fusebox's picture
  • 583

+ 10 Alternative to steroid plot


I've used steroidplot.com for a while. Usually just tinkering with a cycle using just test with different esters to try to get some synergy within a cycle. (FYI it doesn't work to well using crap gear). Well I was bored today at work so I thought I'd start planning my next run for the spring using sust as a base and maybe a little amount of test e. And it's gone. Well after a little digging I found this so I thought I'd save some of you the trouble and post it here.


DfromPhilly's picture

Bump. steroidcalc.com got taken down. Looks like someone cloned it though here:


And for you old school guys that liked the original "the roid calculator", here's an archived version:


Gigel's picture

Damn, my every 7 days pinning long esters it seems is the worst

DfromPhilly's picture

I mean if it works for you and you feel good. I’d try every 3.5 days tho and see what you think.

When I’m on cycle the least amount I pin in m/w/f. Cruise I do tues/fri. It helps with sides for me.

Gigel's picture

I'll try, or at least reduce it to 5-6 days and calculate the amount per week accordingly.

fusebox's picture

Fuck yeah my brother D. I've been trying to find something that works.

Zalewski's picture

Thank fuck to whoever cloned it, I loved using it to see how stable the amounts were

DfromPhilly's picture


tattoofreak's picture

Didn't know this site, thx for sharing ++

fusebox's picture

Bump. Starting to plan again.

Immortaltech's picture

could you explain it a bit? does this show how much in your system? or it just means how much of a release after every injection, because from this graph it clearly shows that ed injections are the best + nice find bro

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giardap's picture

it shows daily mg release of compound after the ester is cleaved off e.g. a 1g shot of nandrolone decanoate today might release 60mg (or whatever) of nandrolone minus the decanoate into your system

Immortaltech's picture

I see that could be helpful in calculating a cycle, thx bro

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johnmarshall12's picture

Good stuff! +

fusebox's picture

Big thanks to makwa for directing me to another link to this website

IrishJerk's picture

Yeah I have been testing a mild cycle and seeing how long it takes to get my levels normal for my quarterly Dr. visits.
It comes in handy

DfromPhilly's picture

I love steroidcalc. use it all the time. +

IrishJerk's picture

Yeah I’m getting addicted too

IrishJerk's picture

Thanks for the link bro

fusebox's picture

No problem bud.

Dets's picture

I wonder who redirected Steroidgraph.com to point to a fine arts gallery now in Brewertown, NY.

Thats some A+ webhosting right there lmao

fusebox's picture

Bump for those genius's try to run sust biweekly

fusebox's picture

Yeah he's a genius when it comes to this stuff. Saw him pop in today which is why I started thinking about this again. Love his posts and hopefully he comes around a little more often.

fusebox's picture

Ran sust with EOD pins my last cycle. I don't think I could handle Ed pins quite yet. And my next run will be biweekly pins. That was a lot of pinning

fusebox's picture


Wanted to do some tinkering for my next cycle and it's gone. Had to do some searching but this is the same thing.


If anyone is interested

fusebox's picture

So I'm planning a low dose sust test e and prop run. So I thought I'd bump this

Drock_357's picture

Thanx for the link sir!

fusebox's picture


This is a link to the site. I've been having problems with my phone lately.


Cool find Fusebox. Thanks for sharing!!

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zeusmarada's picture

Dude, that's a nifty little website. Nice find! (And sure, it might be an old concept to a lot of vets with lots of cycles under their belts, but that was my first time seeing something like that. Pretty cool.)

fusebox's picture

This one is actually a little better than steroidplot. It will let you tinker without having to start over. The old one would only let you plot three times before making you start over