jp82088's picture
  • 192

+ 6 Bloodwork 400Mg Weekly Balkan Test C :( Please no Karma some vets chime in please.


Can someone help me out here? I been doing 400mg weekly of Balkan Test c weekly for about 7 weeks to find out my Total T levels are slight above the higher end of a "natural" 1247. My dosing protocol is Mondays 200mg/Thursdays 200mg.I also have previous bloodwork I get done always to compare before I start any cycle.Also I like to Note I DIDN'T pinned Monday and Drew bloods on Tuesday then after pinned that afternoon.(Not sure if that had anything to do with it.) But I'am still bummed out with my Total T ##'s I DON'T WANT NO KARMA.I just like to know a answer.Thanks in Advance.

Ordered from: 
robxl12321's picture

nice for 400mg

Owes a Review × 1
bigchips27's picture

I've never had any issues with ashop.

If its the same batch, I'll go pull.
I'm cruising 200mg/wk

Pale's picture

Same here. I jump around between a few different sources but I can confidently say this is one of my choice ones.

jp82088's picture

Whats your opinion? Is this low?

Pale's picture

It is difficult to say. Some people absorb test well and others not so much. I have had blood tests on gear that guys were getting 5000-7000 and only had me at 1800. Do you have any previous blood tests on similar dosages with other gear?

jp82088's picture

Please do.

bigchips27's picture

I'm running same product. Haven't tested.

What's your batch number?

jp82088's picture

They're Amps.I like to note Ashop sent me them and some have different ##'s? I assume verification code and exp? This is the EXACT reason why I always ask to have them ship in Original packaging.So no need to guess anything.As soon as I get home I'll write the batch #'s I'am using.

Makwa's picture

Definitely seems a little low. You tested in the trough so I would expect levels to be lower but not that low. When I use 300mg/wk my levels are around 1250-1300 so you seem a little low with 400mg/wk but it could just be how your body utilizes the test. Have you had bloodwork from previous cycles with 400-500mg of test that you can compare levels to? That might give you an indication if the test C is actually underdosed or if it just how your body assimilates it.

fusebox's picture

I'd retest if you're making good gains. Sometimes the lab makes a mistake. +1 for testing

vhman's picture

That is on the low end for sure, but it doesn't mean your gear is under-dosed 100%. There are wide variables when people test and you could just be one who tests low. Maybe not. Without other tests, it's hard to say. I would let your source know regardless.
That being said, how have your gains been? Diet?
+2 for testing and sharing! (You said no karma, but you can't stop me).

jp82088's picture

I have a baseline bloods I always get done prior to cycle my Total T is 515.8 as for my gains I am up 18lbs last couple months.But again I hired a top coach and my macros are set for a lean mass gain.I dont know the ## did dissapoint me.

vhman's picture

I meant do you have other bloods taken on cycle to compare with.
I agree the numbers are very low. It does sound like you're making great progress though and that is what really matters. Keep an eye on it and please keep us updated. Best of luck.

Livelife76's picture

Looks like the BP test is underdosed no doubt. Missing Monday's pin may influence your numbers slightly but you should still be at least in the 2000's at that dose. I've never ran BP test but have ran sp which I believe is same manufacturer and had good results. Possible bad batch? Contact Ariel she will get this worked out, now though if you don't want to post out of this cycle I would switch as you stated to another brand. +1 because I can boom

Also which gh are you running?, pharma?

jp82088's picture

Thats exactly what I thought but not at the level my bloods showed up at.

As for the Gh question? NONE! LOL I ordered some to start in the near future and found out after testing my igf1 levels for the first time they're naturally high.Funny because my coach was in shock and said thats a genetic gift.And I'am naturally a lean guy(See my pics).So I just have some Humas stashed away.

I will contact Ariel now and see where we go from here.

Livelife76's picture

Definitely high baseline bro!

SenseiMiagi's picture

Unacceptable. Sorry to see you've wasted 7 weeks. No guarantees in this hobby.

I will say that I have ran a BP Test E cycle at 500mg/wk and had bloods of 3400 at week 7. This was last year.

jp82088's picture

Iam pissed now man.

Muffins's picture

Some shitty numbers.

jp82088's picture

Tell me bro very upset.I'am going to switch to my Testovirons tonight.

jp82088's picture

@bigmurph It was 515.8 before cycle I have it posted on the bottom.Recent bloodwork is 1247

jp82088's picture

Absolutely on bp website!

jp82088's picture

I will deff message Ashop about this situation.As for getting retested I dont mind doing it again as long as he reinverse me someway for double testing.

jp82088's picture

I just sent Ariel a message so we'll see what happens.