skydancer4's picture
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+ 2 Guide: How to avoid Test Flu


Hello, as I said, I will write several articles about PEDS and how to try to avoid its side effects.

My first article is about the Test Flu and how to try to avoid it.

What is Test Flu

Test Flu its when we have flu-like symptoms, due to the use of testosterone, its duration and severity may change depending on the person's genetics, the dose used and the ester.

What causes it

After injecting testosterone, it breaks down into several metabolites, one of them the neurosteroid called ethiocolanolone, this metabolite is responsible for different actions in the body, as the feeling of well-being and also causes an immunological stimulating response in the body. This can cause several flu like symptoms such as fever, stomach ache, dizziness, inflammation….

What EXACTLY causes it

As I said before, this neurosteroid causes flu-like symptoms, when we use a short ester, the concentration of this neurosteroid increases very quickly without allowing the body time to adapt, if we used a long ester it would be very unlikely that it could cause fever unless we used a very high dose.

How to avoid it

The easiest way is to use a long ester but if we want to use a short ester, the way to avoid it would be to use injections subcutaneously so that the fast ester is released slowly, thus helping the body to adapt.
*Also you can use sodium bicarbonate prior to eating 2 times per day to impact in the activity of our lymphocytes to lower the flu like symptoms.'s picture

The easiest way is to use a long ester but if we want to use a short ester, the way to avoid it would be to use injections subcutaneously so that the fast ester is released slowly, thus helping the body to adapt.

Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of using a short ester, or am I missing something here.

Still though nice write up bro.

skydancer4's picture

The subq release is slower... But nothing compared to a long ester release (think about a 2 hours slower realease for example).
So you have all the benefits of a short ester but that extra time that it takes to work is enough to give the benefit of avoiding the test flu.'s picture

I see , ty for clearing it up

BJ's picture

I just take a few Aleeve when I get a flare up! Knocks the feeling away quick... a buddy of mine told me it's from your body going into an inflammatory state.

BJ's picture

Yeah they do & they are also bad on the liver! Only as needed they can really raise your liver enzymes fast when doing orals!

Dets's picture

Is there a link to the article?

skydancer4's picture

I didnt based it on an article (but for sure if you search for it you will find one) it is based on biology (and there is no room for error, it is as it is because... Biology).
A good endocrine will tell you the same thing that I said in my article.

Dets's picture

Sorry I don't post much anymore, but you're 26?

You are on Anadrol, test, sustanon and you're just starting to compete? Good luck bro, if I were going to post scientific "articles" on anything, I would provide sources/links to actual studies or research considering no one in science just takes your word for it, you know, scientific method and all the fun stuff.

Maybe its just me being older and a little saltier now, but it kinda of grinds my gears when I see a young kid already know "everything".

You are just old enough (maybe?) to not get flamed on the forums but for running that many compounds at your age and especially considering the lack of development in your physique, I'm surprised that I'm the only one that is a little taken back. But whatever, I guess running 3 compounds and looking bloated af is the normal these days.

Anyway, I'll return to my once a year posting schedule lol, have a good day everyone. Take care

skydancer4's picture

Yes, you are a bit salty.
I dont know everything as you said, but i have a PHD in Biochemistry and i work in a lab in things related to this so yes, i can post speaking about what i know.
Btw as i said in my first post i dont think my physique is amazing, the important thing for me was passing from being a pro swimmer to have anorexy and proven depression to return back to a body i feel comfy with so if you think that with your words you are going to make me feel bad... You are wrong.
Do you want to be spoonfed? Ok there you have it, know read ir and take your own conclusions.
What i was refering is, for example if i am talking about how the renal system works i wont link any article... Because is in the books and is not a research, it is as it is and there is no free interpretation about it, in this case is the same, is a reaction that happens in the body.
Btw sust is also test.
Better post once in a year if you only appear to try to criticize a guy that at least tries to help in open forums and if someone ask me for a thing that needs an article i always provide one.
Also age is not a marker of the intelligence of someone (but experience that comes with age yes), if i act as someone who knows something ids because i have studies and i love this field, i have seen guys a 15 year old studying in the university... So yeah, age is not a marker.
A and if i run "too many compounds" is because my bloods are perfect and my health related preventions are on point, if you want to attack someone about his gear use at a young age go ask some teen in your gym using tren in his first cycle being 16 because he want to be as his favourite influencer.

Jonastheblue's picture

didnt even know this was a thing, il be cautios now..

Immortaltech's picture

I get this shit everytimeeee when i inject 400mg/ml concentration test solo, not even full ml, 200mg is enough to hold me in bed with flu for several days... im not sure why only on 400mg test, if i mix it with other drugs i wont have problem

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skydancer4's picture

Higher concentration equals to higher concentration per ml that equals to a faster liberation of the hormone in the muscle because there is less carrier oil for a bigger quantity of hormone, if you mix it the liberation will be slower and at a more steady level and the reaction that i mention in my post wont happen.

skydancer4's picture

Max 0.2Ml at a normal concentration gear (do not use those 400mg concentration), if you jab it everyday i can assure that you will have more stable levels (and higher) than with a normal intramuscular protocol.
Its not person dependant, lots of TRT doctors are using this method, the problem is when you inject a high ml dose or the test is in a high concentration or is contaminated. › pub...
Subcutaneous Injection of Testosterone Is an Effective and Preferred Alternative to ... - NCBI
Yo have tons of info out there, also you can search a more plates more dates video about it ( i dont like that guy a lot but that video was pretty good).
There are some very experienced members on this board using the subq method also.

press1's picture

Your vote only counts once you hit 50 karma pal.

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press1's picture

Hey bud - Not having a dig at ya at all, just letting you know as I was under that illusion also when I first joined. You are helping out massively within the community and you'll be recognised for that.

Here's a great link with everything you need to know in it:

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Dudeman24's picture

Thanks for the read man

Slowly's picture

Enjoy reading friend.

skydancer4's picture

Thank you!

johnmarshall12's picture

I'm not a big fan of Sub Q oil shots for one. I usually try to use long esters and it hasn't been a problem for me.

Eagles 2013's picture

I've tried sub-q oil shots twice and both times ended up with big, painful red welts that had to be drained. Definitely not a fan

stairmaster's picture

Already a lot topocs about flu and how to prevent flu , here is a very good one:

skydancer4's picture

i dont know if my response to you sounded cocky or something like that, if you think so im sorry, english is not my first language and i sometimes sound cocky.

skydancer4's picture

That post is not related to my topic, he is talking about a kind of allergic reaction to the ester, and that can happen also using not test.
Also new papers are published everyday and the science of this sport changes everyday, my posts are going to be focused on the new clinical studies.
For example today there are new evidences saying that the famous GH bubblegut is not caused by increased organ size, is caused by insulin causing stomach problems when digestin the food, what i want to say with this example is that some of the old information is obsolete and is useful to new the newer information (before someone corrects me,yes GH can cause larger organs and bubble gut, but is not the main cause in today BB)

press1's picture

It's got nothing to do with the type of ester used in my experience, you'll either get it from a contaminated batch of Test from a lab or you won't - simple as that. There was one lab I'd always get it from so I just stopped using it. I'd never ever pin test Sub q either unless you want to suffer needless pain and a possible infection/abscess from it not getting into muscle tissue properly & deeply enough.

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Eagles 2013's picture

Yep. As I mentioned above I tried sub-q oil shots twice and both times ended up with painful red welts that had to be drained.

press1's picture

OMG Really?! Whats the procedure when they drain things like that bud?

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Greg's picture

It's important to distinguish the "flu" which is a virus and not bacterial (as you suggest with the contaminated batch comment). And, "FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS", which also is not the viral flu but caused by a "reaction" to taking test -what the poster is trying to express.

Also, for your information, this is not the 70's. Sub-Q injections are an acceptable option prescribed by many endo specialists. Drug companies do exhaustive, expensive, drug tests to get FDA approval. They are not going to go through retesting with the FDA so that they can add the sub-q option. It will not positively affect their bottom line and doctors are already prescribing it that way based on peer studies.

press1's picture

I thought the general advice we stick to on the site is to inject deep into muscle tissue to lessen the chance of an abscess from lingering oil in fatty areas and to make sure it is in good contact with blood flow within muscle so it disperses properly?

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Greg's picture

Do a search, there are is plenty of discussion and debate on the issue. I've made posts recommending against using UGL gear and anything approaching 1cc sub-Q based on my own experiance... my endo doc has suggested using Sub-Q injections and that is what I do for my TRT.

Upside is if I want to "blast" during my TRT I don't have to look for additional sites for a pin rotation.

skydancer4's picture

Thank you for helping me with my topic, yes docs nowadays are recommending using subq injections due to steady liberation... When someone says they dont use them because they can cause an infection is probably because they are using some contaminated batch... With pharma meds 0% chance of an infection.

skydancer4's picture

As i pointed out on the other reply you can also get test flu symptoms from a contaminated batch, in that case is an infection and needs to be treated like one, but scientifically speaking the "test flu" is related with the type of ester (the teacher who helped me with my PhD showed to me studies of people getting test flu from pharma sust, and that cant be contaminated).
You are totally right about the subq injection, but is one form to avoid it and needs to be pointed out (i have used this personally without problems, on the other hand i did a leg shot a while ago and i ended up with an infection... so it depends), if someone is capable of doing this kind of injection and wants to avoid test flu, this is one of the ways to do it (but i prefer to be honest using the sodium bicarbonate way, lees effective but safer).
Thanks for pointing that out!

press1's picture

How long have you used steroids for?

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skydancer4's picture

If you read my presentation you will know more about my, if you are asking that because you want to know if im knowing what i am talking about, yes i know. My field of studies was kinda based on PEDS, my PhD was based on them and my current work in the lab is about them, as far as personal use im not that experienced compared with a lot of you, as far as scientific knowledge and not broscience im kind good. This post was only to try to help

the_gainz's picture

Vitamin C and zinc used to work wonders for me. Haven’t had issues with test flu in years though.

skydancer4's picture

Those can help in a certain way, helping with the inflammatory way, but more related to help if the flu like symptoms are caused by some kind of infection.
After some cycles your body adapts to it and it wont appear again unless you use some crazy doses, this post is more for newbies or very high dose users haha Smile