Carlito Brigante's picture
Carlito Brigante
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Old viewer, New member


I’ve been using the info in this forum for a long time, and now I’ve registered in order to get and offer help. Probably you guys give zero f’s about these kind of posts but hey.

Greg's picture

I'm starting to give zero f's about you and your attitude, but hey...

dextetherdog's picture

Welcome man

helloBrooklyn's picture

The supplement game is in dire need of a savior. Even protein powders have become sketchy as hell with all the heavy metal contaminants and shit. Perhaps you are the chosen one who will release a protein powder that only has in it what it says it has in it. You can call it… Carlito’s Whey.

That would be extremely helpful!

Welcome aboard

0newheelup's picture

The supplement game! Once u think ur out, it pulls u right back in... Everyone pays...

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