hardneck's picture
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Hardneck goes eroids


Hello eroids community,

my name is Hardneck i am living the bodybuilding lifestyle since over 10 years.
I am doin roids since almost 6 years now, and i am happy to be here.



TableMuscle's picture

Make sure and read and understand the rules. Welcome to eroids.

addicted.to.pain's picture

I since a disturbance, I am feeling an urge to tell you to go fuck yourself.

yep go fuck yourself.

Greg's picture

Actually, he knew what he was talking about. Started off badly, but, all in all, in PM's he has done everyone and two sources a favor.

He's not a black hat, not quite a white hat, more like a gray hat... oh look, he left a silver bullet...

addicted.to.pain's picture

admittedly I was quick to tell him to get fucked, his intentions were unclear. Though I stand by what I said, his true purpose was to gloat and show blatant disrespect to the mods.

in the end what a source does is in there own hands not eroids or the mods.

Greg's picture

as I said he started off badly, and you agree. He was too harsh and quick to judge.

...Hey, kind of like how you did!

...I'll trump your MLK

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." -Proverbs 16:18

hardneck's picture

Thank you, you too fuck yourself.

tattoofreak's picture