TaTo83's picture
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-1 hgh, testosterone, arimidex... what else?


hello! I'm Sal and i'm 35. 5.7 and 165lb.

i started last month with test 500 at week, and hgh 2IU everyday.

i would like to add something next month. like tren, winstrol or other ????

i see already some result, i'm growing and getting bigger.
Summer is coming and I come back to italy after 2 years to see my family and friends at the end of june and i would like to have more muscle and definition.

What should i buy? i also have to buy a PCT!

Thanks guys!!

Bill G's picture

If you are going home i would suggest a plane ticket or maybe a bus. Depending on how far away you are. Walking may cause you to loose all those gains you got last month.

tattoofreak's picture

I've read the whole topic and can just shake my fucking head. Research is the key, long before starting a cycle! Next thing before cycling, get your fucking pct and ai's! And why the hell is everyone so interested in putting as much components as possible into his first cycle? But hey, you only live once! So take as much gear as you can and you will look full as fuck, when you get buried. I can't believe that you're a grown up guy with the age of 35? Sounds more like a kid playing with steroids...

tattoofreak's picture

"I have 2 months to buy pct"

Bullshit! Pct and ai's are the first things you should have bought. What if you got serious side effects from the gear and you have to abort your cycle as soon as possible? You're taking this seriously and you've read a lot? I don't think so! You play with hgh and ask for something like tren, winny etc for adding for you first cycle? You didn't REALLY research! Otherwise you'd know why a first cycle should be test only and why it's important to have EVERYTHING on hand, BEFORE starting to use gear...

Rubin0621's picture

Dude why you lying, you told another user 20 hours ago that this is your first cycle. Really everyone might seem like there bashing you but we’re just looking out man. First cycle and looking to add Tren, fuck bro I waited 4 years before I had the balls to pin tren and even then I was scared the first time. Do some research on the compounds man. Shit ain’t a game.

Rubin0621's picture

It’s not, you just proved the point. I’m not gonna dig into you bro. But you should realize the compounds you are messing with can and will bit you in the ass, if not put you in the ground.

tattoofreak's picture

And you have still no idea what you're doing? Great...

dextetherdog's picture

Considering your statistics you would need to concentrate more on balancing your nutrition rather than drugs. And please do yourself and your body a favour, don’t add any more drugs, it won’t do much.

Makwa's picture

You eat 4x/d and train 4x/wk. I seriously doubt you are eating enough and probably not training enough to warrant a cycle either. You kind of put the cart before the horse so now you are really going to have to play catch up if you want to see anything result from this.

Also I train hard! In 1 month i already see results!

Those aren't results bro, its water which will leave as quick as it came.


0newheelup's picture

Damnit bro. This is a site of realness and experienced people. So when they see someone like urself being reckless they do judge for ur benefit. All the advice has been solid. Ur too late to have the muscle mass for ur Italy trip. But ur not too late to change and take some helpful advice. Eat, train, and research brother. Since ur already on a test cycle, experience how it affects ur body. A low dose of test is very nice and help ur body recover quickly for max gains. It's the food that's magic! Research, food, pct, and get ur reckless act together, otherwise it just pissing in the wind...

KMC's picture

What should I buy?

A grave site might be a wise investment.

Owes a Review × 1
addicted.to.pain's picture

That's so inappropriate

Is it though?

Maybe it is meant to instill the seriousness of what your doing, and why you should not leave your own health or what you put in your body on the whims of internet advice.

addicted.to.pain's picture

i also have to buy a PCT!

that should have been your first purchase.

i see already some result, i'm growing and getting bigger. i would like to add something next month. like tren, winstrol or other ????

you get a taste , so now it's time to eat the whole cake fuck it right.. Take your time dude, there are plenty of gains to be had with test only.

I come back to italy after 2 years to see my family and friends at the end of june and i would like to have more muscle and definition.

That comment alone , tells me you need to do much more research.

pickle's picture

a steak

johnmarshall12's picture

You need to do research on your own. Also you need to decide if you're bulking which it sounds like. In that case Trem many not be a good choice! Might consider DBOL!

WILDMAN's picture

awww .... come on man!!!! hope you don't get nipple pain get pct this what gives roids a bad rap people t
don't study and 2ius wont do shit read, read ,read !!!!!

pickle's picture

Well i see your problem. No way you are getting in enough calories if you are only eating 4 times a day. Bump that up to 6 or 7 meals.

Gym only 3 or 4 times a week? Thats fine if you are powerlifting and going for PRs every session but you are not. Go at least 5 days a week with 2 rest days. Rest is important for muscle growth but you have to actually break down the muscle before it will grow.

pickle's picture

You dont need steroids to add a little bit of mass and definition. All you have to do is fix your diet and eating habits.

Eating 6-8 meals a day is not going to turn you into the incredible hulk. You simply lack the strength, your body would crumble as your mind collapses into madness.

Makwa's picture

Buy some steak. Unfortunately you seem to be another one under the impression that using more gear and stacking compounds is going to produce better results. I initially would recommend you get off cycle and just eat big but unfortunately you have no PCT so you are balls deep into it now.

TrenLiver's picture

Nothing like waiting to the last minute.
Should have started two years ago bud!
You’re on your own here

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Armwrestlingfiend's picture

Add lots of food, a smart training plan and lots of rest otherwise when you come off you’ll lose everything. What a waste of money, time and health that will be.

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Faz's picture

You should of bought PCT before even starting the cycle.

Hitman1992's picture

“I’m growing and getting bigger” that’s what you need
You’re light brother
You should’ve change your diet before starting your cycle don’t add anything just finish what you started and do proper PCT

Makwa's picture

I have time to buy other things... Especially pct...

Famous last words