Sdb_powerbuild's picture
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Injection site reaction/pain


First time user. Has anybody experienced pain and slight redness/swelling at injection site up to 5 days later? I practiced proper hygiene and sterilization. Wondering if it is infection or a reaction to the preservatives, poor quality, etc. I am seeing my doctor today for unrelated reasons but will mention it to him. Any experiences or ideas appreciated.

TriednTESTEd's picture

Give the ‘z track method’ a go, sounds like just virgin muscle PIP but if you’re going to the doctor anyway get him to have a look.
Infections are no joke so always better to be safe than sorry.

Formal's picture

probably just virgin muscle but keep an eye on it & get it checked out to be safe. I've never really had significant swelling, but I remember running an oil from a popular source and it kept giving me something like an allergic reaction where the pin site would turn pink/red around for a few days which Benadryl helped get rid of. some oils just don't agree with some people. hope it clears up, mate

Eagles 2013's picture

Has it gotten progressively worse or has it appeared to have stalled and not gotten better but not gotten worse?

An infection will consistently get worse until it is treated with antibiotics and in some cases drained and cleaned out.

Irritation from solvents or poor injection technique will show up, be a bitch for a while but the swelling and redness will eventually stall out, not get any worse for a few days and then begin to dissipate.

Greg's picture

Never heard of such a thing.

bundlz's picture

Try to warm up your oil a little bit before you pin put it in a hot towel for 10min and before you inject take a nice hot shower

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Jackie Tony's picture

Hi mate. Thanks for indicating to not massage area. Can I know why? Since I am doing this regularly, i want to rectify it

Jackie Tony's picture

Its a very clear explanation. It came in front of my eyes reading. I take your suggestions and stop my habit from tomorrow itself. Thanks mate!

Sam I Am's picture

That’s what she said. : )

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Jackie Tony's picture

Exactly brother!!

Jackie Tony's picture

Massage the area around immediately after injection . And rotate the injection sites. I am certain that this will fix your issue

Edit: Sorry dont take this suggestion!

Sdb_powerbuild's picture

Yea using sust 250. 1cc 2x week. First cycle ever. The pain does subside but not as much as I would have thought

blackjack115's picture

Are you experiencing any feverish symptoms and is it hot or just a little warm? My first shot in a muscle always swells up a bit and gets a bit warm from inflammation usually subsides after a week. In your case I'm guessing it's virgin muscle as well. But if you're really worried a doctor is your best option. High concentration gear will do it as well.

JL's picture

What are you running? Could be a reaction to the gear. Could be an infection. 1st cycle?

Sdb_powerbuild's picture

Using sust 250. Yea it's my first time

JL's picture

I’m betting it’s post injection pain from the gear and virgin muscle. Is there EO in the sust?

My first run was test e 300. Gear was brutal! Every shot had me swollen and sore for a week. I toughed it out for 8 weeks walking like a peg leg pirate! These days I hardly ever get pip and when I do it’s mild. If I happen to get gear that has bad pip it goes directly in the bin. Not worth the literal pain in the ass!

Sdb_powerbuild's picture

Ok so I should probably give it a few weeks and see what happens? I don't have a lot of options so this is the only stuff I can get at the moment might have to stick it out

JL's picture

I’d be safe and get it checked out. Not sure why you don’t have options. This is a source discussion page. Lots of resources here and pip free options available.

Option 1 - stop the cycle, pct if needed. Do research and be more prepared for next cycle. You loose a little time and money. No biggie.

Option 2 - find better gear now and finish cycle in less pain.

Option 3 - forget aas. It’s to much of a pain in the ass. Keep training natty.

Bjmoney85's picture

I would be concerned man, is it warm to the touch? Doc will most likely give u antibiotics!