fusebox's picture
  • 583

Elbow pain.


So I tweaked my elbow today at work. Pretty bad. Hurts more to extend my arm than it does to bend it. If I'm looking at the point I donate blood it's on the opposite outside part. Would rather not go to the doctor but I will if it doesn't get better. Anybody have any experience with this. Ice tonight. Will report back tomorrow if there is any swelling or redness. Thanks guys.

fusebox's picture

Yeah time off is a must rusty. Gonna take the weekend off. Just gonna get shit ready for the eventual snow flying.

fusebox's picture

Thousand times better today. Probably still going to rest over the weekend but should be 100 % by Monday to resume normal activities. Thanks all for the suggestions

Fangsharp's picture

If its a tendon there is no fast cure. Time heals those. Kinda tough to immobilize when we move everyday but minimizing stress on it is the best thing. Like most of the guys said...keep an eye on it then Doc visit. Also for me personally ice worked best. For some reason heat always made it worse. IMO. Good luck sir.

Ozninjaguy's picture

Apply Tiger Balm and wrap reasonably tightly. Works every time for me.

TheFlash85's picture

Tough one to call, I sometimes get " tennis elbow" and it is very annoying and I guess a bit painful and I work through it every time and it goes away but I can't say do that in case its something worse, if no better in no more than a week get checked by Dr and go from there. Good luck.

Goose24's picture

I'm surprised but also very happy no one suggested using NPP or deca lol. YOLO fucks.

Chances are you have an inflamed tendon in there keep hitting it with Alive and rest. By rest I mean don't lift anything with that extremity that causes pain or aggravation. Chances are the swelling will subside and you'll be back to it in no time.

Good luck

fusebox's picture

Definitely swollen. Not extreme pain but definitely noticable. Aleve and ice again today. Gonna take a few days to rest and see how it goes. Thanks for all the responses

dextetherdog's picture

Probably would not rush to run to a doc, would give it a good rest though!!!

JUICEBOX0331's picture

If it's not swollen or red but just annoying pain, try wearing a Band-IT. They work pretty well, I've been wearing one off and on for years. Only place to get them is from a doctor or Amazon.

ashop's picture

Rest, some aleve or ibuprofen, ice if needed. As most importantly lots of rest to recover.

Sam I Am's picture

Sounds like a tendon. Be careful...

Owes a Review × 1
SL's picture

Ibuprofen helps reduce swelling and with pain. Don't work it at all and ice helps too Smile hope you get better