Pinning85's picture
  • 90



Been wanting to test this stuff out . I've heard it's really designer steroid rather than an actual SARM . Figured I'd stock up while it was on sale . Anyone who wants to share any input on this drug I'd love to hear it considering it's hard to find personal experience on yk11 online

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5percent4life's picture

Cant find yk11 caps on their page

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Pinning85's picture

Damn . Guess I bought the last of them . He said he was getting rid of sarms caps so they were on sale for 25$

humpnpump's picture

Great pumps. Also very suppressive so I’d only recommend using it while on cycle or if you’re on try

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Pinning85's picture

Ok , thanks! I am on trt so I'll give it a go . Did you expirience any sides?

humpnpump's picture

No, didn’t experience any sides. His caps are 10 mg which is more than you need. I open the caps and take 5 mg about 1 hour before workout.

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