XmadXscientist's picture
  • 116

+ 16 Joining the self shot club


Joining the club.

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giardap's picture

Fella you look brilliant, +'s

GrowMore's picture

Looking great bro

Owes a Review × 1
XmadXscientist's picture

Appreciate it brother man!

Dope's picture

Great shape and symetry , excellent physique !



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XmadXscientist's picture

Thank you sir!

Hunter2400's picture

Solid form dude.....very well rounded. Your in a good position to either bulk or cut....great job

XmadXscientist's picture


alekaras's picture

looking great buddy +1

XmadXscientist's picture

Thank you!

XmadXscientist's picture

Appreciate the compliment!

heavymetalmonsterD's picture


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XmadXscientist's picture


boldenone99's picture


XmadXscientist's picture


herpjunkie111's picture

Nice work, you did go all mad scientist in the lab bro. +1

XmadXscientist's picture

Thanks! Just lots of food and sticking to a routine.

Riceeroni's picture

What’s your diet/macro breakdown like?

XmadXscientist's picture

Shooting for 3,500/day and planning to get up to 5,000 by end of cycle. I don’t eat fried food or pizza except maybe once a week, otherwise it’s as much as possible and I don’t have a set diet as I am away from home 80-90% of the time. The trick is getting enough good food and not things like the aforementioned items and fast food, chips, sweat things etc. I’m of the opinion it’s difficult to do and don’t really break my macros down too much. If competing is a goal then that should be more of a priority. Most people simply don’t eat enough to begin with. I track my food intake periodically so I know if I’m eating enough.

Riceeroni's picture

Awesome approach. Nutrition has always been a bit fascinating topic for me as a former Fatboy. Im constantly bugging people on their dietary approach and how they distribute their ratios. Thanks for the response man.

XmadXscientist's picture

Anytime. Food is kind of weird in that there’s no one size fits all. I can eat 500-600 grams of carbs and not problems for me. Doesn’t matter if it’s bread, pasta or other sources. I know several people that can’t do that as easily. If I eat a high fat diet it doesn’t work so well for me but I know others that can do so just fine. There’s some genetic variance in how people process nutrients so you have to expirement to find what works best.

Sam I Am's picture

Good physique.

Owes a Review × 1
XmadXscientist's picture

Thanks Sam!

Bearded_muscle's picture

Always looking good brother, hard work meets smart diet, training, and the right “supplements”
You gettin in on this EBC?
Plus two from the Beard

XmadXscientist's picture

Thanks brother! I just started a bulk so will probably be skipping the EBC but excited to see how that goes for everyone.

stang77's picture

Thick, looking good!

XmadXscientist's picture

Thank you!

haapinessgains's picture

Damn bro. Goal physique there.

XmadXscientist's picture

Thanks! You could probably aim a little higher ;)

DSTER's picture

Nice physique brother! +

XmadXscientist's picture


XmadXscientist's picture

Appreciate it, trying to keep up with all the studs.

333's picture

Dam son looking good bro

XmadXscientist's picture


Carlos Danger's picture

Very aesthetic build bro! You could go either way in terms of bulking and shredding. You really 5’3”??

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XmadXscientist's picture

Thanks! Just started a test/deca bulk and three weeks in. Unfortunately I am a midget.

Carlos Danger's picture

Lol fuck it man rock what you got and your physique is enough said homie!!

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