B-Rad81's picture
  • 13

-1 Nolva on Blast instead of AI


40 Years old. Cycling since 35. Never anything longer than 8 weeks and never anything other than Var, Winny, Bold Cyp, Tbol, and Test. 5'11, 190 pounds, under 10% bodyfat.

I've been self administering TRT (Cruising) on 150 to 175 ml per week for about a year and a half. I take one 12.5 mg aromasin a week. For my next blast I'm going to up the test to maybe 400 per week and add some Var for about 6 weeks.

My question is does it make sense to do Nolva 2 - 3 times a week instead of Aromasin during the blast since I've read that it can negatively affect cholesterol and liver values while on an oral?

KK9111's picture

What is your estro looking like at 12.5 a week? M

UNIT_'s picture

nolva isnt good to run long term either and it lowers igf-1 levels which will prevent max muscle gain

B-Rad81's picture

Slightly off topic but if I kept my cruise dosage the same or only bumped it up to 200ml per week instead of 400 and did 75 mg Ed of anavar for six weeks do you think I would make any gains and not have to take as much aromasin? Ive Never tried that but was thinking that might be an option until I can find a good source to get my bloods done. Thanks for any info…. I’m still learning here and am terrified of gyno even though I’ve never had any symptoms since I hit puberty around 11 years old! Lol.

B-Rad81's picture

Yes I do and id like an advisor and a hand full of Xanax too! Lol.
I Told y’all I’m still a newbie.
I am appreciative for the comments though. No doubt.

B-Rad81's picture

Thanks. Planning on 2-3 doses of aromasin on blast. I’ve just read some other posts about people using nolva on trt so that’s why I asked.
Any suggestions on online/mail in blood tests. Those cvs ones only test free testosterone I think.

B-Rad81's picture

Test was around 400 last time I had it checked a few years ago. Not low enough for doc prescribed trt. Don't give me shit, lol, haven't had it tested since started cruising... just kept a check on my bp and hemoglobin which was 110/70 and 18 last time... a few weeks after a blast of test and some var. Liver values and everything else in normal range.

So you're saying just stay on the aromasin right. Just maybe up the dosage to 2-3 times a week.
I usually go by how I feel... I know that sounds stupid to y'all.

B-Rad81's picture

I was joking dude that’s why I put Lol. I knew you were going to say get it checked. But I haven’t. I feel good on the dosage I’ve been doing, body comp has changed. No noticeable estro problems. If I couldn’t handle the truth I wouldnt be on here. I agree it’s poor judgment. Just looking for some advice.

B-Rad81's picture

Or should I just be honest with my normal doctor and see what happens?

B-Rad81's picture

Thanks for the info and I know but I live in a small town where everyone talks. Where can I find an online source for bloodwork if there is such a thing. If not I’ll have to drive an hour or so to get it done.
Also as a side note I know a lot of local guys who run all kinds of shit and never get tested or do pct or anything else like that.I think they are stupid and reckless so that hasn’t made me feel the urgency to get the bloods done either. Still poor judgement I know.

B-Rad81's picture

Thanks again for the solid advice. I’ll check on those. Got to get my dose dialed in.

B-Rad81's picture

Thanks. They are nuts. One dude has been cruising on 250ml per week for over 20 years ….along with cycling! He’s 38.
I have an appt with my doc in December so I might be stubborn and run this 8 week test blast with var and then see if he can get me on the right track after that.

SL's picture

Why? You will still have high estrogen so wont fix the problem