Forged's picture
  • 28

+ 2 feeling confused with bench (gone backwards)


right guys any thoughts on this one, I've been benching consistent for last 2 sets for 5 to 6 months now 140kg for 10 reps and 180kg for 4 reps, and this week I struggled with 7 reps for 140kg and just managed 1 rep on 180kg,

my diets not changed
my body weight has not dropped
I've not just come of a stack
and I'm not I'll
and I don't have any injuries

any ideas?

Forged's picture

bit of a quick update guys think I might have had an underlining injury which surfaced last night doing pull ups, I've had no onset pain it's just come out of nowhere, did my warm up set on pull ups(behind the neck) and straight on the first rep instant pain in my rear delt, I know some people are sceptical about behind the necks but I been doing them years with no issues and can do them with weight normally

professer X's picture

I think you pinched( hopefully only and not tore) a rotater cuff muscle. The way your humerous moves in the shoulder during behing the neck pull ups is unnatural and grinds the internal rotators.. check out anatomy and study pics of just skeletal structure along with the various muscles of the complex shoulder area.. youll see what i mean.

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giardap's picture

What do you do with your upper thoracic before/during btn pu's?

Makwa's picture

I know some people are sceptical about behind the necks but I been doing them years with no issues

All of those years may have finally caught up with you.

professer X's picture

Took the words outta my mouth.

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Forged's picture

cheers all advice guys and input I'll take it on board and am gonna try something different. Maybe take a week off and see how I feel

vhman's picture

Solid stuff below. +2’s

Bill G's picture

Sux to hear but you might just need a break.

IrishWOLFhound's picture

If its only this week maybe your just having a bad week , if it keeps up for longer then you can worry and do some changes .

sunamcaxa's picture

maybe you slept bad brother Smile

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Makwa's picture

Over training? Using progressive overload principles?

GrowMore's picture

I'd be asking why you haven't progressed in 5/6 months mate rather than why your lifts took a dive this week.

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Makwa's picture

Me too. That is a long time to be stuck at a plateau. Needs to switch things up and shock the muscles.

Roider007's picture

Many factors inc lack of sleep/rest or body not 100% recovered from previous session more cals you may have burnt that day doing day to day stuff. We all have bad days and good days i would just load up on more carbs before heavy lifts see if that helps you get back to your pb or have some time out then go back and hit it hard.

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GYM SUPPS's picture

Hello Sir,

Considering you are an enhanced athlete, in between your cycles your goal is to maintain your personal best lifts as your hormone levels at this stage are unbalanced so your situation is nothing unusual. Unless you are progressing in a long run, that is a route forward. Maintain your lifts and try to beat your PBs once synthetic hormones are back in place.


Sam I Am's picture

My advice would be to quit benching for awhile. Do dumbbells and close grip for a month then go back to it.

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IrishJerk's picture

Thumbs up.
I have to hit the dumbells hard to stay balanced on the bench.
Now I don’t really care about the weight I concentrate on forum to stay symmetrical.

House's picture

Nice. Whats all the water do?

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House's picture

Post it for everyone in forums. Let me know.

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RangerVet's picture

×2. Time to switch things up and do different exercises. It's not about the weight unless your a powerlifter. It's how you look. Lower the weight who cares, nobody cares what you lift at gym.

Forged's picture

do us think drop the weight down on dbs or try push big weight still?

Sam I Am's picture

I do. There’s also the mental aspect. Maybe you took it out of the rack wrong and missed a rep or two. Then you worry and it continues, Sometimes I’m just stronger one day and off another. There’s no explanation. Close grip bench is what brought me over 400. That I’m sure of.

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IrishJerk's picture

Close grips are the bomb it helps my stabilizing muscles, and the back of my triceps.

Forged's picture

cheers dude some sound advice there I'll give it a go and switch it up see what happens.

RangerVet's picture

+1 for taking advice and trying something different. Can't hurt as long as your in the gym. Let us know how you do

Forged's picture

will do cheers dude

RangerVet's picture

Your off cycle and need to slow down a little bit. Overtraining

Forged's picture

ive been of cycle for 2 months now though, should that make a difference

steroidmen's picture

If you make 140 for 10 . I don't believe what you do 180 .

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Forged's picture

why's that then? I've got more reps left normally at 140 except this week, but I save a bit for my last set at 180

House's picture

Over training. Take a rest.

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Forged's picture

could be but my chest session consists
of flat bb
incline db flys
incline db press
pullovers and closegrip
which I didn't think was to much but i could be wrong

House's picture

Could be if u work triceps the day before it could upset your chest routine.

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Forged's picture

could be my tris not fully recovered from Thursday just seems bit weird it's happened out nowhere