DragonDog's picture
  • 58

+ 2 Moving Forward


While I was away from the board for the last year, I was consistently training. I kept my IGF-1 elevated. Test was pumping. Proviron to keep me happy. I upped my endurance and I incorporated HIT lifts alongside high rep sets of 50. I am stronger and leaner. My goal is get down another 5 kg, but still continue to increase my strength. The photo is from a metal concert after the show.

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thumper66's picture

u look like wolferine lol

DragonDog's picture

Thanks. Aussies are the only ones to compliment my hairy appearance.

Sam I Am's picture

I hate having to tell people this but you dont have any reason to be useing anything. Risk vs reward. Somethings not right with your diet and training. Your risking alot and havent got much to show for it...

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DragonDog's picture

Appreciate your input. Considering I was nearly dead 6 years ago, and I weighed 300lbs I am very happy with my progress. I also have no choice as I lost my pituitary to a tumor. I am not a bodybuilder, but I respect the hell out of the community, I am a fighter/martial artist, so I have a different build.

Sam I Am's picture

Your in great shape. Could you do that on trt and diet? Only you know. That's a tremendous amount of weight loss. +2

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DragonDog's picture

I lost most of the weight on a messed up TRT plan, 1,000mg Nebido every 2 -
3 months, and no added sugar and almost no carbs and fight training 2 to 3 times a day. I dropped down to 189lbs at one point. Couple years later, I met my big bro, my boxing coach, he pointed me in the right direction and with a new endocrinologist, I was finally able to build on my base. BTW, thank you.

press1's picture

I agree, nice work buddy +

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