chunkypbnj's picture
  • 152

4 Weeks in on BULKER


Decided to pulse 25mg dbol w/ 25mg drol 2weeks on, 3 weeks off, twice, and then go 50mg drol for 2 weeks for the 3rd pulse. This will give me a total of six weeks of orals over my 15 week cycle. I did this because I only had 15 dbol and 30 drol prior to beginning my cycle and didn't want to order more gear.
Currently 281 lbs. It's definitely not pretty but you can still see the outline of my abs barely. LOL. Strength is increasing, but nothing like i experienced using tren this past summer. Calories are straight up I don't give a fuck. I eat all the time. I have food on me 24/7. I've been focusing on bringing up my back thickness. Lots of deadlifting!

Bearded_muscle's picture

How are you spreading out the orals?
There was a thread about drol/dbol I remember. So basically anadrol is really good at storing glycogen right? Some guys even use it during carb up because your muscles can hold so much more glycogen with it. And Dbol is AMAZING for glycogenolysis, basically the process of using stored glycogen for energy. So here’s the theory:
Split your anadrol and take each half with two large carb meals in the morning. Or your full dose with one large carb meal. Then hydrate and keep your salt up to get all nice and juicy and full, then about an hour preworkout hit your full dose of dbol which will help your muscles dump all this extra glycogen into the blood and hopefully provide extra energy and strength for your lifts.
Just a thought. If you try it let me know how you like it. Keep it up brother! I hope to be there one day.

chunkypbnj's picture

I train at 930-11 at night so I take orals at 830. I'm loving the crazy pumps drol provides. As for salt, I eat a big meal at 8. Takes about 30 min to finish. After the gym is 18 egg whites 6 yolks one potato and a 32-ounce Gatorade and then bed

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