promo whore Fduplayer22's picture
promo whore Fdu...
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+ 1 Nutrition


Age 34
9.4% bf

Trying to increase mass now through end of May. Basically 5 weeks. I have increased protein to 210g, limited fats. Calories are around average 3,000. Macros are protein 40%, carbs 40% fats are 20%. Willing to sacrifice some of the bf% but did try to gradually control that as I put on weight but now that rate it’s going to take 3 more months I feel.

Goal is to gain 10lbs and get to 210 pre cycle, June. Not sure if 5weeks is do able but what changes or suggestions does anyone have?

Limit cardio? Weight gainer? Eat more fats?

It’s funny, years ago thought I knew about nutrition to find out that I don’t know much or at least I’m learning what my body needs.

jack_wade's picture

Bro, I would start with a major increase to your calories. Based on your size, condition (200lbs, 9%) and the extra cardio, you may struggle to reach your goal. Actually, you will struggle to reach your goal of gaining 10lbs of muscle in 5 weeks.

As for the cardio, it is definitely not a bad thing. I do it during a bulk and find that it certainly helps an endomorph like myself:) If I notice over time that my muscle gains have stagnated, then I will usually cut back on the cardio. Twice a week is plenty!!

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Sam I Am's picture

I’m going to plus this because I think the guys asking the right questions. His condition is good and I predict a good outcome if he follows the advice below. However I think instead of looking at two months he needs to look at 2,years.

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promo whore Fduplayer22's picture

Thanks man.

What’s thoughts on cardio during trying to gain mass?

Right now just doing 35mins 3.0 and 10 incline bout 3x week.

Makwa's picture

What’s thoughts on cardio during trying to gain mass?

Did I read that right, cardio and gain mass in the same sentence?

Sam I Am's picture

Your asking the wrong guy that question. If you want to look like a guy in GQ your on the right track. If you want to look like a bodybuilder you need to eat and retrain your thinking. Worry about getting chiseled when you have the mass. If your not carrying a bag of food around it woulnt happen. Drugs or no drugs.

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promo whore Fduplayer22's picture

Good point, that’s been I guess the struggle, I was trying to find a way to stay lean, gain 10lbs but not look like a bodybuilder. Not that there is anything wrong with that, just was not in the goals.

I’ll stick with the slow incremental increases, stay lean and increase the calories accordingly.

Dr.BroScience's picture

You sir, are currently eating like a bird for someone with your stature, experience level, and stated goals.

Time to man up and really focus on consistently pounding in the quality calories. I would also up your protein and heavily increase your healthy fat intake.

You state you are pre-cycle currently. Pre-cycle for what? No sense jumping on exogenous compounds if your current diet and training program is not 100% dialed in first.

Sam I Am's picture

Good advice

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promo whore Fduplayer22's picture

Agreed. Pre cycle meaning going on cycle once these goals are met. Might have to push that back a bit but know enough it’s pointless to start when The body isn’t primed and ready to go

stairmaster's picture

5 weeks 10lbs? Then go up to 6000!
Don't hurry to much, give your body time to "learn" more and more" but don't forget; eat as clean as possible! Junk food is good for your psyche ut defo not for your body or muscle gains.

promo whore Fduplayer22's picture

It’s been quite the journey over the last year and paying close attention to food...eating really clean and eating 4000 calories is rough. I even wake up at 5am to start haha.

Any good meal ideas you use? I know the easientials but more asking any great meals that can add up the calories

Johnny Bravo's picture

At 180 lbs this is what I did
1 cup oatmeal, 1 tbsp honey, 1 medium banana, 1 serving natural peanut butter, 3 eggs, 1 scoop (30g) protein powder. Almost 1000 calories. About 60g P, 100g C, 35g F. Just knocked out 1/4 of ur daily total right there. Not saying it’s perfect but just an idea

Sam I Am's picture

Personally I’d increase my protein to 1.5 grams per lb of bodyweight.

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KMC's picture

3000 calories??

Even with magic pills, you don't stand a chance.

I'd be losing weight at 3000 calories.

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stairmaster's picture

I need 4.500 to hold my weight! lmao

MedDx's picture

You should weigh your foods and increase your look many cycles have you ran? Last bloods? Smile

Plus your protein should be closer to 300g/d

LBM 150.6 (James)
Maintenance 2220 cal
With activity 3442 cal (1.55)
You could increase to 4K and cycle carbs.

Hypothetical daily macros 300g/300g+/120g

This is why they say on Eroids weigh your food after it's cooked.

Post your food choices and meal plan... Smile

promo whore Fduplayer22's picture

This is awesome thank you, much appreciated

MedDx's picture

You're welcome! Hopefully you'll find something that will help.

PPGfreak's picture

Your time frame is completely unrealistic. Also your diet is shit bro. My maintenance is 3,700 and need over 4K to add size. I’m surprised your not losing weight eating like that.

MedDx's picture

X2 on 4K

Makwa's picture

10lbs of muscle in 5 wks....not possible, and with the way you are eating now I wouldn't expect really any gains. You are basically eating at maintenance levels.

PPGfreak's picture

My thoughts exactly

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