spike03z's picture
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+ 2 Recent bloods road to fertility


For the first time in years my total testosterone is over 500 LH and FSH also within normal range 531.5 to be exact. Am currently taking 1500ius hcg twice a week and also clomid 50mg daily . my free testosterone is low and my sex drive is also low 9.2 to be exact . How can I increase my free testosterone .
Is it normal to have normal range total testosterone and low free testosterone. My goal is to get my lady pregnant this year
All inputs are welcome
Happy New Year to you All

Ordered from: 
growthman's picture

After 15 years of moderate to heavy aas usage we conceived last year. After a couple of bb comps with fairly heavy aas I ran;

Hcg 2000iu eod ish for 2 weeks
300mg clomid day 1, 150mg day 2, 50 mg ed for 2-3 weeks.
40mg nolva ed day 1-15, 20mg ed day 15-30

Super old school protocol but it works.

You can increase free test and sex drive with proviron, however, I do not believe it will contribute to the restoration of your endocrine system.

Pale's picture

I am not sure what level of clomid is toxic but that is likely pushing it.

growthman's picture

Probably overkill on the clomid in day 1 and 2--this protocol is old like late 90's early 2000's. What's with the name change Whatd you do with my Darthie?!?

Ronburgundy's picture

Are you running prescription clomid or source from naps? If so, what brand ?

EagerToLearn's picture

The reason your sex drive is low is most likely your non-existent E2. Weird that your E2 is that low since HcG is known to induce specifically aromatase expression and activity... If your E2 has been like that for longer than a year I would advice to get a BMD DEXA scan, since you might be on your way to osteoporosis. Also weird that your LH is that low given you are taking 50mg Clomid/d. I would guess that your free T is that low because Clomid is known to raise SHBG. Good luck brother!

EagerToLearn's picture

One way to lower SHGB is exogenous test (especially orals) but that would be counterproductive in your situation

PPGfreak's picture

That's great news bro +1