercise will in some way make a tendon sore again even if it isn't the primary mover in the exercise. I was told by my doctor that tendons can often take 6 months to heal - way longer than muscle does due to the lack of blood flow within them compared to muscle. Don't expect the repair to happen overnight Yes 3 This is why the massage ball is so good - on my front shoulder I would simply lean into the ball and roll it around via my bodyweight, you don't have to ram really hard into it so to speak. Once you are over the affected area it will be a mixture of soreness and pleasure, it feels good Lol Make sure you get a hard spikey ball and not one that is cushioned and collapses under weight. They are very cheap to buy online.

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Or000427's picture

I'm dyslexic and write on about a 4th to 5 grade level but I read on a much higher level. I have 2 college degrees. Also very mechanically inclined but talk to text doesn't work very well on here. With a phone screen I can't see the mistakes

Or000427's picture

Lol luck maybe no background noise when I talked to text

Or000427's picture

What do you mean I have alot of questions some time I find the answer some time I don't and on this time I didn't get any answers