lifting211's picture
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+ 1 Pentosan joint miracle?


Anyone try this before?

Can what’s being sold for horses be used on humans?

I’m confused about dosage 2mg per kg. How do you convert that for a appropriate dosage for a human?

Pentosan sulfate is derived from beech wood trees and has been approved in Australia for human use as tablets for the treatment of Interstitial cystitis. It is also approved in veterinary use as an injection for the treatment of arthritis. It stimulates re-growth of new cartilage in the joint which can treat osteoarthritis. It does this by promoting cartilage synthesis and inhibits its breakdown. It also improves the bio-synthesis of high molecular weight hyaluronan, a key component of joint fluid. And finally, it increases blood flow through the capillaries that serve the cartilage cells themselves. If you increase blood flow to these cells, they’re more likely to stay healthy and arthritis-free; there’s increasing suspicion that poor blood flow itself may be a major contributor to osteoarthritis.

It’s seems pretty remarkable what it’s capable of if it’s true.

lifting211's picture

I think it’s the hyaluronate acid guys I highly recommend it this shit rocks feels like my whole body is being lubed although I feel like it’s just a bandaid I feel like the inflammation is dissipating from my body increasing each time I inject hyaluronate acid very week

My shoulder still grinds and clicks but I was sitting down for a while and just got up and holy shit I felt lighter and smoother getting up felt really weird my knees and body felt so different likes nutrients are being taken to places they normally don’t get to because of lack of blood flow to them

lifting211's picture

Upped the dosage to 500mg a week of pentosan(250/ml) and added hyaluronate acid 20 mg(5mg/ml) a week to the most affected spot injected shoulder

I’m not sure if the pentosan was under dosed or the hyaluronate acid did it’s thing because I upped the dosage to 500 mg pentosan last week and this week and added hyluronate acid at the same time or they have a Synergistic affect but joints feel noticeably smoother randomly but not consistently I feel like things are starting to work upping the dosage of pentosan and adding hyaluronic acid

Picking up things feels smoother and lighter randomly but just carrying anything seems worst at times or still bad

I feel like sarms really fucked me up and people should not do them I’ve tried every single one they really sucked the life out of me and peptides too all the new ones I’ve tried seem fake and get me extremely fatigued tired

lifting211's picture

Okay guys this is gonna sound weird but I feel like masturbating effects my joints

I injured my penis 10 years ago jelqing and basically my dick has slowly been losing feeling and erection quality just about doesn’t work at all anymore

I stopped jacking off for one day because I was getting depressed my dick basically doesn’t work at all anymore in hopes of getting some sensation back, while doing this I nocticed it feels like pentosan is actually doing its work now and my joints feel slightly lubricated and not cracking and popping as much and It isn’t as painful as well.(I know I noticed all this in 1 going on two days from Abstaining from masturbaing right?...)

I’m going to abstain from jacking off for my perceived joint health and penis health as well

I know it sounds crazy but I swear it’s correlated

I might also have a inherited auto immune disease too so I don’t know if that’s at play with the masturabtion and causing my joints to go haywire and triggers my body to attack itself or something but that is my theory

Anyways I’m writing all this to help the community I know my circumstances are rare and what I’m saying might be wrong but who really knows everyone is different and different things effect different people

giardap's picture

Cant inagine how many people one would need to masturbate to develip joint pain (no homo).

Stop looking for a magic pill. Get your estro levels tested. Go to a doctor for referral to see if joint issues are degenerative or muscular impingements.

lifting211's picture

Upped the dosage to 3mg/kg for a total of 313mg

I thought things were getting slightly better but I guess it was just a placebo

Suddenly everything feels like it’s getting bad again

All joints popping/clicking and right one grinding and clicking

lifting211's picture

Just pinned 225 mg in my right shoulder I’m trying to do as close as possible to 2mg/kg I’ve read it has the optimal effect at this doesage with less chance of obtaining sideffects

My next pin will be a week from today if all goes well.

My pentosan is 250mg/ml I’m wondering if I should just do 1 ml

Am I doing my math correct for the right mg/kg dosage here is a example

230 \ 2.2 = 105(round up) x 2mg = 210

lifting211's picture

I’m gonna do 3mg/kg once aweek for 6 weeks I’ll let you guys know how it goes basically all my joints seem to failing at a rapid rate this year but my right shoulder is the worst of them all and has been messed up for like 10 years now.

Right now I’m doing BPC-157 which doesn’t seem to be doing anything as usual which I’ve tried from many sources

baol's picture

Keep us informed, it's really very important!!
Thanks, baol

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giardap's picture

Can what’s being sold for horses be used on humans?


IrishWOLFhound's picture


GYM SUPPS's picture

Hello Sir,

Well some of the PEDs we use have been developed for animal use only however have been proven to have great results on weight lifters and their physiques. I remember many years ago I was given this 50ml bottle with cow picture on a it and was suggested to include that in my pre-contest PEDs list, that was scary lol

Thank for the link @IrishWOLFhound.


IrishWOLFhound's picture
baol's picture


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Sam I Am's picture


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Sam I Am's picture

Animal steroids work well so I would say you could use it if you got the dose right.

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Roider007's picture

X2 but anything with a pic of horse or a bull would make me nervous lol.