Aztmtnman's picture
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+ 7 DHB Bloods- During & Post Cycle


This was a run from several months ago, I decided to post the bloods because it looks like a lot guys are starting to run this compound and hopefully these can offer a little insight. The first 4 pages are about 10 weeks in, with the DHB at 600 wk and test at 350 wk. I pulled the plug on the last few weeks of the run after the bloodwork and the last 3 pages are 4 wks after my last DHB pin, running my std TRT test.

I don't drink whatsoever, haven't in over 6 years. So the liver enzymes being elevated concerned me. My previous bloodwork from a month or two prior to the cycle showed normal liver values. I wasn't running any orals, just test and DHB. Obviously it also had an impact on my cholesterol. I do a lot of cardio and my diet is extremely clean, no simple sugars and lots of omega fatty acids.

I'll let everyone make their own assumptions though. I was happy with the results of cycle, and really had no sides to speak of. I didn't really start to see results into 6-8 wks so it was somewhat short lived. Hopefully these can be beneficial to those out there thinking about or currently running DHB.

Ordered from: 
veprik's picture

Finally some dhb bloods, thanks dude. Its actually not that bad. What concentration was the DHB and did you experience any PIP?

Clayton8902's picture

So your red cells are all bigger than average as stated on your rdw and your platelets are elevated. Thats interesting as i expected your hematocrit, hemoglobin, and rbc counts to have skyrocketed. Ive been very interested if this reduced version of boldenone had a pronounced effect on epo synthesis as is notorious with EQ. Thank you very much for posting this bro!

As for the thyroid levels my fiancee is battling the same issue currently as she has hyperthyroidism which has been a nightmare. Her weight hasnt fluctuated very much which is good. Her endo put her on methimazole last year and we are finally getting her to optimal levels. Was this problem preexisting or did the dhb have a direct effect? This compound is very intriguing.

Aztmtnman's picture

My thyroid numbers were worse on this round of testing than previous, but they hadn’t been great previously so I can’t say with any certainty it was impacted by the DHB. There’s definitely a lot left to learn about it.

j1980's picture

Thanks for posting this up! +1

Dacky's picture

Thanks for posting. What dose of panda’s DHB were you running? 100 or 150 mg/ml? How was the pip?

Aztmtnman's picture

600mg wk. I ran a majority of it with the 100mg/ml and tried to switch over to 150mg/ml towards the end. There was very minimal pip on the 100, but the 150 had a nasty bite. It was def worth dealing with more oil, there's no way I could have managed the whole run with the 150. Even diluted with some test it was still more than I could handle.

Dacky's picture

Thanks you. That tells me everything I need to know. I’d further +2 you if I could!

Aztmtnman's picture

No prob, happy to help brother.

Dacky's picture

Cheers mate. I’ve sent you a FR as I have another question.

venganza's picture

Am I reading this right? You have low TSH , elevated T4, high T3. Keep an eye on that mate, it could turn into something serious.

Aztmtnman's picture

Yeah I'm def keeping an eye on it. I started some thyroid meds after the bloodwork so we'll see how that goes.

hammerheart's picture

How would you compare DHB with mast? What about androgenic sides, hair loss, etc?

Aztmtnman's picture

For me they felt completely different. The growth/strength gains were superior to mast, but it’s a lot more anabolic so that’s a given. I didn’t notice the same hardness & defintion I’ve gotten from mast though. Not that they were “wet” gains by any means, just a little more full if that makes sense. I’ve never used mast in a calorie reserve though so it’s kind of apples to oranges.

No hair loss, but I’ve never dealt with that with any aas so I can’t say it wouldn’t affect someone predisposed. I did have to increase my ai throughout. Several others I’ve read have had to do the same. Although DHB doesn’t aromatize I think it may increases how much test aromatizes. I read a theory that since DHB is a receptor hog that it leaves more free test floating around to convert to estro, so it inadvertently causes an increase in E2. I don’t believe there’s any backup to support that, but it seemed feasible to me...

hammerheart's picture

Well being a DHT dihydroboldenone will display strong affinity with the AR so that weaker compounds (Test) will be left floating around and do nothing than aromatize, plus it will strongly bind to SHBG too and that will indeed dial up free T.

Thank you for your answer, it sounds exactly like what I was looking for.

As for hepatotoxicity, according to research DHB seems to increase liver weight... not much of a good thing. Bloods cannot tell in that case I believe.

Your D3 vitamin levels are poor, I'd take no less than 5000IU daily.

IrishWOLFhound's picture

+1 for posting bloods

Aztmtnman's picture

Thanks Irish, appreciate it.

Aztmtnman's picture

That’s what Bearded was saying below, thanks man. I’ll look into the gamma test. I wonder why it isn’t used more if it’s a more reliable test. Prob more expensive than std ast/alt..

Bearded_muscle's picture

I wouldn’t worry about those liver values. Mine for age 18-25 were always between 40 and 55 for ast/alt and the doc said it was probably just from exercising since muscle damage also boosts those values. This was before touching any AAS +

Aztmtnman's picture

I didn’t know that, interesting. Did they explain how/why? I’ll def research it. I guess I just got spooked because I had thought DHB wasn’t hepatoxic. Not saying it def is, but I couldn’t think of anything else that could have been adding stress on my liver.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Short answer is ast and alt are both released by soft tissues in our body when they feel or are damaged. Everything from skeletal muscle, to organs like the liver and the brain. Naturally, heavy weight training produces elevated blood levels of ast/alt which aren’t coming from the liver. I’ve heard ggot? (Not sure if I spelled that right) was a more accurate marker for liver health but I need to do more research before I can speak on that.
Also keep in mind the reference range. Mild elevations are 2-3 times the normal range, moderate much higher, and severe elevations can be well into the thousands. Just don’t loose any sleep over it right now is what I’m saying.

Aztmtnman's picture

Thank you for the info bro. Makes sense, good to know there can be other factors contributing to ast/alt. Learn something new everyday.

Cade35's picture

Thanks +1
Got some of his test on hand

Owes a Review × 1
Aztmtnman's picture

Thanks Cade. Was running his test ace, prefer short ester test on cycle.

RangerVet's picture

Your bun is decreasing and is almost fine.
Your hdl needs work. Don't stop monitoring cholesterol.
Tsh low ask md if thyroid needs meds or is ok for him.
I am a registered nurse. If there is specific questions you want to know just pm me. Good luck
Your wbc are fine. Nothing to worry about.

Aztmtnman's picture

Thank you for the input. The dr already put me on some thyroid meds after the bw, so that’s a good call.

Aztmtnman's picture

Thanks Rusty. Crazy thing was I donated about 4 wks in so they jumped back up pretty quick. I donated again after that last round of bw.

The white blood cell I believe is unrelated. My lymphocytes have been elevated in almost every test over the last couple years. Working on getting to the bottom of it with the doc. It isn't symptomatic at the moment fortunately, but hopefully can get it figured out soon.

Too bad the serum test level didn't come through in the first bloods but apparently not enough blood was provided. It showed my free test at >50 pg/ml, so I guess it capped out there. My serum level in the 900's was while running my TRT dose.

Hunter2400's picture

Thanks for the info....DHB has gotten quite a bit of attention lately including my own. Which test did you order from LabCorp? I need to get a full panel done this spring. Did you have any stat changes in the few weeks you ran it? Muscle gain....BF loss? Libido changes?

Aztmtnman's picture

The doc ordered all the tests, although I made sure she included the lipid panel since I knew it could be having an impact. The standard for a full panel is usually complete metabolic, TSH for thyroid, liver function, lipids and then hormone docs will usually add things like prolactin/cortisol/dhea/progesterone..and obviously test and
estro. Obviously I’m leaving some out, but they are all listed at the beginning of each new panel on the bloodwork.

I had a very moderate calorie reserve since I wasn’t trying to add a bunch of mass. I hit a few new PR’s so there was definitely some strength gain. No change in libido, either better or worse. Recovery was noticeably better, as can be expected. Hope that helps bro.

Aztmtnman's picture

I don’t know how to rearrange the images, but looks like the very last one is actually the first page from the on cycle bloods.

Aztmtnman's picture

Thanks bro, I had it all edited out and just selected the wrong copies. I hit edit as soon as I posted it and put the right ones in. You must of clicked faster than I did, lol. Thanks though.