Immortaltech's picture
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+ 10 Week 6 first cycle 500mg Pharmacom test e 300



As promised at week 6 bloods are done, this result is from taking 1.6ml a week (0.8ml twice bcz its 300mg/ml not 250) from Pharmacom test e 300 my first ever cycle

I'm a bit concerned about the result the test and E2 are way too high, i might consider lowering the dose I calculated it, its around 5000 ng/dL , as spoken with @IrishMack about the E2 levels, i started with 0.25MG of arimidex EOD, I increased the dose up to 0.5mg EOD and i will do another test at week 12 to see if it helped decrease the levels

Batch number: PHT300004EV


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FutureIfbbpro07389's picture

Why wouldn't you pick up pharmacoms arimadex if you picked up test from them? Just curious. I assume it's because you had that other brand posted up? Clearly pharmacom is legit via blood work and so forth. Get some pcom arimadex then lol.

Immortaltech's picture

Because i was recommanded to use pharmagrade pct stuff and not ugl, it all worked out now

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Immortaltech's picture

Uploaded a pic of IDEX

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Geo's picture

Am I reading this right, you did not take any ai prior to this test? And just starting it now?
++ for bloods.

Immortaltech's picture

No, i did, its all mentioned in the cycle thread, I started with 0.25 EOD of Idex apparently either it wasn't enough, or its a bunk, sad

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IrishMack's picture

I dont think the ai you are using is real. Your e2 is through the roof. See if you can get another order in for a different ai and also do .5 every day instead of every other and then get another blood test in 10 days.

IrishMack's picture

True, the estrodial is more then double the test, maybe theres tren in that test or something.

Immortaltech's picture

nope, nothing from all that, just water, moon face lol like i have anthony's joshua neck lmao

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Immortaltech's picture

We’ll see after 10 days i have a good feeling that the dose i was using is just too low, pretty positive about it, where did dbol come from? U think that test is mixed with dbol? How?

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Immortaltech's picture

This is exactly the purpose of this cycle, just to know what works for me, so in my future cycles i will know how much to dose things, thank you, i will keep this updated with bloodworks and stuff

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1174's picture
  • for posting bloods
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Immortaltech's picture

thank you

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rageracing's picture

Where is the adex from? Are you on anything else? I would get some Letro immediately just in case your E2 gets even more out of control

Immortaltech's picture

Would 0.5mg ED work? I heard letrozole is way too strong and may crash my e2

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IrishMack's picture

Crashing your estro would be a godsend at this moment. .5 ed would be fine up to your bloodtest but get a backup fast.

Immortaltech's picture

i know, but its pharmagrade, can it be faked? i switched to 0.5 ill do another blood soon to see if that worked. I really don't wanna switch to femara

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rageracing's picture

Just because someone sells it ti you as "pharma grade" doesnt mean its any good. Some of the best gear i ever used was in basic packaging without the fancy BS presentation....

IrishMack's picture

You are confusing pharma grade with actual pharma. Also your blood test is proving enough that it very well could be bunk. If you bump it up and do the bloods if they cone back the same or a very small percentage lower its junk so make sure you are prepared by getting a backup, even a research with 3 day delivery would be a life saver. Get some letro quick.

Immortaltech's picture

Alright, any recommended letro brands? will order just incase my next bloods still the same even tho increasing dosage

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Muffins's picture

I have used Pharmacom and Alpha Pharma for years, never an issue. I have never had bad letrozole. That shit just doesn’t happen. Another reason it’s a preferred AI.

IrishMack's picture

I got a prescription for mine so I would check the top 10 and base yourself on where you are located.

Immortaltech's picture

Done, already ordered just now

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Immortaltech's picture

Its from and its pharmagrade, shouldnt i just increase dosage and wait 14 days? Instead of maybe crashing
Im on test only nothing else

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Muffins's picture

I agree. I didn’t want to sound the alarm and freak him out. That number is stupid high. I started exclusively using letrozole as an AI. That was one of the best decisions I made for myself in AAS use.

GrowMore's picture

Same here, letro is stellar.

However on a cruise dose I use aromasin if my BF% is higher than it should.

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Muffins's picture

You’re e2 is already more than double the highest of the range. I wouldn’t go another six weeks before testing again. Blood tests are cheap. Gynecomastia is surgery is expensive. If you’re going to go another six weeks, I’d consider some tamoxifen in the mix until then.

Immortaltech's picture

Tamoxifen with arimidex? Does that work?

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Muffins's picture

Studies show it can lower plasma levels of arimidex if run concurrently. It’s what I used to do, until I tested back in range. Arimidex does a poor job of inhibiting e2 conversion for me. You should just pay the extra money and blood test in 10-14 days, and make sure .5mg EOD is pulling you back in range. You have to pay to play. It’s your first cycle. You don’t know what works for you yet.

Immortaltech's picture

I will do bloods again for e2 only after 2 weeks and see if 0.5 worked

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