pattar's picture
  • 29

+ 6 Bloodwork


Currently on 600 mg/week of King's test e split into two 300 mg does M/Th. Also on 400 mg/week of Nan Cyp from another source. Test was taken 48 hours post injection. Test was taken during 4th week of cycle.

Ordered from: 
Forcedreps's picture

200mg a week of Watson test cyp puts me at or close to 950. 3.5 days post Inj. Those are terrible numbers for 600mg week

SL's picture
  • for bloods. I'd be in the 3000's on that much, very underdosed
BeastMoDe33's picture

I ran this gear twice. The pip is ridiculous and the gear is very underdosed. +2 for bloods

Makwa's picture

I would have expected it to be a bit higher. Might be a little early yet so kind of hard to really judge quality. At 600mg/wk I would expect numbers close to 3K when peak saturation is achieved. To really get an accurate gauge though, I would retest in a couple of weeks when you know for sure that you would be at peak saturation.

SickRick's picture

Mine came back a little over 2000 on week 4 or 5 on 300mg/week. First 2 weeks was from an older bottle then onto batch from a few months ago

Manshit's picture

Not bad at all but maybe just a little low for 600mg a week.Certainly not bunk like some have claimed!

RangerVet's picture

Textbook answer for pharmacy gear and healthy body every 250mg of test cyp or enanthate should bring you to approx 1,000 on test. Your on point for 4 weeks. Watch your estrogen and cholesterol

pattar's picture

I was more concerned about where my lipids were. Last cycle they got a bit out of whack and I wanted to make sure the precautions I am taking this time are working before I get too far into the cycle.

Edit: Also I am using adex for the first time (typically use asin) so I wanted to check my E2.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Disappointing to see. Thanks

Manshit's picture

What is disappointing?A little low for the dose?

helloBrooklyn's picture

Taken a bit too early to really get an accurate assay

Manshit's picture

Ahh! I agree but still seems a touch low for 600 a week, but much better than we’ve been seeing with some other labs.

Geo's picture

4th week that's where I would be on 300mg. Just saying...

Manshit's picture

For me 300 a week only gets me to about 1100 -1400 and that using test cyp from Walgreens.200 mg has me at about 800-850

pattar's picture

Redundant info deleted.