Portater28's picture
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Would taking Arimidex help with cutting?


I have having difficulty cutting and was told to take 1mg of Arimidex. Anyone have information regarding this.

KoreanBeast0621's picture

Adex won’t aid in a cut, like others have said its a estrogen blocker, be carful man, when I was just jumping on this train years ago I took some bad advice and ended up taking to much letro and tanked my estro. Never again ha. If your looking for cutting orals I’d look at var, winny, and Clen. But please do your research before jumping on some harsh orals. FYI like the others said before me, tightening up your diet, weight your food portions, count those calories and hit cardio will help more than anything. There ain’t no magic pill, just hard work and dedication. GL.

Makwa's picture

Might help to expel some water by lowering estro at the cost of feeling like the cat just dragged you in but it won't help with fat burning at all. Once your estro gets back to normal after stopping the water will be put right back on.

Dr.BroScience's picture

Difficulty cutting you say...…..why try not dieting smarter, harder, and with great resolve. Try this before resorting to compounds of which you do not understand..

dextetherdog's picture

Arimidex is an estrogen blocker not a fat burner and will help lower the estradiol levels if elevated. If you estrogen is not elevated and you start taking 1mg a day, very soon you will regret it when you crash your levels to zero.

To lose weight you need to be in calorie deficit and you nutrition has to balanced right. Add cardio on the top and boom.

Don’t take Arimidex unless you have seen your blood work or even better if your doc checks it.

333's picture

It will help you drop water but fuck your mind and body up not worth it

Bearded_muscle's picture

This question indicates you need to do more research.

The answer? Yes. It can help. It can also hurt. It depends on your bloodwork, history, any other drugs you may be taking.

Even AI’s can be very serious drugs with serious long term side effects if misused/abused.

Get to reading. This site has a ton of info.