press1's picture
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Best ever Anadrol Lab?

Default - Use Group's defaults.

For some damn reason even though Anadrol is very cheap to buy coming across good versions that work as well as it should do seems fairly hard to come by.

A lot of them seem to give the general Adrol feeling of high BP upon taking, slightly removed heady feeling and sometimes the headache but they can be very varied in terms of strength gain results.

The Absolute best I have found so far seems to be Balkan - the older square yellow ones. Insane aggression on them instantly.

What has everyone else found to be the best? Androlics, NAPS 50's, Abdi Ibrahims?

press1's picture



Tripod 66's picture

Let's hope not brother but what kind of fucking joke would that be? Looks like he last commented on 87s si hoping for a pack today. I see his account logged on today like you said. Fingers crossed for a sick joke...

press1's picture

It's true Bud :-((

Tripod 66's picture

Sad morning...

Tripod 66's picture

Post it on a new page, like a memorial, so we can comment bro

press1's picture

I have done Bud, in the main forums.

It definitely wasn't him I was speaking to in message - it did sound like it was his wife.

If it seemed suspect in any way I wouldn't have posted it.

Tripod 66's picture

Good man Press

Bulkdaddy's picture

Balkan ADrol is the best hands down

Bearded_muscle's picture

Anyone else still have the stealth anadrol from EuroKing that tested at 80mgs? Little green guys. Those things are straight bombs. One always did the trick for me.

Drock_357's picture

Lol ..yah I still have plenty of those potent fuckers!..I think he sent me 300...thanx for bringing it up, now I’m craving drol.....

Why couldn’t you just say , does anyone like hostess cupcakes, or can you eat just 1 Pringle chip...but nnnnooooo you had to bring up drol!

exoticnfit's picture

Drol, Drolly.


Dammit, now I want some. =(=

exoticnfit's picture


For those of us old enough to have either traveled to T-land and use them straight from the source or were around others who were getting them in like PEZ...British Dispensary (not to be mistaken for British Dragon) was the ultimate in Anadrol (50mg greenish/blue) and the infamous PINK THAIS Dbol (5mg chalking/soft pink).

I find it hard to believe that someone hasn't made exact replicas instead of the several knock offs (Dbol) when it can't be too expensive and it would sell faster than butter with warm bread!

I've tried a few others (likely have some ZPC or ZPHC or whatever that company is named) but not the same for me.

If I don't go hunting for BD for my next run I'll be putting my faith in Pharmacom Lab. All my injectable AAS is from them and I've tried the pharma version of everything that was made that one can find and they check out beautifully!!!

I don't see myself using anything but the originals or from Pharmacom by Basicstero unless someone finds another gold nugget that is domestic.

Don't know of any domestic sources for British Dispensary but there is one International I've used successfully.

press1's picture

You mean the Androlic's - who was the source mate? You can talk sources in here.

exoticnfit's picture

I would like to grab some Androlic bottles but with all this pandemic stuff affecting shipping etc. I just hate to lose the pack even though they would reship.

exoticnfit's picture

Yep Androlic!!! is the only place I ordered the Androlics and found the one bottle of Dbol.

Just go the site and click on orals. Then on left side bar type in British Dispensary.

Just did it and only saw Androlic for sale, Winny expired and NO MORE Dbol showing up.

I get in touch once in a while and ask about the Dbol and they check in on it but once I tell them the exact look, shape and texture of the Dbol for it to be authentic they don't seem to have any luck aside from the decent knock offs.

press1's picture

Yeh I've seen in the past they often have it.

I've ordered many times from Buy-as and genuinely never had any problems with them at all, I know they've had a lot of stick in the past from others for some reason.

Use to get tonnes of Pharmacom from them.

exoticnfit's picture

Going to DM you

MonstrousS's picture

About the covid effecting packages; I've had probably 15 packs come in since covid began and 100% of them made it in one piece, just delayed.

Max_lifts's picture


MonstrousS's picture

As far as anadrol is concerned, does anyone have any perspective on how a test/tren/npp cycle might be affected by 2 week pulses of drol? From what I can tell, we aren't 100% sure how or why drol sometimes has an affect on e2, and I have even seen people suggest it may interact somehow with progesterone/prolactin. At the same time, many people claim it to be a dry dbol. So confusing. My experience was more of size increaser via nitrogen retention (bowling ball delts, extreme pumps), and then it also seemed to be a good hardener. But I ran it with just test 350 and tren ace 350.

Bulkdaddy's picture

I just run it for 6 weeks straight. Or until I run out of tabs...

Jim Layhey's picture

Or until I run out of tabs...

Lmao finally a guy who’s honest too!

Tbone69's picture

I feel like more of us do it like that and just don't admit it..I run var until I start feeling exhausted. It doesn't do much damage compared to other orals and the pumps are amazing

press1's picture

Well bud something really weird is happening - I've been running 60mg Dragon Dbol on rest days and 20mg only pre-workout on training days for the past 5 days and I am getting a fuck tonne stronger much quicker than I was munching 150mg ED Adrol. I find on the DBol I get huge CNS stimulation even when it is shot - today for example I can barely arch on the bench and all my spine and neck is cracking from a big dead 2 days ago but still had a heavy ass bench session without being able to involve my back and legs even. Even deads 2 days ago my hips and lower back were still sore from the previous session normally preventing me from lifting much beyond 4 plates as I lock up but still had no probs going heavy. I just do not get any glycogen retention either from adrol where as dbol I do. MMmmm gonna give it another few weeks - defo harder to run tho, can feel the extra oestrogen and water retention plus BP headaches. Fuck it tho - I ain't no moanin lame ass bitch LMAO

Jim Layhey's picture


press1's picture

Bud thats what I preached for years on here and got into many arguments and fall outs because of it!!! LMAO Then I switched to Adrol and have had some good lifts but just kinda felt things getting stagnant lately even on tonnes of adrol. Dbol so far again is working very well. Don't get me wrong running them 50/50 with each other works well too but the Adrol aggression blunts the Dbol euphoric high thats the only prob LOL

And underneath lets face it a lot of us are or have been drug addicts/alcoholics Hahaha

exoticnfit's picture

Adrol is great for strength and dryer gains than Dbol IMO.

If you want pure throw in the PINK Thai Dbols from back in the day (extremely hard to find authentic ones...believe me I've found only one 1000tab can out of 5 in the past years) to get that narly thick water/muscle weight going.

There is a reason it starts at a 5mg tab compared to Adrol at 50mg if also buying from the same awesome THAI manufacturer where the tabs are greenish/blue color.

Those were the BEST dbol and adrol I've ever used when access to them was super easy. I think you might find some adrol from British Dispensary still authentic but British Dispensary dbol has knock off central.

The good news is they are still decent but I know what it smells like, tastes like and looks like and again I've found one can out of 5 in the past several years that was AUTHENTIC 100%

I tried getting more from the same company but got 2 of the other types which were easy to spot once opened.

It worked but as to how much dbol you were getting comparatively is unknown. I still grew on that shit though. =)

press1's picture

Yeah this is the funny thing about Adrol - everyone says you'll balloon up like a water bomb and so will your face etc Well I don't find I do - on DBol I defo do. The more glycogen filled fluid I drink through the day on it you can see and feel the trained muscle filling out whereas on Adrol I don't get that. I know it isn't a dry one like say winny is. Plus the pumps I find on DBol are way way stronger, halfway through warm up I feel them coming on.

Jim Layhey's picture

throw in the PINK Thai Dbols from back in the day

Available in Thailand brother at the pharmacy’s there! Every time I visit I run a cycle the month I’m there haha

Jim Layhey's picture

Dude I love when people revert to “you’re a bag of water when using dbol” it’s like hey fawkface you’re a bag of water if you’re eating like a strongman lol
Like dudes..
abombs take away my appetite, make me feel on edge and strength increase is okay I guess.
dbol makes me all warm and happy from the estrogen n conversion. Stores glycogen (IMO) better than anadrol and it’s more anabolic!

Tbone69's picture

Yeah but neither really build muscle right, they mostly just increase strength so you can tear it up and pump you full of glycogen and nitrogen, which helps, but not like testosterone nandrolone and tren do.. So might as well use the one you like best if you're going to use one. Or both I guess...

Jim Layhey's picture

Sooooooo you’re saying dianabol doesn't cause protein synthesis? Learn something new everyday (cheese dick smile)

Tbone69's picture

I mean...yeah but the deca usually involved does significantly a dbol only cycle and tell me how much you keep.. Almost nothing

press1's picture

Come off Test and steroids in general and tell me how much you keep? Stop taking protein shakes and creatine and see how it compares to just food and milk. All this stuff only works as long as you take it unfortunately, Trenbolone is one of the worst to come off and keep any of the gains you made on it.

Tbone69's picture

Can I still cruise on 500mg!?
I don't like this idea press...I've worked hard to get clinically overweight according to my bmi.

MonstrousS's picture

I cannot tell a lie. I haven't cruised legitimately in over 18 months. I'm here for a good time not a long ti--dies.

Tbone69's picture

I don't think I've dropped below 500 in the same time frame.. It's dangerous and risky, but my body is healthy still. We're all addicts here, addicted to gains or the gym.. If I stopped I'd just start smoking pot and drinking 100%. I never lie to myself. I know what my actions are saying about myself. I'm just way happier and healthier on gear than other drugs.

MonstrousS's picture

I mostly agree. I also participate in a style of recovery, so I have that going as well, for internal growth and improving my capacity to have meaningful relationships of all types, without my bullshit harming others. However, the added layer of bodybuilding; that daily discipline and body maintinance adds a whole nother layer. When something feels really shitty and I think, "I could really just bang some meth once, not tell anyone and go back to my life," there's the added piece of what one one binge would do to my gains!

press1's picture

Same here - I think if I didn't have training and goals to strive for I'd soon fall back into my old ways. I'd start going out into town again chasing skirt and drinking, gear is a massive deter-ant for me not to do that as I know I cannot drink on it at all plus gains and muscle would be destroyed by alcohol.

press1's picture

That's TRT isn't it?! Lmao You have entered the 1G cruise group now Tbone ...

Yeah I think even I'm classed as that now for my height, man wouldn't it be interesting to see if we went full natty what weight and strength levels we would end up sitting at??

I reckon it would be shit - I bet I would be about 155lb's and weak as fuck as my hormonal system is now crashed I'm sure forever. Tbh it doesn't bother me though as I know I want to train for as long as I'm alive so pinning for the rest of my life isn't an issue. Having experienced gains even on just test compared to natty I'd feel like I was wasting time and effort in the gym for very little reward.

Tbone69's picture

Mmmmmmmm 1g really feels good doesn't it! being natural sounds good, but let's be honest our goals are either to look unnatural or be able to lift unnatural weight..if I wanted to live to 100 I wouldn't lift heavy even natural. No one wants to die young, but I think 80 is a good run. My health markers are in excellent shape for what I run, as soon as they're not then I'll back off and shrink down to a healthy lifestyle lol
Probably 170 with a beer belly and can't bench 225 lmao. Pot will be legal here at some point, maybe I'll start smoking again and go on more vacations. Right now it's federally illegal, so a lot of jobs still will fire you if you pop. I need my job to make my gains press!

Jim Layhey's picture

Dbol only cycle would be me in a bed watching friends and eating ice cream crying for no reason lmao!

MonstrousS's picture

How much of an exaggeration is this? I don't see much of an emotional change when my estrogen is high. When i'm on too low of an ai and am waiting to find out for sure, it isn't until some physical side effect shows up overnight that I find out.

Jim Layhey's picture

I big exaggeration

Tbone69's picture

There, see!? Wouldn't gain shit for muscle would you..

I rest my case.

I do love friends though.. But my e2 is definitely high af today..I pinned a bunch of test p and took 50 mg dbol after dropping my tren ace blast after 4 weeks..
I actually love the hormone fluctuations! I spent most of my life feeling nothing, so even the occasional estrogen spike is like color in a coloring book.. It's beautiful.. Then the tren crazies hit and I'm back to playing out scenarios, that will never happen, of beating the shit out of someone for any reason..

GrowMore's picture

I actually love the hormone fluctuations! I spent most of my life feeling nothing, so even the occasional estrogen spike is like color in a coloring book.. It's beautiful..

Deep bro but I agree.

Jim Layhey's picture

No I would most definitely make gains lmao bro it’s a steroid and it was designed to be taken alone. You won’t keep all of it but I bet you could keep 5-7 pounds absolutely with the right diet and tweaked training. The body isn’t completely worthless lol

Tbone69's picture

Ok fair enough if you weren't capped out already but it's still stupid and dumb...

press1's picture

Just tell Jim you are gonna Fuck him up if he keeps being cheeky TBone .....

Tbone69's picture

I'm gonna fuck you Jim!