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+ 2 Do you prefer being On cycle or TRT?


The more posts and comments I seem to read nowadays are from experienced users currently on TRT or slightly higher than normal levels of testosterone, as opposed to people fully 'on cycle'.

The guys on TRT generally also come across as being much more happy and contented with themselves compared to those cycling. As I've yet to run much lower levels of test I'm just curious to know everyone's preference between the two and if possible the reasons why Smile

UncleYoked's picture

I prefer low dose TRT, 80mg or so a week with doses split 3x a week seems to be a sweet spot. Occasionally I'll add in low doses of deca or mast just for that extra good feeling.
My cycles now are just low dose runs of something like 25/25/25 test p/mast p/tren a EOD. I spent a lot of time trying to find the lowest doses possible to 'cycle' with. Granted, I'm not walking around looking stage ready 365 but that's not what I go for anymore. what works for me, doesn't work for everyone. Quite a few of my friends have tried it and it doesn't work for 4/5 of them but it does work for some.

vhman's picture

Thanks Yoked. After 7+ years of TRT, I have found that lower is better. I’m at 100 mg a week. I use test-c once a week and I feel great! No ups or downs or normal side effects.
I think many folks need to consider less is more. Very happy with the results.

Redmanlfc's picture

On cycle for sure I would say as nothing beats that superman feeling, especially when in the gym when you feel and look shrink wrapped BUT I do always have in the back of my mind that what I’m doing is unhealthy and then when on trt of 125mg/week I just feel healthier in my mind, like I’m healing my clogged arteries lol always eat healthy and do cardio but I do more cardio when on trt as I’m not trying to gain, just maintain as much as possible.

Achak's picture

I love how I feel on cycle. I especially love trenbolone.

My Second Life's picture

TRT is great if I want to feel like a middle aged man, on cycle you feel like a 20 year old man. Of course there's the diet, sleep and exercise that follows a cycle more stringently, but for my money 7 weeks into an Enant cycle is damn near euphoric. just my .02

Jglenn44's picture

This has been a really helpful thread! I agree that being on TRT is preferable to being on cycle. Thank you all!

bigbain's picture

Personally it depends on the cycle. If it's a "harder" cycle then trt. If it's a cycle with test, sus, dbol or something along those lines then a prefer a cycle. My problem is with trt is I adjust to it like anything else which leaves me feeling like garbage after a while.

Greg's picture

You're conflating TRT with Blast and Cruise.

bigbain's picture

Sorry Greg, maybe I got dropped on my head too many times as a child lol....Not quite sure I understand? I get prescribed test from the doc for low t and sometimes may not do a cycle for a few years. I have come completely off ,but my numbers stay extremely low.

However, when I'm just on prescribed doses ,I do adjust to it and start going down hill eventually, even when my levels are stable and in the 5-6 hundred range.

I honestly believe it's because of years of higher dosing of test.

ErieToPitt's picture

Being on gear just messes me up, unless it's really mild gear. I can't do tren anymore, my BP skyrockets, and night sweats suck. I'd rather run TRT and some HGH, that makes me good. And at 54, I don't need screwing up my body, TRT/HGH improves my health rather than adversely impact it.

vhman's picture

TRT all the way. I don’t like the yo-yo effect. Slow and steady and feeling good day in and out is the way to go.

BJ's picture

I always pay attention to the way I feel on gear. Done my share of cycles & my favorite is not TRT or BLAST, but fancy more of an old school cycle or golden era cycle pyramid & then doing a proper PCT & going natty. When doses are low you really have to dial in the food, training, sleep, & stress levels. I tell you what though! I feel like you can grow almost just as much w/ half the dose you used on prior cycles if you really focus on those. For example.. Say your in your 40's & done your share of small/ large cycles, short/long cycles & all in between(200mg a week or 1000mg a week). When firing perfectly on all cylinders & doing some meditation or visually doing the workout in your head the night before & then smashing it in the gym the next day.... You can look & feel amazing on 200mg of Test and a short run of 25mg a day of your favorite oral. Just a tad more than TRT & low or no side effects.

Eagles 2013's picture

I much prefer being on TRT but still bladting periodically. Me and the Mrs don't want children and I don't mind pinning so I enjoy being able to control my off cycle test levels and not having to go through the PCT/re-start ordeal after every cycle. It's all about responsibility, having regular blood work ran and not staying on cycle dosages year around. In my opinion at least

professer X's picture

Ive noticed that once i dialed in my ideal dose of test and have it consistant, i feel pretty damm good cruising on trt doses... i like to use provi with my cruise to free up more test amd that has alot to do with it.. but in my opinion a good test blast with some npp and dbol is an amazing feel good cycle....
But its not a feeling you can maintain forever...

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Eagles 2013's picture

I love NPP. I feel like Super Man for the first 10-12 weeks on a 450(ish)/wk NPP blast. Your right though, not something that you can maintain forever without a break.

Eagles 2013's picture

I couldn't agree more. It's so versatile with minimal side effects- at least in my experience.

ErieToPitt's picture

Depends on what I'm cycling. TRT is great since I never have to worry about PCT, but off cycle I lose a good amount of strength. I'm just more careful about what I cycle, Tren I'm done with. It just messes me up way too much, my BP shoots up, and the night sweats suck. I've been playing around with things like Bold. My last cycle was boldenone and winny, and the results were amazing. This time I'm trying DHB, I heard a lot of good things about it and less sides than others, I'm kicking it with anadrol another compound I haven't tried yet. So it's all experiment and find what you like. I do give a several weeks off in between and monitor my bloods. Blast and cruise, do whatever you like. At 53, I'm like what the hell.

jtomey77's picture

I would also believe there is a correlation between age and answer here; I cycled as a young man and had a different level of tolerance for the inevitable "ups and downs" of that lifestyle. Now, 40+, I would prefer to be subjectively "optimized" and feeling good all year long rather than the peaks and valleys that come with the blast and PCT.

press1's picture

I can completely understand where you are coming from pal, I think even how long you have been cycling steroids must play a big part also. I guess its like when you start running cycles at first, and then over time you run heavier and worse feeling compounds - at first you don't mind sticking the roughness of it out but then after time simply no longer want to tolerate feeling like death. I've come to believe that the true Elite level guys have this ability to turn off how they are feeling and just simply override the horrendous sides they go through - that's before the diuretics! Top level Powerlifters also are able to squat and bench even when having nosebleeds and bleeding through their eye sockets to get to the numbers they want to achieve. I love to hit dream numbers but also want to enjoy it and feel happy at the same time doing it. Enjoying training is 75% of it for me.

I know I've digressed there a little Lol but the constant peaks and troughs are no fun for anyone ....

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jtomey77's picture

Exactly. Hard core really means setting aside quality of life and comfort for pursuit of the game.

As I've aged I just know what I'm willing to put up with (and conversely how good I know I can feel).

Goodfella1118's picture

Extremely well put , going through those peaks and troughs definitely takes its toll !

GreatSpear's picture

Greg hit the nail on the head with this one. Quality of life is night and day for me going from Total T levels ranging from 157 to mid 300 pre-TRT to where it’s at now in the 600s on 200mg/wk. That being said, I certainly do like a nice bump up to 300mg/wk every now and then!

Greg's picture

TRT, true TRT, (not the self prescribed TRT used as an excuse to explain away someone's addiction and abuse of AAS) is not a choice. You report feeling happier because the alternative is a return to how one felt before getting the proper care. Often the degradation in the quality of life sneaks up on you over 10 years being explained away as "normal", being overworked, not getting enough sleep, etc., etc....

Going on TRT at first is like someone who's eyes have slowly gotten worse then gets a new pair of glasses that makes everything appear crisp and clear again. You're elated. Eventually that becomes the new norm, the honeymoon exuberance goes away but the improvement in the quality of life remains.

Now, taking what is said above, you have a baseline. Both of those on TRT and those who don't need TRT are on the same level. life is normal. They feel the same. When they both run a cycle they will both feel great, love the drive and rapid changes they see in their bodys, both come off their cycle and feel normal once again... only, one of them needs PCT which can be an iffy few weeks, and the other is enslaved to weekly/biweekly injections and constant monitoring.

Slowly's picture

Many members confuse the real TRT therapy (a pathology prescribed by the doctor) with the "self-prescribed" therapy (because of abuse or dependence of AAS), just because you feel good while running.
That's the real problem.
Too many doctors of themselves.

Slowly's picture

Friend I ran a race of sixteen weeks and I had a problem with E2 high , ( lowered immediately in a few weeks ). PCT in ten days, but this does not matter, our friend writes another thing.

Greg's picture

Bingo. People need to call it what it is and stop muddying the waters by interchanging the terms. We established that "rule" here years ago.

I can understand cruising, and dropping off of scripted TRT because of med costs and the hassle. Not to be completely upfront when asking a question does not help anyone.

I propose these definitions:

Cruse: Self prescribed "TRT"; never saw a doctor to find the cause of low T, just started to treat the symptom.

Unscripted TRT: Saw a doctor originally and had a script but due to one reason or another (e.g.cost) continued on without a doctor's care.

TRT: Under the full care and supervision of a doctor.

Triggerjockey's picture

well put!

jtomey77's picture

I like them Greg.

I also suspect the "unscripted TRT" is getting more popular and common. I think in particular with those patients seeing the Rx clinics (as opposed to bona fide endos).

The surge of UGLs pushing high quality test has made it more economically viable to self-prescribe 200 mg / week, for instance, at a cost of $5 plus ancillaries if applicable.

With ready access to labs like Quest where one can also monitor markers with relative ease. And in the case of the clinics, as long as the numbers stay within the margins of error, are they really doing much more analysis than that?

johnmarshall12's picture

I think you'll get a lot of different opinions on this. It also depends on your age, and goals. So, we shall see what members say. I prefer TRT and then cycling or call it blast and cruise if you want.

press1's picture

Well buddy I thought we'd of got a lot more response to this but I guess maybe not lol :(

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Bill G's picture

Dude, i never even saw this.
Looks like you got some great responses out of it

press1's picture

We did in the end Bud - we did in the end LOL

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