roly420's picture
  • 118

+ 7 Terrible posing and camera skills, but it'll do...


Back double bicep at the gym.
5'9" 190lbs
Not bad for almost 40 and after a pandemic...
BF% pretty low, but not sure. I'd say, sub 10?
Lighting at my gym is just ASSSS....

Ordered from: 
Soulja's picture

DAYUM Roly! Looking good my G.

roly420's picture

Thank you, sir!!!!

Mercenary's picture

Looking insane bro well done!!

roly420's picture

Pretty sure you had something to do with it.... hahaha
Thanx big dawg!

Pxpxp's picture

Ripped! +1

In a promo × 2
roly420's picture

I'm trying... but that ghrelin is a mothafucka!
Its like Mike Tyson punching me in the face. Lol
Thanx, big dawg

GrowMore's picture

If it didn’t have the equipment in the back I would of guessed you were in a rave. Strong pose fella. Great to see you’re getting results from Biotekk gear. I’ve just ordered some of their RIP blend

Owes a Review × 1
roly420's picture

Thanx, buddy!
Yeah, their RIP long ester was what I used. Finished with se of teamroids parapharma gear also. The parapharma speaks for itself. We all know its G2G. But that RIP long blew me away! Although it's all enanthate ester, it started working extremely quick. It wasn't only biotekk, but their 20mL line, and I added tren enanthate from biotekk to keep the test lower than tren. Still, not knowing much of that particular brand, I wasnt expecting much. But damn, caught me by surprise.

Sam I Am's picture


Owes a Review × 1
roly420's picture

Thanx, big dawg!!

Becausesquat's picture

Lats and delts are popping

roly420's picture

Thanx, buddy. God knows I'm trying to widen my back.
Lats have always been my lagging part. But at least my waist is still small.