lundgren's picture
  • 215

Last order Bayer Rimobolan



It's the new order with new design (vs the first order) with 20 amps of Rimobolan.

Ordered from: 
robb's picture

Sooner rather than later I'm going to try out a primo run and more than likely I'll probably go with the Bayer version. Price wise they seem about the same as ugl.

24hreup's picture

elixir of gods

enjoy them

zmlxnqf0904's picture

Best Primo EVER. Enjoy it my friend!

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press1's picture

Good stuff Lundgren! I use to be a massive fan of their Dbol tabs until I found out they didn't make Dbol Lmao Turned out they were fakes but damn credit to whoever made them as they worked bloody well!!

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RawGonza22's picture

Agreed. Lol. Been there

lundgren's picture

Lol yes about the fake he's made the stanozolol too, but it's a good fake ( i dont know the level of purity but he's work like genuine stanozolol ) ;-)

RawGonza22's picture

Cant beat that Bayer. I'd run that before any other UGL product. I've seen the "fakes" throughout the years and are really not fake but just a copywritten knockoff if that makes any sense. I've worn 'Nike' shoes that were just knockoffs, but no different in quality IMO. Its criminal for stealing the name but I've never heard anything bad about these knockoffs if and when they exist.

press1's picture

Aah bud it was so funny - I use to love these Dbol tabs so much I recommended them to everyone I spoke to! They gave the high, the strength, energy and water retention till the cows came home lol Then BigIan on here told me Bayer didn't make them at all and never had done. I was like WTF - I was adamant he was wrong! But sure enough he was right it turned out and it literally ruined my whole next week Lmao That was 4 years ago now - So funny looking back Smile

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RawGonza22's picture


RawGonza22's picture

Right. It's all about the name; but I figure it just takes a bit of Logic, but if I was going to steal a big name, I had better make the best oils or raws at that, to keep the Name going and people somewhat unaware or unsuspecting anyway. Many buyers and users on here are Not stupid, maybe temperarely fooled, but NOT stupid. I'll figure it out eventually.
Too bad we cant buy Into a real franchise.

lundgren's picture

Thanks ! Yes when i use 2 amps i have around 2.2ml.
I have the same when i use the Bayer test Enanthate bought on local pharma.

lundgren's picture

Oh .. and the design are the same like me ?
It's a old order from a few months ago, actually i use the Stealth Primo from Alin and the oil look like water (maybe oil e.o)