Slug4206's picture
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Hi everyone need information super new to this world


Very new to the world of steroids but ive been doing alot of research and almost ready to make a purchase. First I live in the United States and was hoping someone here would know a trusted US supplier for injectables. I was looking at test enanthate 250mg 10ml vial. How long would this vial last me if I was taking two shots a week at 500mg per week and should I use another anabolic along with the enanthate. Looking for strength but mainly weight gains. Recommend cycles would be very helpful and if I should be taking a AI with Recommend cycles. Lmk what you think.

Bill G's picture

depends on if you inject it IV or IM.

press1's picture

How's the new job going bud - all good?

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Bill G's picture

Still floating on my side gig

press1's picture

The Poppy farm?

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Halsey's picture

Read for about 3 to 6 months first, starting with this website and the internet. If I'm going to be putting stuff in my body, I'm going to make damn well sure I've done my homework first. Some of this stuff has no do-overs, tread lightly!

KMC's picture

He maybe under age to vote.

Owes a Review × 1
KMC's picture

Sounds like he is qualified vote for himself and 3 dead relatives.

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DbolAndAll's picture

you have done research you say... but you cant even do simple math... the sources are the first thing you see on the front page... another anabolic with enanthate on your first cycle? I assume youre talking about Test E but Enanthate isnt an anabolic its an ester chain, looking for strength then eat more food, buddy buddy buddy post your stats, current lifts, height weight and goals along with your diet and macros

Edit: ok youre 32, ok. youre 6 foot tall at 160lbs... you NEED FOOD not DRUGS ya damn toothpick. How about this, eat 3200cal 230g protein 80g fats and 420g carbs. No drugs, you will grow more with this macro setup than a simple 500 test cycle with a shit diet

stairmaster's picture

I recommend u nothing, first you ask a question which is against the rules , second u ask how long a 2500mg vial lasts if u take a 2cc (500mg) shot per week, holy shit!

Nicolai's picture

Hey broski. I'll let you know what I think. It's probably some of the best Eroids advice, too. I'll post it below:

Read the damn rules.

KMC's picture

How long would this vial last me........

Longer than your predicted visit to

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stairmaster's picture


press1's picture

You CANNOT even do the most basic of maths equations - therefore injecting steroids is completely out of the window for now. Continue to do your research.

In a promo × 1
stairmaster's picture

Einstein is already died now he needs us to help, lol.

Pumped_'s picture

I smell a cop throwing out a line and hook lol. Operation Slug Takedown

blackjack115's picture

"I've been doing a lot of research" can't even divide 10 by 2

Greg's picture

You're nowhere near ready... this is the result of a lot of research?

SegaKid87's picture

''smacks hand on head''

I'm sure with the intensive research you've done your ready to go.

If chicken nuggets were people...

Bearded_muscle's picture

So it’s 250 mg/ml and you want to take 2 mls a week for 500 mgs and the vial is 10 mls total. Damn bro I got no idea how long that will last. I hope we get some kind of math genius to come along and figure this out for us...