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+ 8 Insubolic/Qtropin liquid gold


Insubolic has arrived just in time! Not only to finish to my final cut for contest prep should be arriving strong in the super heavies around 260 solid ass pounds!! Prob closer to 252lbs the final touches, but Insubolic has the ability to amaze me. The way both are liquid and easy to draw and dose make it so easy to use. Already taken a 100mcg shot with food and carbs.

It was a fundamental component in building my physique at the beginning of the year when this had just came out, and now that I've taken a break for good reasons, I'm now using it more importantly than ever to help me recover from a minor surgery I'll be having. Thanks big-time to Roidsource who I randomly was talking to about my situation and he had tons of insight actually about the process with surgery and his reassurance has made me feel so much better! Experience using this stuff we do it's good to know you have a supplier with a lot knowledge on what to do.

With hGH therapy and Insubolic I hope to not loose any significant impact in my training and hopefully recovery will be better, faster healing with less tissue damage or scarring. Running these supplements so far have been god sent honestly, and I'm putting them to the test here! It will make a huge difference in my life, it's already given me the body I want, now it's literally fixing it from the inside out....far away from the rest it's the key to success in your health and recovery for fitness. I impore anyone whose serious about their health to see how much they benefit from using them. I only wish my parents and whole family would be doing the same because it's keeping me young, sharp looking, and smart for my age.

Since some people will wonder what I'm having done, it's surgery for a calcified deposit on my hip (causing tons of tightness and discomfort around my hip flexor to my groin and adductor), and both my shoulders have fat necrosis from bad gear last year which they'll take care of since it's causing some mobility issues, and luckily (which RS was worried about) was a enlarged lymph node on my neck but that will subside on it's own. Hope to expedite recovery and enjoy this summer!

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5percent4life's picture

How are you timing it? 30 minutes preworkout? Post workout?

In a promo × 2
IronMind's picture

Best way is with a large carb meal post work for recovery. But if you time it right with a good carb drink if it's your off-season you'll be fine pre-workout and get a nasty pump, then drink your whey protein shake etc. It just needs to be used with some of source of food. The Qtropin hGH is best fasted. Insubolic rhIGF-1 is with food so it utilizes it sufficiently.