PukeStack's picture
  • 24

+ 1 Anyone ever try 4 weeks on 4 weeks off continuously?


40 years old. On trt 100 mgs test cyp per week so no pct required. Numerous cycles under my belt. Will use short esters and orals. I won't use orals every cycle because 26 weeks a year on orals seems retarded to me. I'll mix it up.

It's not that I don't like being on for 10 weeks or more... I just don't particularly like being off for so long.

Also, sides start to build up like lathargy, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea.

I'm just thinking at my age and having built a base I may enjoy and feel better on shorter cycles and i can cycle my training intesity a little better on a more regular basis. Any feedback from anyone who has done this kind of thing?

XmadXscientist's picture

I was just recently talking with a friend who's in his late 40's on trt about cycle length and maximizing gains. He's been cycling for 7 years now and over the last year or two he's been using short ester cycles like ace and prop for 6-8 weeks and taking 8-12 off. He felt that around week 8 his gains fell off and there wasn't much point in continuing the cycle or getting extreme since he could cycle off and let his receptors clear some for next time. He says that employing this method has made him feel the best ever and he looks really good too so I would say it's working. I plan to incorporate this approach in a year or two.

Jamesli's picture

First off on 100mg weekly you're never off, just in a very low cruise but still above average test levels, making holding to gains easy.
That says, 4 weeks ion/off imo is just rollercoastering your hormones, I'd think it's safer t up the dose 12 weeks at a time (or 10 or 8 even). Otherwise you're mostly just playing with water and glycogen, hormones still take time to build quality muscle.
If worried about sides/health do what I'm doing, test and some mast to balance it out. No need for cosmetic drugs etc.(I'm on Superdrol currently to kickstart however I'll admit!)

DfromPhilly's picture

No need to research when you have a theory to blindly follow.

Where have facts and real life experience ever gotten us, really?

Jamesli's picture

As for how's my team going, it's great.
I've done 1 blast, one long cruise which helped me recover from a major injury (the reason I hopped on), and now started my 2nd blast.
Following this I plan to PCT for at least a few months off maybe up to 6.

Jamesli's picture

In regards to constantly coming off/on from a cycle where he is shutdown then building levels back up, yes he will be higher.
He's also 42 and 600 will be great.

DfromPhilly's picture

I remember being 900 3 or 4 weeks into my second PCT and 750 3 weeks after PCT. still have the bloods somewhere too to prove it.

So there's 3 points against his theory

Forget the fact that the OP doesn't like to be on more than 10. So tell him to do 12?!... or recommending Mast to someone when you don't know what kind of sides they're prone to. Let's hope it's not shedding with that advice.

DfromPhilly's picture


Jamesli's picture

As I boast?
Learn to read a post in its entirety and not cherry pick out points that change what I appear to say.
In contrast to coming on/off being shutdown and building levels up, yes, he is certainly in a better position and will be above avg levels.
You must be willingly ignorant now.

PukeStack's picture

Yeah 100mgs leaves me mid 600s. The doc had me at 150 for a bit which had me 800s but he thought free test was high. Don't remember what it was but we went back down to 100. I have been researching a lot about short cycles recently. 2 weekers, 3 weekers, 4 weekers etc. the 2 weekers seem more geared to someone trying to avoid shutdown. Being on trt, i dont have that issue so I am thinking more in the 4-6 week range for cycles.

Sam I Am's picture

My hemocrit got pretty high last year and I did 4 on 4 off for a year. Just Test and provi. It gradually lowered. It worked better than expected. It's effective with short esters. Next cycle I'm going 8 weeks and adding a compound. Probably NPP.

Owes a Review × 1
PukeStack's picture

Awesome. Thanks for the reply. If you google short cycles you don't ever really see someone say i tried it and it sucked. You get a lot of "why would you do that? Seems dumb" From people who didn't ever try it. Did you give blood at all over that year?

PukeStack's picture

Answered most of that. Not going to go into every cycle i ever did just to have you not write back again or just say "bro, why not just do test cyp for 12-14 weeks?" If you google this question that is the kind of responses you will get. If you have done back to back short cycles than talk about it. I have not. So my answers aren't relevant. These posts get clogged up with nonsense.

Goose24's picture

Just out of curiosity were you put on TRT from a doctor due to steroid abuse? Or is that just self prescribed TRT?

PukeStack's picture

I'm a little bit curious why you asked that question at all because it makes me feel like maybe you didn't understand my post fully. If you were to do two 12 week cycles a year, that would equate to 24 weeks on and 24 weeks off which at 48 weeks is just about a full year. Now the 12 weeks on are great but they are also a huge commitment in time at the gym and at the table in order to get the most out of your cycles. By the end sides may be piling up as well as fatique and potential injuries. Then its a decently long haul of 12 weeks off trying to hold onto gains before you are on again. Doing six back to back 4 week cycles is the same two cycles of 12 weeks on and 12 weeks off. You just make less gains per cycle but lose less as well during shorter off times. Seems more like personal preference and lifestyle than anything. I'd rather at my age go balls to the wall for 4 weeks at a time and then eat a little less, workout one less day a week etc for 4 weeks and see family more, put a little more time into work etc and then hit it again hard 4 weeks later. I even feel like i was smart about the orals. Most would say orals make a lot of sense for a short cycle and they do. But if you did two 12 week cycles a year you may decide to kickstart the first 4 weeks of each with an oral. That comes out to 8 weeks a year. It doesn't seem smart for me to do it every 4 week cycle so i may include them every 3rd cycle or so and use tne or test suspension etc for the others to get the quick acting effects from day one without the liver toxicity. So anyway, not sure how your question was relevant to my inquiry as you seem to imply what I am sugesting is reckless and steroid abuse more than anybody else who is on this steroid forum.

PukeStack's picture

It's hard to say for sure but i really dont think it was steroid abuse. Prescribed by doc for test in low 200's and upper 100s depending on the test. It was a rough couple years with low t before the script. I have done more cycles since getting on trt than i did before since its so easy with no pct and my natural t is fucked anyway.