Iron_Monk's picture
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+ 16 Understanding Gynecomastia by Iron_Monk


Dedicated to and tirelessly written for my mate GrowMore.

The first thing we should understand is that any tissue created by a hormone can be destroyed by its counterpart, the lack of said hormone or both in conjuction.
We of course are talking about breast tissue and to a lesser degree Female Pattern Fat Deposits. The male body is a highly androgenic environment, it is our base. Often times gyno will reverse it self after a cycle when the bodies hormones revert back to their natural state.
Gyno is cause by an inbalance in the andro to estro ratio. This is caused by inadequate cycle support such as too low a dose of and aromatase inhibitor.
To reverse gyno we must rebalance that estro to andro ratio. How? Not by using letro. Tanking aromatic estro won't do anything for gyno that has set in. It will only relieve some inflammation caused by growth thats caused by high aromatase enzyme levels. By to kill the tissue we need a multi perspective approach.
Understand its not just aromatic estro from the aromtasr activity but that free estro can get us as well via plastic, phytoestrogen such as weed or hops (beer)
Free estro will only be blocked at the site by a selective estrogen receptor modulator such as Nolvadex or Ralox
Also we must work deeper than that. At the root of the cause. High estro levels low androgenic levels. This is where masteron comes in. MASTeron was invented to fight breast cancer by performing a sort of hormonal MASTectomy on women. And is a great tool to fight gynecoMASTia. Get my point? Masteron will make the body.into a highly androgenic environment again where estrogenic tissues can't thrive.
Also there are two types of gyno
Estro gyno is a hard small lump under the nip
Prolactin based gyno is a large soft lump aroumd the areola
After discontinuing a 19nor and using cabet or prami as yout dopamine agonists than dopamine rebound is probable and can cause prolactin gyno post pct.
Also high levels of progestins bind to the AR and there by lessen the effects of other steroids.
My gyno reversal cycle would consist of masteron aromasin raloxifene
Aromasin at 12.5mg ed is a suicidal aromatase inhibitor thats also androgenic in nature and lowers shbg which is good for libido so its thr optimal AI of choice
Raloxifene at 60mg ed
Masteron at 50-100mg ed No testosterone base. We want as little as estro present as possible and we can't do that with a buch of aromatase being released
Id run this cycle whilst tappering down for 2-3months into a standard pct including clomid and hcg@preferred dose..and aromasin @6.25mg ed and nolva @20mg ed and I garruntee you won't need any gyno surgery, your libido will be intact and your will natty test will return.
Also Nolvadex has been shown to increase progesterone in certain tissues whilst blockimg it in others such as the nipple and hip regions ergo nolva can be used with 19nors
B6@300mg ed will help curb prolactin from the withdrawls of discontinuing a dopamine agonistt such as cabergoline or pramipexole. Masteron has been shown to relieve prolactin gyno as well.
Thats my brain dump for now. Ill edit it periodically..

Immortaltech's picture

But does this work on ppl like me who have minor gyno from their teenage time? Around 14 yr ago and never went away

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Immortaltech's picture

for 45 days wont this crash your e2 for this long? the side effects of joints and the depression, makes me wonder if its worth it, here in EU, it's even more than 2-4k i think, insurance wont cover unless i come up with crazy story that its affecting my life, or makes me depressed or something

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Primo_Build's picture

I’d like to bump this as well. Very helpful.

Bill1976's picture

What is bump?

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Primo_Build's picture

If you comment on it, it “revives” it so to speak. By bringing to the forefront of the list.

giardap's picture

Bump - this is very interesting, right up there with Flash's protocol

TheFlash85's picture

Good post yet i disagree about 4 yrs ago myself and a group of eroids members experimented different protocols- nolva and letro blasts worked. Theres tricks too it.

Carlos Danger's picture

Those two drugs are proven winners.

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rookie's picture

outstanding post adding nova to my cycle in conjunction with aromasin asap!!! Thanks bro!! +1

GrowMore's picture

Hope it helps bro. He was a top bloke.

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back40's picture

Great read for those struggling with pre existing gyno, like me. Thanks for posting.

Pale's picture

Good post bro. If nothing else it is yet another option for guys to try before ever considering surgery. If it works they will have saved several thousand dollars.

GwHope's picture

Good read bro!!! +1

xxRedneckxx's picture

I think you have side effects confused with actual gynocamastia, side effects might be curable, but once the fatty tissue gland directly under the nipple grows it cannot shrink. I had puberty gynocamastia and it would never go away no matter how much weight I lost, I finally found a reputable surgeon and had both glands removed. Since this procedure my chest looks 100% normal and now my self confidence has grown 10 fold, no one understands what it's like until it happens to them. Trust me surgery is the way to go...eliminate it for good. My 2 cents best money I've ever spent

mTor's picture

I have the same thing. It's not permanent but it's a pain in the ass to get rid of/suppress to barely anything. I actually nearly destroyed it but I had some health issues so it slowly came back and I was eating too much soy on top of it. Letro is the only thing that I noticed gets rid of it after it's there, while adex and aromasin are better preventative care along with SERMs

xxRedneckxx's picture

I disagree trust me bro with all the drugs in the world my big o suckers weren't going no where

xxRedneckxx's picture

Nope just went straight for surgery, not saying those things won't work just saying I think there is a difference between gyno gained through aas vs naturally having it since youth

milkyamber's picture

Great read, i recently had a run with gyno and after months of AI's and Serms i stopped everything and 2 months later of takinng nothing the lumps are almost non existent.

Iv'e got a question though you say run a proper pct with hcg, doesn't hcg further shut down HPTA?

Baby Herc's picture


GrowMore's picture

Brilliant write up Iron, I've looked back on our conversations quiet a few times to cross read what we've spoken about. Only time will tell but as I said I'll keep you informed mate. Looking forward to more of your contributions to this community.

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WINNING's picture

Good read bro +2

IrishMack's picture

Good one Iron, its nice to see informative posts again to steer us back.

mTor's picture

Good read, I've seen similar stuff with the older bodybuilders but my question is:
You mentioned no test base because you want as androgenic environment as possible with the least amount if estrogen. Does that mean no test or just very little? Would you have a npp cycle be
150mg npp eod
100mg masteron eod
Aromasin 12.5mg/day
Nolva 20mg/day
Or would be more along the lines of
200 test e/week
150npp eod
100 masteron eod
Aromasin 12.5/day
Nolva 20/day