dragin's picture
  • 9

Goroids.com PROMO


On point comunication from this source. Was at my door step in 9 days to the East Coast. Some Mast P and Anadrol for the last 6 weeks of my cut. Yes Anadrol. When I'm low carbing which is nothing less than 150gms/day and I'm already lean and pretty dry. Anadrol really hardens me up, keeps my strength up, and retains muscle very well. Because of my diet and eating sodium that only exists in whole foods, I don't hold water from Anadrol. Hell, I was cruising on 250mgs/week test and eating like shit and I was holding a ton of water. I bumped my test up to 625/week on a super clean diet and I'm dry as a bone. Everyone is different I guess when it comes to water retention. But for me diet is KEY.

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Keepmovingforward's picture

Damn that looks like some nice packing. Let me know how it goes.

dragin's picture

Very cool. I'm excited. Haven't tried Anapolon as of yet. Any other drol I've taken made my kidney's hurt.

Sam I Am's picture

Keep us posted the quality.

Owes a Review × 1
dragin's picture

One thing that makes me nervous though as I am unable to find lab tests for blood work done for the Xeno line. Can anybody vouch for Xeno gear? The low price of it also raises a red flag. Yes, it was free with the promo but I would rather pay and have quality gear than free bunk.

SteroidHub's picture

we will publish lab tests soon. I can guarantee you that the products you bought are better than most products.

dragin's picture

Excellent. Thank you.

dragin's picture


left4dead's picture

Very underrated source !

haapinessgains's picture

Is that from steroid hub?

dragin's picture

Yes GoRoids.com / Steroid hub