Swole212's picture
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+ 6 Test Prop , Mast prop update


Feeling great on this cycle , any advice or critique is more than welcome. Love the eroids community all the support and great advice is awesome

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Nick1984's picture

Once u drop some of you will be able to see more from the masteron. It doesn't work extremely well unless your lean as fuck when u run it. THEN U GET THE GRANITE ,VEINY,hard muscle we all love to look at and spank to

Trenorex's picture

Arms looking good +1

In a promo × 1
Swole212's picture

Thanks bro!!! Been trying hard to bring my biceps up to speed with everything else

Swole212's picture

I apprciate it bro and thanks again for messaging me and helping me out i used your advice and had the sickest arm session ive had in a veryyyyy long time!!! Next cycle im going to run long esters and mast E will for sure be included !!! Ive never been a very vascular dude but when i train i have veins rolling through my chest delts and around my arms never seen that before using mast so im assuming mast Definetly improves vascularity

Swole212's picture

Okay cool deal sounds like NPP is in my near future lol!!! Pcushion your the man , are you planning to do any competing in the future again?

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I agree mast is a fantastic compound one of my favorites

Owes a Review × 1
SL's picture


herpjunkie111's picture

Looking good bro. I'm considering adding mast p into my current NPP cycle. Got it ordered. Be my first time with it and I'm sitting around 13-14% BF. Got a smart scale but I'm not sold on it's accuracy. Seems like it confuses water as BF sometimes....

Swole212's picture

Hows the npp treating you? Ive been hearing so much good about that compound . hows it affect your libido and erections? What are the pros and cons if u dont mimd sharing please

herpjunkie111's picture

Don't mind sharing at all. I just started the NPP, I ran my test for 5 weeks first to let it kick in fully. But even after just a week on the NPP my appetite is up, lifts are higher and weight that was extremely heavy feels lighter and easier to control, and pumps are extreme and last all day. Libido is great too. I'm managing my estro very carefully though.

Swole212's picture

Thanks man means alot coming from you!! I agree i think mast doesnt get enough credit. I hesr so often you wont see much if anything unless used under 10 percent BF or using it for precontest purposes. I am no where near 10 percent and its helped my strength and i look full all day long. Not to mention my pumps are unreal.

Swole212's picture

Ohh yea and my gyno is from puberty its awful :/

RVWolf's picture

What I see is that only the nipples are bigger then what they should. It is typically what I can get using 19-nor compounds, Nandrolone and Trenbolone. A blood work could probably reveal if you have prolactin in excess. I suggest you give a try to Cabergoline (anyways if it doesn't work it can be still be used for other purposes ...). My personal experience is that even if the nipples already got bigger because of 19-nor compounds (so prolactin excess) Cabergoline can reverse it quickly. I would be interesting to know if it doesn't influence other biological parameters in your body.

Swole212's picture

Very interesting, ive never touched a 19nor brother my nipples got puffy as shit when i hit 14/15 and got worse as i got older, could i take caber without being on a 19nor? Is there dangers of dropping prolactin too low like the problems when e2 is too low?

RVWolf's picture

I am not convinced because it's not the experience I had. Before I started to use 19-nor, with AAS such as dbol, testosterone ... my breast could enlarge except my nipples. When I started to use nandrolone, I have seen my nipples growing. A little of cabergoline or bromocriptine ... and I saw them deflate quickly. That's why I believe that it's the high prolactin that can make my nipples grow, or I don't understand then why cabergoline or bromocriptine can fix it.

RVWolf's picture

Interesting...Thank you for the link. ++

RVWolf's picture

As far as I know it's the high level of prolactin which is problematic. You will probably have to run a blood work soon, so why not testing prolactin level ? Now I can be wrong, but each time I had a breast which looks like yours it was because I had high prolactin because of a 19-nor.

Primo_Build's picture

Progesterone and prolactin causes Gyno under the areola. Estrogen causes Gyno under the nipple. Also caber doesn’t reverse Gyno. It’s just lowers prolactin. You gotta be careful when taking caber as well. It’s extremely strong. And should only be taken if blood works shows necessary. It has been known to cause DAWS. Better to take nolvadex and Masteron off cycle in low doses. For reversing Gyno. There’s really good info on this in the forums section. If you go to my profile and click on favs, it should be under there. It was posted a while ago by iron_monk.

Swole212's picture

My nipples are just puffy lol not a huge deal to me i tinker with the idea of competing in BB if i ever get to that point ill have the gyno surgery once i have extra cash to do so

Swole212's picture

Very sensitive which is was my main reason in adding mast to my cycles aromasin makes me feel suicidal mentally, i got itchy nipps and some signs of high e2 on just 50mg/ day of prop!!! It sucks!!! I have a good buddy who can run a gram of test a week and no probs what so ever wtf lol!!!!!!

Swole212's picture

I agree i think the mast Definetly helps, i think my next cycle im going to run mast e, whats your mast e doses look like bro?