Vince Martin's picture
Vince Martin
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-1 Light steroids cycle


Hi !
I would like to make a light cycle of testosterone enanthate 500 mg for 6 weeks. what do you think? should I use arimidex 0.5 mg/day? how many weeks does PCT last? Should I use clomid and nolvadex together?


Ellingham's picture

Still missing some vital stats but a basic 1st cycle would be
Week 1 - 12 Test e 500mg PW
Hcg 500iu twice a week
Adex/aromasin - person dependant (for me 0.5 adex ED would be needed for 500mg test but i seem to need more than most) blood work mid cycle would be your best bet to dial in AI dose

Start 3 weeks after last pin
Nolva 20/20/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50

Some people dont get on with clomid so 100mg can be too much for some

TheFlash85's picture

Fucking mouth on a twig robbers dog. Get too fuck

Huggybear1's picture

I have no idea why or how this made me laugh so much lol

helloBrooklyn's picture

Once homeostasis has occurred, your body is now primed for a new cycle

Has this been shown through clinical studies? I really don’t think it’s that cut and dry. I’ve never seen any evidence to prove that the “fresh receptor” concept is actually real. I’ve seen plenty of anecdote, but anecdote isn’t science.

Anyone seen studies on this?

Here’s a rat study at least to suggest that androgen receptors are constantly upregulated to accommodate a greater concentration of androgens in humans. We already know they don’t downregulate while off. Human trials, anyone?

Disclaimer: I’m not trying to justify anyone blasting indefinitely. Just seeking the most scientifically—not anecdotally—correct info possible.

helloBrooklyn's picture

I appreciate that response. I would hope—I would really really hope that Rich Piana and Dallas McCarver was all the “scare straight” guys blasting multiple grams of gear for extended periods needed. It’s too bad that people have to die before it’s clear that steroid abuse can be very dangerous. The fact that there are people out there—most notably Dave Palumbo—saying steroids had nothing to do with McCarver’s death shows me that a lot of guys are in denial and will only hear what they want to hear.

McMeanie87's picture

Get it together bro..most uneducated choice of a cycle..literally a waste of time.maybe u will get a hard-on or something out of it from the test but that's all ur gonna get from this "cycle"

Sam I Am's picture

McMeanie lol. +1

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Cummin apart's picture

Open up here it comes! No spoon feeling bro,
Do a little more research and then if you can’t find it ask

Dets's picture

He has to be a troll.

No one can "research" AAS for months and ask these types of questions, I don't care what your education level is.

I never posts on these threads because the information is all already on the site, literally pages of it. Just read the top 10 threads on this forum and you'll get all the info you need.

To the rest of my fellow eroid-ers : Why not let natural selection take its place and let this one just die off? Do you think you owe this retard anything to save him from himself? If he can't read basic English, its not AAS that will kill him, its life. Never understood why these posts just don't get deleted, they just take up room on the site, literally wasted bytes.

Dets's picture

My whole thing is that he is lying when he says he did months of research, thats obviously not the case.

I'm saying why isn't this just straight deleted. Literally adds 0 to the forums.

If you think my question from a life long athlete asking about windows of time in AAS use and this is the same, then I'm at a loss at what else to say to you.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Stopping a test E cycle 6 weeks in is the equivalent of being blue-balled. Research, friend.

Jayzgainz's picture

My friend I believe you should look into compound esters, what they are and their half lives for starters. Really, do what you want but when you run your 1st cycle you can make all sorts of gains if done correct. Not trying to be a dick but all these questions are things YOU must know. No one from this forum will be with you or write your cycle or pct. We can help out along the way to fine tune and counter issues that arose but you must understand the basics. Here are a few links to get you rolling.

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Jayzgainz's picture

For sure! You never want to have a bad cycle but you definitely dont want to have a shitty 1st. You can do really well. Just need a diet that is on point for your goal. You have all compounds on hand and have a thorough understanding of what they are used for and how to use them. Remember, we are messing with our bodies which have evolved into self regulating machines. Now we go and fuck with that process, we need to be ready to deal with its kickback. Try yo think of any and everything that could go wrong. The one thing you miss will be the one that bites you in the ass. When you are ready, throw your your cycle plan in the cycle log area and have the community critique it. Just have thick skin and be willing to accept criticism. The one thing Ive found in my time here is people are more than willing to help us newbs as long as we remember these are people who have been in our shoes long ago and try to prevent mistakes that harmed them from harming us. Just keep reading and searching the site. Read forum posts even if the header doesn't interest you. Ive found much good info in the comments section.

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krisandlou0812's picture

Still missing a lot of the stat info requested. Give as much info as possible when asking for advice. Think of it as going to the doc when he asks you whats wrong and whats been going on. If you don't give him all theinfo he needs how can he properly diagnose you