Gorilla200521's picture
  • 48

+ 2 Bloods For HGH and Testosterone


Ran Angtropin green tops at 4 iu for 4 weeks then went to 6 iu 2 weeks with 10 iu Im Protocol 3 hr before blood drawn.... Really impressed with serum level , thought IGF be a bit higher , could it be because the liver was still releasing the IGF from high HGH .? I was also running 500 mg Alpha test e , is this the range it should be around? or higher? My HDL was pretty low, anyone have tips to raise it? I been taking fish oil and started taking Cardinine (GW) 2 weeks ago before bloods which supposedly help but didnt show positive results on blood test. does it take a while to work or does it not help Cholesterol.... Will def. be ordering another Angtropin kit.

SPL's picture

Gorilla your serum is good where it should be for about 10 Iu but IGF is a too low for the amount of time At the dosage youhave taken It looks like the bioactivity of your GH is not on par

TrenAllDay's picture

Estrogen plays a role in igf-1 conversion....look how low his estro is.

Gorilla200521's picture

O really!? i didnt even think about Anavar causing that. since its weak and pretty much side free. I been taking it for 4 weeks now.

TrenAllDay's picture

Try to raise your hdl and ldl naturally because you will have to stop the gw at some point. Someone posted how he made his HDL/ldl in good range, try giving it a search. I'll try finding it later otherwise.

TrenAllDay's picture

yes i know i worded it incorrectly, thanks though.

Gorilla200521's picture

Okay thanks man. Im pretty sure it has to do with taking Adex more than my cycle. My diet is clean and do weekly cardio and at a lean bf.

TrenAllDay's picture

What is your gw dose?

Gorilla200521's picture

20 mg of enhanced athletes... I feel the endurance benefits from it. so pretty sure its real. I bumped up my fish oil intake from 2000 mg to 4000 mg. and primrose oil

TrenAllDay's picture

I was using 10mg and it didn't do much towards my lipids but when I bumped it to 20mg, my total cholesterol dropped about 100 points

333's picture

Dam your estradiol is on point what dose you taking for that

Gorilla200521's picture

Lol, i was actually surprised. i gotten blood about 2 months ago and my estro was really high. so started taking .5 adex ed to lower it then last 2 weeks been on .5 eod . going to keep it at that dose while upping my test a little bit. i was taking 500 mg Test a week and 750 Eq