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+ 4 Steroids 101 (For Beginners)


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Leoncjl69's picture

Is 300mg every 3.5 days okay for first test e cycle? Just that the 10ml bottle strength is 300mg per 600mg per week thanks.

Jonwiggs8's picture

To be honest with you if this TRULY your first cycle then thats too much. My first cycle was 400mg of Test E and 200mg of Deca and I gained 19 or 20lbs. Try to take the BARE MINIMUM that you can for 2 reason. 1.)your androgen receptor are fresh and when you first take gear, you will grow just walking past the gym or looking at weights. 2.)by taking the minimum it will keepnyour tolerance low, so the next cycle you do, you won't have to take very much more to get good results. If you start out at a high dose, then you will be needing to take ridiculous amounts far too soon, just to get minimum results.
It's ALWAYS BEST to take the least amount possible to get away with the results you are looking for, bc with anabolics there IS a level that you will reach where you will get diminishing returns. The anabolic game is all a risk/reward.

Vincent Vega619's picture

I think you should do a little bit more research to be honest you need to find what your pct is going to be prior to your cycle or at least eist tailor it to the cycle your going to take. Never buy as before put always buy together just in case BE SAFE! NOT SORRY. I hope you find proper info and good luck. You will get gains from. That amount of test but most people stack and to build a proper stack I would need to look at body style what your goals are don't training schedule etc. There is alot that goes into this stuff. Not flaming you just trying to tell you to research in a chill way.

Alexroid's picture

For a beginner cycle,, my personal recommendation would be Hgh together with oxandrolone, for a smooth result.
No water retention, quality muscle growth etc. no hardcore needles needed if your not a fan of injections.

Atlas53's picture

And best choice would be just anavar or tbol solo)

StephenAT's picture

Never run an oral alone you will have symptoms of low test. Take even a low dose of 100mg a week of test base and you will feel better and the results will be way better than dbol alone

Brutus94's picture

Took dbol with test e. Made me blow up like water balloon. I was definitely stronger but for the amount of water retention I had it just wasn't worth it to me at the time. I also ran this in summer not knowing how my body would react.

Tiltgauge's picture

Well I finally came to a decision to join eroids as I've been struggling ever since the pro hormone band. I ordered some dbol and this is my 3rd day at 20 mg. I know it's not recomended to run a dbol only cycle but I wanted to see how I reacted to it as it is my first time. Can anyone share any experience they've had like maybe how long it took before they saw some gains? Thanks

JuicyJoe's picture

says youre 5ft 7 and 100kg. If this true and you are fairly lean then i dont think this amount of dbol is going to give you much post cycle gains. If alot of your weight is fat then taking a dbol only cycle is not a good idea if your goal is to look better.. Ofcourse it depends on your diet but dbol is far from the best choice. Also as you probably know dbol converts to estrogen easily so if youre not taking an AI then your missing out on a lot of Free Tesosterone (the Tesosterone that actually counts) and instead youre aiding water and fat gain. To answer your question you should have maximum nitrogen retention by the end of week 2 on this dose providing your diet is on point. (These ''gains'' will disappear post cycle) As far as when you will receive permanent gains it should be daily and will depend on how good your training and diet is... eg.. if you trained arms every 2 days or so then you would ''see gains'' in a matter of a week or 2.

Tiltgauge's picture

Thank you for your input, yea I have about 10-15 lbs of fat I gotta lose. If I start to get sides I will get the AI but someone else told me that taking it might hurt any gains I would get. The only real reason I got the dbol was because it was cheap. You get what you pay for. Is there anyway I could send you a friend request and we could talk some more

JuicyJoe's picture

Ive sent a request. check on your profile page.

Cuedah's picture

So I want to start my first cycle. Haven’t been able to find anything around here. My first question, what site should I use. And what kind of pct clomid novadex etc, should I get? and whats the best rated brand for test e?

mrbones's picture

I don't think your allowed to ask for sources publically

vhman's picture

Haven’t been able to find anything around here

Really!?! How much time have you spent on the world best and largest review site? How much have you used the search function, time browsing the forums, time browsing the rankings, etc., etc.?

If you’ve got legitimate questions, great; if you’re looking to be spoonfed, then you won’t last long here. Good luck.

Leoncjl69's picture

Is 300mg every 3.5 days okay for first test e cycle? Just that the 10ml bottle strength is 300mg per 600mg per week thanks.

Greg's picture

It's not best.
You're in for a world of hurt when you start using that overdosed gear.

If you can't afford the few dollars for the proper gear + PCT, you can't afford proper blood tests.
If you can't afford the proper blood tests you can't afford the food.
If you can't afford the food, you shouldn't be cycling.
Pay your rent and other bills instead. Enjoy a night out. Or, be all in and do it right.

2legit2q's picture

That's not how you spell copyright, mate.

ChrisCut89's picture

Good stuff

Ronburgundy's picture

A lot of good info here but maybe a bit outdated?
This beginner cycles seem a bit contradictive to info typically given out today. The beginner cycles all say to run nolva at 20mg/day throughout cycle--no mention of ai use or estrogen control. Could be cause for confusion for new users. Ai use if bloodwork shows e2 out of range and save nolva for pct and only on cycle if nipple sensitivity occurs. Or if gyno prone, run 10mg/day throughout cycle with an ai.

Musclepants1's picture


Dantheman85's picture

That was a while ago, ivr been back and forth on what site to pick any sugestions

Dantheman85's picture

That was 7 years ago and i did the same thing a year later with the same results..i kinda want to try tren this time

Dantheman85's picture

I took test e 250 3x a week and mixed sust 2x a week plus winny tabs my first time and took n.o explode and celmass and i was huge all summer

Cuedah's picture

How much did u loose after you stopped?

esheen13's picture

Hello mates-very new, hope I am not posting a question in wrong place, please let me know -Just a question-I ordered Anabol ts caps 15 mg , any experience with this? Says in comes with stuff to help liver problems-also just started low dose test from my doctor also, looking to put on a little weight/strength

Thanks in advance

PainIsProgress's picture

I agree with muscleman1687. Thats exactly what i did my first cycle and got amazing gains. My second cycle i added 400mg of tren a week split in two doses mixed with the test. I GOT HUGE!! But took a long time to recover, be very careful with trenbolone. Its strong stuff

muscleman1687's picture

hey man,i've done a lot research before my first cycle, if you are new to steroids, Testosterone is best for your first cycle, cause you will feel the testosterone when its isolated, you will see the gains, side effects, and everything you experience in during your cycle to just the test.
you can start with test e or test cyp at 500mg per week., split into 2 injections each week of 250mg each.
this is just a personally suggestions with my own experience, hope it's helpful to you.

Nickm216's picture

I need help I'm wanting to start using but where would I order from and how the shipping is taken care of it heard it can be sketchy and it's not and is tren 200 something good to start with and I just need help. IDK if somebody can pm me that would be better.

Drock_357's picture

Welcome to eroids! Tons of info on everything you need to training ect..I suggest u spend some time reading and learning eating and training BEFORE you get involved with 25 and 155# u r not ready! Knowledge is true power not gear! Good luck

Nickm216's picture

OK well iv been on Anadrol which I know is not in seen some improvement my metabolism is still way to fast it done just about everything and my brother got to taking super t and he's been having some massive gains and it gotten really curious about what it can do for me

Drock_357's picture

I understand the temptation to jump on some gear and go but the reality is that without the proper nutrition you WILL loose any gains made during the! Nutrition is where u will get and keep the gains from all the sweat you put in at the gym....not the gear..gear is there to " enhance" the diet/ nutrients with proper training. I'm happy to help u get on the right path or will get someone that can! Lots of good guys in here that know their stuff when it comes to nutrition!

Cuedah's picture

So I was going to eat a lot of veggies with chicken and one side of beef a night. Measured for weight so as to not over eat. On top of that I’ll have my 2 shakes a day so that would be 5 or 6 small meals a days. Any help would be great.

Nickm216's picture

I meant to say which is not a steroid sorry

Whitetrash's picture

Terrible advice

Catalyst's picture

If you think running deca for 8 weeks makes sense you know sod all big boy.

OG UNCL3 R3DRUM's picture

What would you recommend for a beginner that's never tried it before whom worksout 5 days a week 1 hour a day just started

Catalyst's picture

You've just started training high BF and you want to run gear? You need to lose a load of fat first and put done time in at the gym to build a base before steroids should even be a consideration.

Makwa's picture

Where are you getting this from? Is this something you have personallly done?

vhman's picture

Horrible advice. This is a section for beginners and what you gave is a mess on any level.