Immortaltech's picture
  • 158

+ 2 Snoring


I have noticed that my snoring gets unbelievable when im on cycle, i dont snor at all when im off, whats the science behind this? Its not normal snoring its even waking the neighbours downstairs they cant sleep, and off theres 0 snoring... does anyone have this issue?

johnmarshall12's picture

As jayisk said you need to keep an eye out for whether or not this could be sleep apnea. It likely isn't but you should get tested to rule it out!

Makwa's picture

Rapid increase in weight/water retention due to the AAS. Cycle is over most of weight/water is lost and no more snoring.

Immortaltech's picture

that's pretty much it, i thought i was the only one with that issue, apparently it's common

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Ozninjaguy's picture

I had a mashed nasal septum as a result of the very same thing. For years I would pull one side of my nose across my cheek just to breathe. Finally had enough and got referred to an ENT. After reading the referral letter, the Doc was a bit of a prick at first. He said to me about three times: "You know that this is not plastic surgery, don't you? You are not getting a nose job. I'm like: "Yeah. I know. I just want to be able to breathe."

Then he said:" Ok, let's take a look" Once he had a look he almost immediately said: "Yes, you really do have a problem," and I was booked in for an op within a week. Best thing I could have ever done - can breathe clearly through both sides now. Maybe look into it mate - you wont regret it. (Nose still looks a bit like a pug - but hey it does what it's meant to do).

Cochise's picture

Same here it has to do with the weight gain..
I don’t snore too much off cycle unless I’ve been drinking beers that evening, but on cycle I have bad sleep apnea and snore like you described my wife gets no sleep and is always hitting me waking me up

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XmadXscientist's picture

My understanding so far is that people with our lifestyle put on extra muscle mass which has similar effects to being overweight/obese. This cause airway passages to shrink as growthman stated. Lots of us probably develop sleep apnea and maybe need a cpap. A sleep study would probably be a good idea for most of us.

I am trying to find ways to avoid the Darth Vader mask but not sure if it’s possible. This week I started my expirement and am using Flonase everyday to help relieve congestion and hopefully assist with keeping the nasal passage open at night. I’m also using a breath right strip at night. So far I’m two days in and slept great day one but last night was eh, but I accidentally drank a whole bunch of beer which is not the best for sleeping.

growthman's picture

What’s your current body weight? For me there is a correlation between my weight and snoring. The neck gets larger and airway shrinks. Careful...this is something to hone in on.

Immortaltech's picture

Bodyfat is around 12, my neck size during cycle prbbly doubles in size its very noticable

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growthman's picture

Also guys who are snoring; keep an eye on your BP.

Immortaltech's picture

Bp was always in normal range, i keep an eye on it during cycle, always been fine

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333's picture

I'm woken up like 3 time a night from my wife trying to push me onto my side cause on my back I guess I snore like a bear and I'm always half asleep thinking right on she wants to fuck so all in all its always disappointing

Righthook's picture

Dude, at least it was you that was disappointed eh!!


GrowMore's picture


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Immortaltech's picture

What a dissapointment lol

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Robman040's picture

Lmao.... what a tease!

0newheelup's picture

Mine does the same, but I'm also holding the tv remote in on hand and phone in the other. Smhlol

Protein4breakfast's picture

Waking the neighbors downstairs?? Damn bro that’s loud lol but I seem to snore a little bit on cycle as well

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Immortaltech's picture

Ground shaking snoring bro, ill measure the sound next time, iwill probably get illegal result higher than my motorcycle 134db exhaust system

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XmadXscientist's picture

OMG I had been flipping a coin about creating a thread on this today!!!!

I didn’t read any comments yet, too excited.

Immortaltech's picture

Hahaha, got u bro

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giardap's picture

Yeah I get it when I retain water on cycle or from GH! Mrs boxes the head off me for it!

Robman040's picture

X2. I havent snored my whole life until I started running GH. I guess its ridiculously loud too. I snore so loud some nights my wife sleeps in my daughters room

giardap's picture

At least she doesnt disturb your sleep Rob haha!

Robman040's picture

Haha. She’s tried plugging my nose, shaking me, and spilling water on me and still cant wake me up. GH puts me out brother!

giardap's picture

Now if we could only get them to wake us up with a blowjob (I keep telling her!).... that'd put a stop to it!!!

Robman040's picture

Honestly i’ve never thought of that and you might have found a cure. I bet your on to something bro!

JUICEBOX0331's picture

I snore because my wind pipe cant support all this muscle mass around my neck, it's probably fat but I tell myself its muscle and it makes me feel better.

XmadXscientist's picture

Lol this wins the internet today.

Sam I Am's picture

My theory is running the heat during the winter makes mine worse. Never thought of a cycle doing it..

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heavymetalmonsterD's picture

X2 agree..i got forced air in my house too...i installed a humidifier andit helps a little but not much..dry heat sucks for sure..

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Roider007's picture

Iv been having this issue on & off it sucks bro i try to sleep on my side which helps alot but as soon as im on my back boom heavy zzz even wake myself up sometimes lol.
I think gear and hgh defo has a factor inc hard workout sessions and having late night meal triggers it for me also.

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Immortaltech's picture

Nothing worse than having ur neighbour downstair knocking on ur door at 4 am because they cant sleep from ur snoring, imagine having a wife sleep beside u, probably woulda been divorced from first hour lool

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herpjunkie111's picture

My wife doesn't complain about my snoring any more when I'm off then when I'm on.

Think maybe you workout more, or much harder, on cycle and just sleep better or deeper? Maybe if GH is part of your cycle I could see it, since gh can improve sleep.

Immortaltech's picture

Yes i tend to workout more and harder on cycle, i sleep well on cycle i never used gh tho

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herpjunkie111's picture

I bet it's that or a combo of that and what left4dead suggested.

Just try not to breathe when you sleep, lol.

Immortaltech's picture

Lol, that might solve a lot of problems not only one

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left4dead's picture

I believe its water retention, not a blood pressure issue or anything ,just water retention on the nasal cavities .

giardap's picture

x2 and plus 2

i take too much test and get water retention and i snore. I take GH at 2iu's plus and i retain water and snore.

Immortaltech's picture

Makes sense..

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herpjunkie111's picture

Good point, it's certainly plausible, mucus membrane tissue enlarging. +1 for being so smart, lol.